Sunday, October 16, 2011


It has been a long time since I have posted. I just needed to take a break. Life has been crazy and I have had too many fires to attend.

But, things will slow down (a bit) now that football/field hockey/softball are winding down. Of course, wrestling and basketball will take their place at the end of November, but what can I do?

Now that you have my excuses, I need to write about other things going on. I feel like awful and am tired of feeling awful. I know it is because of what I eat. When I pay attention and plan ahead and eat well, I feel good. When I eat crap, I feel like crap. You are what you eat (I SO need to eat a skinny person, lol). A change in eating will only benefit my family- it is just so hard to change. I did it when Helen was diagnosed with a dairy allergy. I can do it again, right? I still think that gluten free is the direction I need to go. And I think it is worth a try for Helen as well. And I still think dairy is no good for any of us. Cheese is such a hard thing to live without...........

But how do you get stubborn people to do what you want them to do? They are not going to go willingly............