Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Resolutions- 2012

1. SIGHT Treat my eyes to a classic movie once a month.
2. HEARING. Treat my ears to at least one new CD per month.
3. TASTE. Make one new Indian recipe per month.
4. SMELL. Purchase one new bottle of perfume each month: some expensive, some cheap, some new, and some retro.
5. TOUCH. Be crafty- clean off my craft table and make something special.
6. MIND- Read one "classic" that I should have read {but never did} every month.
7. BODY- Get my body moving
8. SPIRIT- Pray more and read the Bible (just ordered The Bible in One Year for the Kindle)

For January 2012 I plan.....
1. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane- Joan Crawford and Bette Davis
2. MP3- Best of David Bowie
4. Since it is time for the Yellow sale at B&BW, I will be picking up a scent from there, lol
5. OK- clearing off the table will take some effort, lol. Goal is to have functioning craft area by Jan. 15
6. Classic- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (this one is FREE on kindle)
7. Planning to join gym, but until then, will do yoga at home to get stretches in.
8. Purchased Bible in One Year for Kindle. This will give 4 readings daily- Old and New testament, Proverbs and Psalms.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


It has been a long time since I have posted. I just needed to take a break. Life has been crazy and I have had too many fires to attend.

But, things will slow down (a bit) now that football/field hockey/softball are winding down. Of course, wrestling and basketball will take their place at the end of November, but what can I do?

Now that you have my excuses, I need to write about other things going on. I feel like awful and am tired of feeling awful. I know it is because of what I eat. When I pay attention and plan ahead and eat well, I feel good. When I eat crap, I feel like crap. You are what you eat (I SO need to eat a skinny person, lol). A change in eating will only benefit my family- it is just so hard to change. I did it when Helen was diagnosed with a dairy allergy. I can do it again, right? I still think that gluten free is the direction I need to go. And I think it is worth a try for Helen as well. And I still think dairy is no good for any of us. Cheese is such a hard thing to live without...........

But how do you get stubborn people to do what you want them to do? They are not going to go willingly............

Thursday, September 08, 2011


1. This time of year kicks my butt.
2. School has begun, homework has started to flow into the house, we are busy.
3. Plus, I have an all new group of kids at school.
4. Some of them have never been in any kind of structured routine. Ever.
5. Some cry. Others scream.
6. They tell me "no".
7. Many do not even recognize their name. Or know how to hold a pencil.
8. They will learn so much this year.
9. And then I will start all over with another bunch of fours.
10. Meanwhile, my own kids continue to wear me out/amaze me.
11. I think it is going to be a good year for Helen. I hope so; she is past due for a great year.
12. And hopefully, by Halloween, PreK boot camp will end and the real learning will begin.
13. And maybe I won't need a nap after school.....

Monday, September 05, 2011

In my dream world......

you all know that I wear a tiara and am Queen. But I also have a dream kitchen, with the following......

baking station with marble top for rolling dough
a walk in butler pantry with tons of storage
a jillion cookie cutters
no dog fur
a place for a lap top computer
shelving for ALL of my cookbooks
a cork board for all the things I misplace

I could go on and on, but this is a start.......

memory monday

nags head 2005
h was trying to catch the waves in her bucket
z copied everything his big did, but he was afraid of the surf......

Thursday, August 25, 2011

13! for Thursday

1. It is back to school time in my house.
2. I went back this week, kids come next week.
3. No matter how much I have done, I always feel unprepared.
4. There are so many things I wanted to do over the summer that didn't happen.
5. Next year we are going to use a giant piece of paper to make a bucket list.
6. I think being able to see it will help tremendously.
7. Uniforms are hanging in closets; socks and underwear are in drawers; school supplies wait to be packed......
8. Possum needs a new belt; Jelly bean needs new bras (!).
9. Why do we moms never feel finished?
10. I guess because as soon as we finish one task, we hear the next one calling our name.....
11. This time of year is always bittersweet.
12. I am the kind of person who always looks forward to the next thing.....
13. But part of me is not ready to give up carefree days of summer (as if anything about my life is ever carefree, lol)......

Monday, August 22, 2011

Memory Monday

first day of school- 2010
(notice helen is already missing socks..... must be in her pocket)
(and the shoes are NEVER tied)

Friday, August 12, 2011

13! (for friday)

Things I have learned on this trip
1. Folks in Covington have started driving golf carts.
2. I catch a second wind when walking- at about 1 mile I feel like I will die- 1 1/2- I feel like I can go forever (which is actually more like another mile).
3. I really NEED for my children to have a normal bedtime. For my sanity. I cannot parent after 9:30 pm.
4. My mother is crazy.
5. I usually miss David more than I expect to. This time I missed him before I crossed the Georgia state line.
6. I never get everything I want to do in one trip.
7. So too many things did not get crossed off the list.....
8. and too much time was wasted hearing old stories that do not matter.....
9. I always return home feeling very tired.
10. But I also feel very focused on the things I need to get done.
11. I need to put my marriage first- David is the person who keeps me sane, and he is the person who will still be there when the kids are gone.
12. I need to put myself as a priority- my health really is riding on it.
13. And I know who my real friends are.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

And that is how it is.......

I have crossed paths with old friends over the past couple of years. One person became someone I talked to and chatted with on a regular basis. When I went home to visit in February, I saw this person. Then everything changed. We stopped talking and emailing. I have no idea why, really. So I am left with theories, none of which are good for my self esteem. I guess I am too old, too fat, too unfun- something. All I can say is it has made me sad and I feel dumped for a second time.

Another old friend just got plain weird...... he and his stalker wife had to be blocked. I do not have time for wives of old friends being jealous and creeping on me..... especially one that I know is heavily armed!

Thursday, August 04, 2011


1. I am leaving this morning!
2. I found my camera.
3. The drive always seems so tedious.
4. But I think the stop on the way down is so much a part of the trip.
5. We always stop about 4 or 5.
6. We eat at Cracker Barrel.
7. We go swimming.
8. We sleep (or I try to).
9. In the morning, we have whatever the hotel offers (usually waffles).
10. We get ice for the cooler and gas for the tank.
11. And count the hours til we are in Georgia.
12. This year, Helen will be sitting in the front seat.
13. I will let you know if this reduces car fights.......

Monday, August 01, 2011

Memory Monday

once upon a time, hjs used a swim vest...... summer 2004

Thursday, July 28, 2011

13 13 13 13 13 13 13

1. Getting ready for the big GA trip.
2. I still have lots to do.
3. Like find my digital camera- starting to think I have lost it.
4. I need a haircut.
5. And a pedicure.
6. I need to do lots of laundry and clean the house.
7. Even though cleaning seems kinda silly when David will be here for 13 days to mess it all up.
8. Pack! I will have to pack!! I hate packing.
9. Get kids' portraits done because I haven't yet and am running out of time.
10. Buy school uniforms- there will be no time after if Helen's skirts need to be ordered. Ditto on the shoes.
11. Buy paint for Zachary's room and the closet stuff for Helen- David needs something to do while I am gone.
12. Download music to MP3 players; books for the Kindle.
13. Get an oil change, fill washer fluid, vacuum and wash car......

I could add about 13 more to this!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Thirteen things I plan to during Georgia trip
3. Visit with family and friends, especially my Aunt Sybil and **** (if he will see me :P )
6. Buy a new Troll bead at Spire's
7. Would love to visit Lake Rutledge with Rider, Harper, Jude and Bailee....
8. Visit my Dad's grave
9. See my Grandmother's house
10. RELAX!
11. Read...... (as if I have not already read a lot this summer)
12. Visit Breanu.
13. And (hopefully) get some sleep.....

Thursday, July 07, 2011


1. I am not enjoying this summer.
2. I think I might get a job next year and send the kids to camp.
3. Not enough money to do anything and tired of hearing kids complain.
4. First I get mad because they are complaining.
5. Then I feel bad because I feel like I am not giving them good memories.
6. I don't want to be rich, just comfortable.
7. I know- many folks are worse off than me and I should feel grateful for what I have.
8. But, I am human and am tired of sacrifice and struggle.
9. The one thing that I loved, my job, is now fraught with anxiety and uncertainty.
10. I feel like I can trust no one.
11. I hope that this fall brings answers, at least on the work front.
12. Until then, I will go to the pool every day and listen to my children fight and complain.
13. *sigh*

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Iced Coffee & Snow Ball Syrup Update

Tried my coffee this morning. I swear the only thing bad about iced coffee is that I always want another one. This was no exception. I followed a recipe posted by Pioneer Woman, but since I live in a much smaller place with no fancy glass coffee dispenser in my fridge, I made about 1/4 the recipe. Now that I know I like it, I will make a half batch next time. It is very easy to do. I put 1/4 pound of ground coffee 2 quarts of water and let it sit about 8 hours. Then I strained it in cheesecloth and put the pitcher in the fridge. This morning I used one Splenda, way more that a serving of Natural Bliss Coffee Creamer (Sweet Cream) and a bunch of ice....yum!

As for the snowball syrup..... I followed this recipe. I bought those plastic ketchup and mustard bottles (does anyone really use those) to put our syrup in. But, when I made the syrup, I was doubling it and (since someone had to come in and ask me 55 questions) I did the ratio 1:1, not 2:1.... not enough sugar. I went with it any way, boiling the syrup for a bit longer to reduce it. It actually worked very well- I think 2:1 would have been WAYYYY to sweet.

I promise I will try to locate my digital camera so I can add some ohotos soon :p

Monday, June 27, 2011

Memory Monday..... followed by a belated 13!

hjs @ field hockey opening tourney (date correct, time wrong)
*she is actually asking to play this year- think she has finally realized
she is better at sports than she thought*

1. Worry sucks.
2. It is also pointless.
3. Humans are the only creatures that worry.
4. "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Matthew 6:25-27
5. So why do I worry.........
6. It so hard not to, but I need to stop and trust.
7. I have two children- one a worrier, one not...
8. Their personalities are so different.
9. Bet you cannot guess which one is happier.
10. I have had way too much to worry about lately.
11. Some of it effects me directly, other issues really do not.
12. I need to say a prayer and send it up to God.
13. He will show me the right path......

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer stuff

I always try a bunch of things during the summer that I might not ordinarily consider. Today I made Snowball syrup and cold brewed coffee. Since I am now addicted to iced coffee, I thought I's find something a little cheaper than Starbucks or my beloved K-cups. I will review and post the recipes after I have actually tried them out, lol. I am quite unsure of the Snowball Syrup........

Monday, June 20, 2011

Memory Monday

z & h- brenau fountain
gainesville, ga
summer 2009
(i was waiting for her to push him, but she didn't)

Thursday, June 16, 2011


this is the first night we don't have anywhere to be in quite some time......... and I am single mom to boot. What to do, what to do........ Sounds like a good night for a movie! YAY, movie night!!!!

13! for Thursday

13 Unwritten Rules of Spitzer Haus

1. If the trash can is full, keep shoving more trash on top until Mom empties the can. It doesn't matter if things fall off the top- she'll pick that up, too/
2. If you spill, it will evaporate. Or Mom will clean it up. Either way.....
3. Do not write important numbers on someone else's wipe off board.
4. Do not move or throw away any jibbles of paper. It will be the very thing that Dad looking for.
5. Go ahead and pile your socks next to the basement door. Oh, there is a laundry bag hanging on the back of that very same door? That's ok, Mom doesn't mind picking up all the socks and putting them in the bag herself.
6. The TV stand makes a great table and Mom really doesn't mind having to take all your cups and plates to the kitchen or wiping your food off the TV..... really.
7. Mom needs to vacuum and you are playing X Box------ that is ok- just pick up one foot when she gets close and turn the volume WAAAYYYYY up so you can still hear.
8. Dogs are pacing back and forth and barking to go outside but Mom is still asleep? Don't worry, they will wake her up soon enough- no need to get off the couch and stop watching "Good Luck Charlie".
9. Mom likes chiseling dried on cereal out of bowls and scraping toothpaste from the sink.
10. If Mom says it is a rule, go ahead and argue. She might change her mind. Even though she hasn't in 10 years, there is always a chance.....
11. Don't ever drink from Mom or Dad's cup after 5 pm....... you might not like the surprise.
12. Pile everything on the table in the foyer. Mom enjoys having to put everything away and then having to find it again......
13. Pull all the shoes from the shoe basket to find your flip flop and leave the rest all over the floor- Mom LOVES to trip over all the shoes at the bottom of the stairs!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

another letter to ****

You must be very proud of yourself. You say you are your child's "safekeeper"...... the real question is WHO is keeping her safe from YOU? You have the final say in everything, fought to have her removed from a school where she was surrounded by family and put her miles away from everyone. Then you systematically isolated her and then never supervise her actions or provide any rules. Are you proud? Or are you waiting until you have completely to ruined your child? This falls almost directly on YOU and is a consequence of YOUR actions. You are not fit to raise a CAT, much less children......... By the time you are done she will be pregnant, on drugs or both........ great going, MOM.........

I thought that ....

summer was supposed to be relaxing, but 2 days in and I have had:
work drama
extended family (ie-****) drama
my kids fighting and BITING each other at the pool
Helen locking my keys in my trunk
piles of laundry
dog fur covering every surface of my house
husband out of town
(ohm wait---that last one is not bad because that is one less person in my hizzy today.....)

I hope it improves!

Monday, June 13, 2011

memory monday

david @ chesapeake high school
summer 2008
my kids have literally grown up at a ball field.......


will I ever stop doubting myself and realize that I am good enough? When will I stop worrying about other people and what they think? When will I stop feeling like I am in the 6th grade??????

Friday, June 10, 2011

I have never understood.....

the "born again" concept. It seems that many people feel that one must be "born again" to be a good Christian. What about those of us who were raised in a Christian home and never gave up our faith in the first place? I may have strayed away from going to Church, and have even changed my religion (from Methodist to Catholic) but never doubted Jesus, God or my faith.

So am I less deserving because I have not lived an immoral life and then sought salvation? I don't know- seems like one should not have to have walked a path of sin to be a Christian........... At the same time, going to Church all the time does not make you a good example of Christian values. I know plenty of regular church goers that are mean and nasty (even nuns and preachers can be not so delightful).........

Bottom line is this- believe in your heart that Jesus is your salvation. That is it. Live by His example and do the best you can to live the kind of life He would. Of course, you will screw up- you are human, not the Son of God......... but say you are sorry to all you have offended, including God and you will be forgiven. No amount of good will save you if it is done without accepting Jesus.


*again, a day late and a dollar short*

1. School is out.
2. Funny thing about teachers is that no sooner than we say goodbye to our last class, we start looking forward to our next class.
3. I am hopefully optimistic about next year.
4. I don't think it could be any rougher.......
5. I am looking forward to the next few weeks of not having to be anywhere in particular at 7:30 AM.
6. And definitely looking forward to not having to look at someone that I do not get along with.
7. I do resolve that next year will be different.
8. It has to be or one of us will not live!
9. I am looking forward to a laid back summer, with trips to the pool, maybe a few day trips and a couple of movies, too.
10. Sigh.......
11. No vacation again.
12. But maybe we can go camping.....
13. 71 days until school starts back- now I gotta make the best of them!

Monday, June 06, 2011

Memory Monday

zrs @ nags head 2009
(i know i keep posting memories from this trip, but it was the best vacation ever)

Saturday, June 04, 2011

I am grumpy......

and am beginning to feel the need for changes. If things continue on this path, I will not survive. I might live, but I will be a miserable shell of a person. I am very unhappy with things and cannot take much more..............

Thursday, June 02, 2011

13 13 13 13 13 13 13/ thursday

13 things I do not give a damn about........
1. I do not care about your cat.
2. I do not care about American Idol, The Bachelor or Jersey Shore.
3. I do not care about your last surgery.
4. I don't want to know what color your poop was.
5. Unless I am invited I do not want to know about your trip.
6. I really don't care why you were late.
7. I don't want to see pictures of your butt, boobs or tongue on facebook.
8. I don't care about your hot date (especially if I do not know who you are and am having to listen to you talk about it on your cell phone- loudly).
9. I don't care what you are doing this summer unless you are one of my REAL friends.
10. I don't want to listen to your politics. It is not that I am not interested, but chances are I do not agree with you and am calling you an idiot inside my head.
11. Unless you are my real friend, or my child is a friend of your child's, I don't care about your Lil' Boo Boo.
12. If you are a celebrity whose job is to entertain me, save your politics, sermons and other nonsense for someone who gives a damn.
13. I guess you could say I don't care about 90% of what 95% of the population has to say.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

memory monday

(a day late)
fourth of july 2009
nags head, nc

Saturday, May 28, 2011

a little tip.... the boy who takes my daughter on a date-
take her to that batting cage, then buy her some enchiladas. finish up at rita's. she will be eating out of the palm of your hand..........
.......and to the girl who goes out with my son- just be sweet and laugh at his jokes and he will take you wherever you want to go.....

Friday, May 27, 2011

13 13 13 13 13 13 13

**sorry it is a day life is gone haywire**
1. I have many things to accomplish this summer.
2. I want the basement cleaned out.
3. I want Helen's closet done.
4. I HAVE to lose weight.
5. I want to get the time management under control..... we are too busy for me to be unprepared for things like DINNER.
6. I want Zachary to learn how to swim.
7. I want to go camping.
8. I plan to host a book club meeting, a Pampered chef party and many sleepovers.
9. There are many books in the queue on the Kindle.
10. We all want to be rested, relaxed, fit and tan before school starts back.......
11. I want to hang out with friends.
12. I want to see some movies.
13. I want to go to the beach (even if it is just for a day).

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I have noticed.....

that my husband does the same thing my dad used to do...... it drives me nuts. If I ASK for help, I just want help. I do not want excuses, talking down to, made to feel stupid for asking or just have the request ignored. I hate it. It only serves to make me not want to even talk to him. Which is getting easier and easier these days.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

a belated memory monday

helen on halloween 2008
(this is the one i wanted to post, but the computer was being difficult)

13! for Thursday

1. My oldest turned 11 on Monday.
2. Yikes- I am two short years away from having a teenager.
3. And every time someone tells me "It will only get worse", I want to hit them in the teeth.
4. Helen keeps me on my toes, that is for sure.
5. When she is not annoying me or her brother, she is very funny.
6. She is thoughtful and loyal to her friends.
7. She shows a faith and depth of spirituality that amazes me for someone her age.
8. She loves dogs, horses and Twilight movies.
9. Her room is plastered in pictures of Taylor Lautner.
10. Her favorite color is "sparkles".
11. She is definitely MY child- during our recent shopping trip she found an Aeropostale dress for $4 and decided to save her Bath and Body Works gift card for "when they have the big sale in June".......
12. She also has my fondness for purses......
13. ......which are also filled with 8 hand sanitizers and 5 lip glosses.........

Friday, May 06, 2011

13 13 13 13 13 13

1. This has been one crazy week.
2. We have been paying for the 10 days off with a week of too many things.
3. I am seriously SO glad it is Friday.
4. But of course, it doesn't stop at 3:30.
5. Helen has softball tonight.
6. Helen has softball in the morning.
7. Helen has her family birthday party on Saturday.
8. Whew! I might rest on Sunday afternoon between loads of laundry!!!
9. Monday is her 11th birthday. Cannot believe that my baby is going to be 11.
10. If I let her live til then. She has been especially mouthy this week.
11. But every once in a while, the maturity suprises me.
12. She offered to watch her brother until David got home so that I would not be late to my new book club. "We are both old enough, Mom. I can make him a ham sandwich for dinner and we will stay inside....."
13. Ten minutes later, she hit him.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mary/Martha project

I have not abandoned this- I just could not post because my computer was acting funny.

Day 2-
Mary project- ask what makes everyone feel loved at home. Helen said she likes it when her room is cleaned, her clothes are put away and I cook. Zachary said he likes the animals we have and clean sheets. So I guess that means I should focus more attention on making dinner and keeping up with their bedrooms. I didn't ask David because he would no doubt just look at me like I am stupid if I asked him that question.
Martha project- clean the refrigerator. Check.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

thirteen!!!!! (smells like thursday)

1. Actually, smells like Lemon Pledge.
2. Woke up at 4:30 because I am SO excited.
3. I pick up my sister at noon today!!!!
4. My bedroom is still a wreck.
5. There is laundry everywhere- I hope she doesn't mind the mess, lol.
6. I still need to get Zachary's pants hemmed.
7. Dropping them off at the dry cleaner/tailor today.
8. He also needs socks. LOTS of socks!!!!!!!
9. It has been a productive and rejuvenating Easter break.
10. I kinda dread going back next week.
11. But there are only 5 more weeks left in preK.
12. I guess I can suck it up for that long.
13. Then by July I will be ready to go back!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Project

A friend posted this link on Facebook. I downloaded the ebook onto my Kindle and am on Day 1.

The gist of it all is this: 31 Days to a "Martha" house the "Mary" way. No, not Martha Stewart..... Martha like from the Bible. The story is that Martha was too busy attending her chores and such that she did not take the time to listen to Jesus. Her sister, Mary, sat at his feet soaking in every word. So, I am going to try to present these challenges here.

For today-
Mary project- Determine WHY you want a clean house. Once you can name the reasons, you can own it. Make a mission statement and put it where you can see it every day.

I want a comfortable haven where I can relax, enjoy and find peace. I want to be proud of my home.

Martha mission- Organize cleaning supplies.


Keep the prayers going up for my daughter's friend! His spinal fluid is showing no leukemia, the cells near his lungs are gone and his white count is down to under 5,000. He is doing remarkably well and they hope he will be able to go home sooner rather than later. We are praying he well enough to come to Helen's birthday party (early June), but time will tell.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


OK, so I am a bit ashamed at how bad my house has gotten over the past year. It has been a rough one in many ways. But with spring comes rebirth and renewal. And the trash bags, lol.

Have made much progress in Helen's room, now onto my room- which has not been properly cleaned in an embarrassingly long time. And as for the post from Sunday- purging and taking control has made me feel a bit better. So, I say "FU" to the people who have driven me crazy the past few months. I can do fine without their help (or in spite of it, lol) and will not allow them to get to me any more. Only I can make me happy.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Memory Monday

the purple gorilla at south of the border...... 2010
(traditional stop on the way to ga)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

is done.....

i am tired.
tired of fighting to get every little thing to go my way. or even not my way but not to hell in a hand basket.
tired of being emotionally bankrupt.
tired of trying to be fulfilled with scraps.
i am utterly depleted. i feel hollow. so. tired. of. trying..........
i want out, but have no where to go. i am trying to figure out how in the world it is that i feel suffocated and ignored at the same time.........


this moment is interrupted for some bitching. I have allergies. The spring ones are bad. I have had sinus surgery to remove scar tissue, polyps and cysts caused by years of infections. I cannot take regular antibiotics when I have an infection. Regular antihistamines do not work for some reason. So I still get the watery eyes and boogery nose. Helen is not much better and will be wheezing in a couple of weeks. That said- WHY ARE MY WINDOWS OPEN?

Why after 16 years does my husband not care enough to use the air conditioner and fancy filter? He would rather see me miserable than spend money on the air? Seriously? It is not hot- so the ac would only run enough to keep the humidity at bay, so WHAT THE HELL? Every spring I wish I was single.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

13 13 13 13 13 13 13

1. First day of Easter break.
2. Slept in til 7.
3. Now I need to figure out what to do with my day.
4. I have a lot to accomplish this break.
5. Not sure where to start.
6. I need to get myself some shoes; Zachary needs shoes, too.
7. His First Communion pants need hemming.
8. My house is dirty and clutter filled.
9. I know that tomorrow am I have to get blood work done and then take a load of junk to Goodwill.
10. And I would like to see some friends over the break.
11. And it will be over too soon.
12. Breaks usually are.
13. I vow I will NOT do any school work for the next 10 days!!!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


news today. One of my daughter's friends has leukemia. One of her good buddies. She has been friends with him since kindergarten. He is her lobby buddy- the one who waits for her at the front door, walks with her to band, sits and talks in the morning waiting for their other friends to arrive. The reason she has wanted to go to school on time. My heart is sick. I love this kid and am so worried. I pray for his family, especially his Mama, who is also my friend. I pray for all the fifth graders who also love him and will take the news so hard. Lord, look over this family and fill them with your Love, Peace and Grace.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Memory Monday

i am ready for the pool
zrs @ andover, june 2010

Thursday, April 07, 2011

13! for Thursday

1. It is THAT time of year, again.
2. Spring brings allergies, lacrosse, softball, Easter, the craft fair.....
3. And grumpy folks ready for spring break.
4. This week has been crazier than normal.
5. David had spinal fusion this morning.
6. He has been in intermittent pain for a while now, and he finally scheduled surgery.
7. I hope this brings relief.
8. And I hope it gets him off the couch.
9. I am tired of doing it all myself and maybe if he feels better, he will do more.
10. And yell less.
11. So, there- I finally realize why I feel as if I have the burden of the world on MY shoulders that past few weeks......
12. Feeling like I have no help and no outlet is a drag.......
13. I miss feeling inspired rather than overwhelmed.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Memory Monday

helen has always lined her toys up like this: she groups them and arranges them

Thursday, March 31, 2011

13! for Thursday

1. Has been "single" all week.
2. I hate that so much........
3. I have a hard time believing that anyone would chose single mom. On purpose.
4. Let's just say things would have to be pretty awful around here.
5. I've been busier than normal around here, too.
6. And I am so behind on housework and everything else in life....
7. I do not know how other people do it all.
8. They must not sleep or something.
9. I love my sleep too much.
10. I guess I am making up for all the years I couldn't sleep.
11. Maybe I should give up the Internet- I would get more accomplished if I quit wasting time.
12. Or not.
13. *YAWN*

Monday, March 28, 2011

Memory Monday

me and caryn as "minions"- halloween 2010

Thursday, March 24, 2011

13 13 13 13 13 13

*sorry it is tardy- running out of steam*
1. I am SOOOOOO tired of stupid people.
2. Not just ****, but some of the parents are nonsensiable too.
3. Tired of drama.
4. And absolutely sick to death of how much POWER is given to children these days.
5. I see kids who run their parents ragged. They give in to them all the time, believe everything they say and bow to their every wish....
6. WHY???????
7. My own will try to see what they can get away with as much as possible, but they do hear NO!
8. I am not going to make them feel guilty, hurt their self esteem or damage them into their adulthood by saying NO!
9. My oldest is witnessing a situation where a child is manipulating her parents to the Nth degree and getting away with it.
10. If she doesn't like it at one house, she goes to the other. Then when everyone is sick of her, she ends up on someonelse's door step.
11. One night after not being allowed to call her brother names and make ridiculous demands on my time and energy, she announced "I want to live with Grandma".
12. I handed her the phone and said "call her, cuz I am pretty sure she is going to say no".
13. Unfortunately for her she is stuck with both of her parents in the same house in an age of "my parents are not together so I can get whatever I want from the situation"..............

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

turns out...

the subpoena IS for me. now i am pretty ticked off and offended. they are asking me to show documents pertaining to expenses i share with @@@@, trips i have taken with him, any overseas bank accounts, photographs of the children taken when he was not with them, etc. um- these things do not exist!!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dear ****

Thank you for the subpoena. I am looking forward to missing my class Easter party and egg hunt while I drive to Montgomery County to provide you with documents that do not exist. You know I work in a Catholic school and the week before Easter is Holy Week. I will miss attending Mass with my class and my own children. I appreciate that. The only think that makes it worthwhile is that I believe your lawyer subpoenaed the WRONG Susan...... So I will be laughing my ASS off when your lawyer walks in to depose a 44 year old sister in law, not a 67 year old mother!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Memory Monday

hjs @ may 2003
david loves this picture- and it truly captures her spirit at age 3!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dear ****

You are a complete disgrace to women. You CHOSE to have more children, knowing the significant age difference. You CHOSE to have twins. You CHOSE to try to raise them all on your own. Now you cannot handle it. You cannot even get your teenager to a horse show that you insisted she be a part of and signed her up for. You cannot get your ass to the school you INSISTED she attend to enroll her because the 5 years olds are TIRED!? Now that the car that was less than 2 years old when you kicked your husband out has a ruined engine because you neglected to maintain it is no longer running, you go running to the very man you didn't want to be married to and ask him to give you his car, or buy you a new one? Really?

Here is a notion for you...... you wanted to be out of this relationship. So, stand on your own two feet and take care of your kids and yourself for once!!!!!!!!!! Bitch.

It's Sunday.....

time to:
wash clothes
fold them
put them away
clean the living room and dining room
clean rodent cages
vacuum upstairs
clean bathrooms..........

why do I have to spend all day on Sunday cleaning now that I work full time? I hate it!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

13 13 13 13 13 13

*if thursdays keep being this crazy, i might have to pick a new day!*

1. My baby is 8 today.

2. Hard to believe it has been that many years.

3. I still say that a newborn and a toddler is easier than two school agers.

4. Another sign he is growing up- for his family dinner he picked lasagna and mango cheesecake. Not pizza, hot dogs or chicken nuggets.

5. He also asked for an ipod for a present.

6. Even though he is growing up way too fast, he still loves his Mama......

7. And he still sleeps with the cats.

8. He is a math whiz, an athlete and video game junkie.

9. He loves Nerf guns, penguins and peanut butter.

10. He will tape a note to 3 bananas. "save for banana bread"........

11. He leaves "i love you" notes all over the house (including with a sharpie on my perfume bottle).

12. He is a terrible speller........

13. The ladies already love him and I know he will replace me one day......

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


This week, besides being the week of my baby's birthday, is also the anniversary of the birth and death of my friend's baby. Her son would be the same grade as Zachary. I know it is hard for her, especially since she sees me celebrating Zachary's birth and she still grieves for her son. She does know that I, too, have lost babies.

I do believe that one day we will see them again in Heaven. She and I will be rocking all the babies and playing Ring Around the Rosie in Heaven..........and loving every minute of it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Memory Monday

me and daddy
not sure location/ about 1970

My father died 5 years ago, give or take a day. He was not the kind of dad every kid wishes they had, not by a long shot. It could have been worse- he never beat me or sold me for drugs or anything like that. He just decided one day he did not want us. Not any of us. He chose the local tramp instead. It makes me sad that his life ended the way it did- very lonely and dumped in a nursing home where he decided to stop eating or even getting out of bed. I think he knew we were there when he died. I hope he did. And I also hope he knew he was wrong. I will certainly never know. Peace, Daddy........

Thursday, March 10, 2011

13! for Thursday

1. The 13 is usually written on Wednesday and scheduled to post on Thursday morning........
2. My week has completely sucked and I just plain ol' didn't write it last night.
3. It IS still Thursday, you know.
4. That said, I will let you know what is bugging me.....
5. My oldest child has a major attitude problem the past few days and thinks she is going to make all her own decisions.
6. Apparently she did NOT get the memo that neither me OR her father give a damn about her opinion on most things.
7. My classroom situation is not delightful and if were not for some good friends that keep the day fun, I would have lost my sanity by now.
8. I am also not feeling loved by my parents this year......... but that is OK- it is pretty much mutual (although some of my parents totally rock)....
9. I am ready for nice weather and real recess- I miss the playground.
10. I am constantly tired lately and need more sleep. The dogs and hamster do not seem to agree with this, as I have been up at 1 AM every night this week because of one of them.
11. My feet hurt.
12. I am still coughing and probably will be until May.
13. And I thought I'd give up rum for Lent, but think I will not last until Friday...........

Monday, March 07, 2011

Memory Monday

hjs @ howl-o-ween bash/bark in the park at quiet waters park
october 2005

Sunday, March 06, 2011


I was thinking about you today and wanted to say one more time I am sorry. I know that once I truly hurt you. I made choices because I loved you and I knew I was not the best person for you. You moved on, and for that I am glad. You seem happy now, and for that I am also glad.

You loved me, I know that. And the best part is you truly loved the REAL me. You and all the people we hung around with saw the most genuine version of myself there ever was. I miss the person I was then. I think sometimes that I have found that part of myself again. It took a very long time.

So many little things remind me of you. I have many fond memories and I will always care for you deeply. I have always said that I am fortunate to have been loved by some very special men..... you are one. And I am glad. You know that I still love you very much.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

I wish.......

that being sexy was not a distant memory.......

Thursday, March 03, 2011

13! for Thursday

*this is late due to illness- but it is STILL Thursday*
thirteen things that made the 80's awesome

1. tight jeans
2. gold belts
3. add a beads
4. banner house purses with whales on them
5. nike bruins
6. duran duran
7. candies slides
8. black eyeliner that had to be melted with a lighter
9. aquanet hairspray
10. love's baby soft
11. kissing potion lipgloss (cola was the best)
12. trapper keepers
13. cover girl cocoa creme nail polish

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

i hate being sick

i hate to miss work. and i hate to be home and get nothing accomplished. it sucks. and i feel worse now than i did yesterday. patient first said it was viral- an upper respiratory infection. strep culture was negative. but still i feel nasty. helen was home today (strep) and she started perking up around noon- and was she ever CHATTY! so between her and the yappy dog who feels the need to alert me to a leaf in the parking lot, or a ball of fluff in the corner, or the fact that he heard the guy leaving a pizza delivery flyer on the door---- i got no sleep.

out again tomorrow. i hate missing work.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Memory Monday

zrs makes two saves..... make it bigger so you don't miss them!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

weird random memory

I was looking at riding boots on ebay. So I cannot explain how I started thinking about ballet class..... When I was 7, I took ballet. We all wore pink tights and pink leotards. A couple of months into the season, a new girl joined the class. She had a BLACK leotard.

I was thinking just now about it. She had a unibrow and very heavy looking glasses frames (not a good combo). She wanted a pink leotard, too, so she could look like us. We just thought she was kind of weird. I can't help but think that if she had been very pretty, very funny or super cool in some kind of way, we would have all wanted a black leotard, too, so we could be like her.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


human behavior is quite puzzling.......... and i am easily confused by it.

13 13 13 13 13 13

*thirteen best things about my trip*

1. I got to sleep- no snoring, no dogs, no kids to wake me up.
2. I didn't cook.
3. I didn't do laundry.
4. No one was fighting.
5. I could read. Without guilt.
6. I saw friends without worrying about getting home to my kids.
7. I was relaxed.
8. I bought a new Troll Bead. See this.....
9. Got to catch up with someone I have not seen in a very long time.
10. I got to have a cup of coffee in peace while checking email at Square Perk, my new favorite place on the square.
11. Ok, favorite, except for maybe this place. And this one.
12. So I love the Square in Covington- I always have.
13. Can't wait until August!

Monday, February 21, 2011

hey you still make my heart skip when i look at you..... too bad you don't read this.....

memory monday

zrs @ obx
eatin' watermelon on the balcony

Friday, February 18, 2011

It's time.....

I have several hours before my trip and I am still getting ready. This has been one crazy week and I am so ready for this break. I just have a few more things to do. Like pack. It is unusual that I am not done already. And it is stressing me out.

And of course I wanted to have groceries and clean clothes for the children. I didn't get that all done either. I guess if I just hunker down after I finish this coffee I can get it done. I have just suffered an overwhelming lack of motivation lately- and it is effecting everything! Maybe this trip is just what I need!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

13 13 13 13 13 13 13

1. I am flying to Atlanta tomorrow.
2. Just in case you had not caught that.
3. I am partially packed.
4. I still need to finish up the laundry..... I have had something to do every night this week, though.
5. I know I will miss my kids (eventually).......
6. But I also know I am going to have fun!!!
7. I plan on resting, relaxing, drinking and seeing friends.
8. I hope my mom is behaving.
9. She could actually be a major buzzkill.
10. She should change her name to Buzz Killington.
11. Crap, I still need batteries........
12. Haven't decided what to wear to El Charro.....better get on that.
13. Other than that-------- I''M READY!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Memory Monday

i forgot to post this- sorry
hjs can befriend any dog, anywhere
october 2004
some winery in maryland

Saturday, February 12, 2011


There has been much said about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Many think it is made up, or for the weak of mind. Personally I think the maturity, age and experience of the "victim" is critical. There are individuals that suffer gross abuse and neglect, horrifying accidents or war and are psychologically unscathed. Others experience an event that may be considered by some as nothing. To that person, it WAS something. You can't really put in degrees and compare. It is all apples to oranges. "My rape was more brutal than yours........" "My abusive parents were worse than yours......." See how ridiculous that sounds. It is all relative in the victims mind and experience.

That said, I know a child who is close to the family that had "something" happen to her on Halloween night. We are not sure the details and I may never really know. Since the event, she has refused to go to school, she will not even go to the dentist in the town where it happened, she has had trouble sleeping, she has lashed out angrily at her mother....... So she is taken to a doctor who decides in one visit that she is bipolar and puts her in anti psychotic drugs. After one visit to him. Ummmmm, am I the only one who sees a problem with this?

There are God moments in our lives and between this development, my daughter's issues and then the idiot lady speaking at that preK conference...... I think I am being told something. Maybe I need to finish my degree and be able to do something to help these kids........

It's time.....

to start packing! Yes, it takes me a week to pack. I have to make lists, wash everything and have it all ready because I know I won;t feel like it during the week. And since I do not have to go to work on Friday at all, I have time to just hang with my kids. I will most likely take them breakfast that morning, to the Honey Bee.

So I have a busy weekend-

  • Get kids' Valentines stuff together
  • Laundry
  • Groceries
  • Cleaning
  • Sugar cookies
  • Make play dough (chocolate!)
  • Get a card for David and a little surprise for Helen and Zachary
For now, enjoying the coffee before I have to get busy!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

13! for Thursday

1. One week and a day til my trip.
2. Guess that means I will spend my weekend doing laundry and getting my ducks in a row.
3. I am still excited.
4. Took advantage of being next to the former Wharf Rat today.
5. I stopped for a beer and a cup of gumbo after the conference.
6. I had forgotten the sex appeal of men in well cut suits and nice ties........
7. There is a reason I agreed to work Men's Wear at Jos A Banks.........
8. and sold a lot of ties!
9. It is so cold here- I ended up walking about a billion blocks in the wrong direction today and thought I had frost bite on my feet.
10. And I got annoyed at the lady who was annoyed at my phone making beeps when I answered an important text to my assistant (it was a 5 word answer- 22 beeps)......
11. Meanwhile she was coughing and hacking a lung through out the presentation- which I find more annoying that a text message consisting of "no, did that last week".
12. Sometimes most of the population annoys me.
13. But I could overlook it if you are wearing great tie.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

The Pre K Workshop

I attended a seminar for preK teachers today. I got a lot out of a few of the classes, but one left me feeling very angry.

The class was about at risk kids- warning signs and how to deal with them, etc. Obviously this had my interest because I have an at risk child, plus I have always been intrigued by behavior. The presenter focused on sensory integration, ADD/ADHD, Anxiety and stress disorders and Autism. She presented ADD/ADHD as kids are over diagnosed and medicated because parents complain and want a quick fix rather than actually parenting the child (this is true to a degree, but the comment is NOT providing teachers with a bank of ideas on HOW to deal with those children in class). It went down hill from there. She got to the Anxiety disorder portion and started with the phrase "shame on America for what we are doing to these children." She went on to paint a portrait of your typical child with anxiety disorder as the victim of over scheduling, parental pressure, and lack of nurturing and down time. She said that those were the ones whose parent could afford a diagnosis. The rest were in poor homes where there was substance abuse, neglect and abuse. Their stress is rewiring their brains and causing brain damage. That our classrooms were the only loving safe haven these children have..... WTH? Kids with undiagnosed ADHD go on to have conduct disorders- which she claimed was "prophecy". Better yet, how about the fact that they are untreated means there are no skills being taught to compensate and they are not able to function and cope, resulting in a defiant child with low self esteem?

So the fact that my child began have symptoms at 2 1/2 was caused by over scheduling and pressure to perform? Or by my poverty and drug problem? That the on going issues we have are rewiring her brain? Really. Or could it be that her brain is already "wired" differently? That her perception is different than reality. Her poor executive function skills cause a great deal of her stress, not her parents.

To do a short snippet on a soap box regarding these issues is not fair to the children or their parents. Now these teachers who are unfamiliar with these children and their needs will go back school and look at these families differently. How tragic.......

Monday, February 07, 2011

Memory Monday

zachary age 2
turkey leg and a bike helmet (worn ALL the time with soccer shin guards)
ever present vacuum cleaner in the background

Saturday, February 05, 2011

I am worn out......**

the ordeal with **** has consumed me this week. The stupidity overload has taken its toll. I cannot understand how so many grown people that think they are intelligent are quite possibly the dumbest people I have ever met in my life.........

So It makes me ill thinking of the many ways this poor kid has been screwed over by parents, the lawyers, the judges, the "experts", the system....... All she wants is to go to school, to fit in, to live a "normal" life. I know children of divorce are never quite "normal" but for Pete's sake- does it NEED to be like this? If parents do not want to be together, then get a divorce. Dragging it through courts and arguing over every single little decision and literally burning money like dry leaves..... I do NOT understand. This only makes two people happy- HIS lawyer and HER lawyer. Their kids will have a nice house, a good education, college, a car, a real life......... The kids of the Plaintiff/Defendant? No- all the money has gone to another family. All the energy has gone into fighting a war that doesn't exist. All the time drained by worry........

I'll just stay married, thank you very much. ****, your idea of freedom and happiness is not worth that price.

back to december (taylor swift)

{could have written this if i had an ounce of talent...........been there}

I'm so glad you made time to see me
How's life, tell me how's your family
I haven't seen them in a while
You've been good, busier than ever
We small talk, work and the weather
Your guard is up and I know why

'Cause the last time you saw me
Still burned in the back of your mind
You gave me roses and I left them there to die

So this is me swallowing my pride,
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I'd go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing that I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I'd go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December all the time

These days I haven't been sleeping
Staying up playing back myself leaving
When your birthday passed and I didn't call
And I think about summer, all the beautiful times
I watched you laughing from the passenger side and
Realized I loved you in the fall
And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye

So this is me swallowing my pride,
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I'd go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing that I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I'd go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time

I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night,
The first time you ever saw me cry
Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless dreaming
If we loved again I swear I'd love you right

I'd go back in time and change it but I can't
So if the chain is on your door, I understand

But this is me swallowing my pride,
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I'd go back to December
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing that I'd realized what I had when you were mine and
I go back to December, turn around and make it alright and
I go back to December, turn around and change my own mind and
I go back to December all the time

More lyrics:

Thursday, February 03, 2011

δέκα τρία για την Πέμπτη

(thirteen for thursday in greek)

Pretending I just found $30 in the bottom of my is what I'd splurge on.......

1. A Trollbead (this one is pretty)
2. Bath and Body works- maybe some White Tea and Ginger or Mango Mandarin.....
3. Car detailing
4. MP3 downloads
5. Sushi lunch with David (although we'd probably go over)
6. Brown Converse All Stars
7. A solo trip to the movies (I actually enjoy going alone)
8. A box of Godiva to share with Zachary, Helen and Natacha
9. The BIG bottle of Bicardi
10. 50 Donut Shoppe K cups
11. Flowers for the front porch
12. A pedicure
13, Another Trollbead

Monday, January 31, 2011

Memory Monday

david being a tourist
(check out the socks)@
bodie lighthouse/outer banks, nc
{zach in foreground wearing sonic the hedgehog shirt}

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dear ****

One big difference between us? I still pray for you every day. I pray that you will find peace and let go of your hate. I pray that you find God again. When was the last time you prayed? Give it a try- it might change your outlook on a few things........

Getting Ready....

the trip is less than 3 weeks away. And I have:
  • found a suitcase
  • checked out all the carry on rules
  • stressed about security and not looking like a dork
  • downloaded new book(s) on the kindle
  • purchased travel sized products (including new bath and body works, cuz I gots to smell good for my peeps)

On my agenda before I leave- a pedicure and lose about 50 pounds. Don't think I will manage that last one......... At any rate, I am still excited about it. I am amazed I have not packed already!!!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011


I will be in a better mood.
I will embrace to fact that my family is intact and that my children are thriving.
I will thank God for all that I have and not want for what I do not.
I will look forward to upcoming events and take pleasure in planning for them.
I will forgive others' trespasses, as God has forgiven mine.........

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It just keeps getting better......

**** has told her child that my family, especially ME, is white trash. I was pretty mad, and then someone pointed out that for someone to say that and drag a child into it, is, well, white trash. Can I get an Amen?

So, I can say that the idea that someone with no morals, habitual lying and believes that the job of a maid in a hotel is to pick up your baby's dirty diaper is calling me white trash makes me laugh. She must be one of those uppity Europeans!

So, ****, do me a favor and go back to France. Maybe it is ok to put your children in the middle of your problems and divorce. Maybe it is ok to let your child miss 53% of the school year because you cannot get her out of bed after letting her stay on Facebook all night. Maybe it is ok to undermine every other relationship your child has with adults who care. Maybe it is ok in France, but it isn't ok in my white trash world.

13 13 13 13 13 13 13

1. Sorry the 13 is late.
2. Couldn't write it last night- see "Dear ****", below.
3. I still just do not understand how in the world she can do this to her kid.
4. Just to be the one to be in charge.
5. She won; she got her way.
6. At what cost?
7. Her daughter hates her.
8. They do not have a chance in the world to have a relationship now.
9. Not to mention the money paid to lawyers yesterday could have fixed her falling apart house.
10. I don't get it at all.
11. Plus the child is in my care at the moment and I have not heard from the custodial parent at all regarding retrieval of her ward.
12. She told me not to have any communication with her again, so would it be wrong of me to not answer my phone?
13. I can't stand sitting by and watching this happen to a child........

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dear ****,

It has been a while since I have written an open letter to you. I guess it is over due. I just want to say thanks. Thanks for making me have to comfort your crying child tonight. She is crushed that not only will she have to live with you, but you are going to pull her out of the school she picked, made friends at, and wants to go to. Now you will pull her out, put her in the fourth school of her 8th grade year and try to force to attend. Good luck with that. And when she refuses to go, what are you going to do? When she fails the 8th grade, what will you do? When she is in trouble again, what will you do? Hospitalize her? Have the police take her away again?

You couldn't just leave her happy. You had to be the decision maker. You had to be selfish. And we all seriously hate you.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Memory Monday

october 4, 2009 @ pub dog in columbia
this was a good birthday

Thursday, January 20, 2011

13! for Thursday

13 people, alive or dead, that I would like to see........ and what I would like to tell them.

1. My dad------ he needs to know how badly he screwed up.
2. Mike Hepner- my first assistant principle----- so I can slap him {he deserves it for being a liar and a poor role model}.
3. Regina- the "best friend" from high school.... not only do I have bunch of unanswered questions, I need to tell her that, while it took me 25 years to figure it out, I know now that she was never my true friend.
4. ****- I would like to tell her that she is insane and needs to check herself into the psych ward instead of her daughter. Then nut punch her.
5. Kel- nothing to tell that hasn't already been said, would just like to visit.........
6. {****}- already knows, but hanging out would be so much fun.
7. Jackie- how much I love and miss her!
8. My teenaged self- I'd like to time travel and tell myself to take chances, avoid other some of the ones I did take, to not take it so seriously and be true to myself without being a freak about it.....
9. My grandfather- I would just like to meet him and see what he was like.
10. Laquetta Brummet- so I can thank her for all that she taught me----- I would not be the same person I am now without her.
11. Jenice- so I can ask her WTF? how in the world did you decide to hate me?
12. A certain AXO sorority sister..... I would like to let her know that she made my junior year such a misery that I left two quarters early to escape, and she may not have even realized she was doing it. (or maybe she is just a real bitch).
13. Darren- needs to know what a loser jerk he is and that he is lucky I never pressed charges.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

30 days

until I have 96 hours of:

  • not having to find things that do not belong to me.
  • not being blamed for Helen's problem du jour.
  • not waking children.
  • not having to feed any one.
  • only having to wash my clothes- and then only if I really want to.
  • no one asking me for something.
  • not having to break up a fight.
  • not having to clean up some one else's mess.

I will miss my kids, but when I do, I will look at this list. And dread what my house will look like after 96 hours........

Monday, January 17, 2011

feels like...

I am always spinning my wheels. The house is never clean, the laundry is never done........

Seriously I know that part of the problem is all the clutter. You cannot organize clutter, and you cannot clean it. You just move it all over the place. I had not made routines for myself after going back to work full time and boy, does it ever show!!!!

So add to the list of things I need to do: declutter the house. I have not done a thorough declutter in a while and we are over due. Hang on kids, mama is coming with that big black trash bag cuz she is sick of your mess!

Memory Monday

may day @ brenau/ 1988
eaddy, me, cathy, lisa and allyson
these girls were my best friends- i am still in touch with allyson and lisa and love them for all their fabulousness

Saturday, January 15, 2011


did NOT go as planned. I thought I was going to be able to work in my room and made plans in my head, along with a list. When I got to school, there was a note on the sign in sheet- meeting at 9. That was basically a faculty meeting that lasted until 10:30, followed by a department meeting that took too long considering we only had two items on the agenda. 11:30 to 11:55 I was able to visit my classroom and spray down the table toys, play food and dishes and Lysol tables and chairs. Then I had to meet my pals {Cafe Hamlin has been upgraded to Hamlin Bar & Grill, due to the addition of a pool table}. 1:00 pm- back to school and an Emergency Preparation presentation. 2-3:00- back to my room to put away the sprayed down toys, write down the page numbers I need copied for the Nursery Rhyme unit I am planning. Then it was time to go. During all of this, I kept thinking of all the things really needed to be working on instead of doing what I was doing {and wishing that some people would SHUT UP}. The clean toys and Copy File are the only things I accomplished. That and the 3 bags full of socks, shoes, sweaters, sweatshirts, gloves etc. that I removed from the room, since they all belong at my house any way. Not how I envisioned my day, I am afraid......

On a good note- went to the mall. Tried on jeans in my size and they were TOO BIG! I tried on a smaller pair,and they fit- yay!