Thursday, June 02, 2011

13 13 13 13 13 13 13/ thursday

13 things I do not give a damn about........
1. I do not care about your cat.
2. I do not care about American Idol, The Bachelor or Jersey Shore.
3. I do not care about your last surgery.
4. I don't want to know what color your poop was.
5. Unless I am invited I do not want to know about your trip.
6. I really don't care why you were late.
7. I don't want to see pictures of your butt, boobs or tongue on facebook.
8. I don't care about your hot date (especially if I do not know who you are and am having to listen to you talk about it on your cell phone- loudly).
9. I don't care what you are doing this summer unless you are one of my REAL friends.
10. I don't want to listen to your politics. It is not that I am not interested, but chances are I do not agree with you and am calling you an idiot inside my head.
11. Unless you are my real friend, or my child is a friend of your child's, I don't care about your Lil' Boo Boo.
12. If you are a celebrity whose job is to entertain me, save your politics, sermons and other nonsense for someone who gives a damn.
13. I guess you could say I don't care about 90% of what 95% of the population has to say.


Lisa said...

Yikes! Someone is a little cranky today. Maybe you need to pet someone's cat :)

Susan said...

i am suffering from "dontgiveadamnitus"