Wednesday, June 30, 2010


1. I have arthritis.
2. I am old and out of shape.
3. WAKE UP CALL!!!!!!!
4. Driving to GA in 15 days.....
5. 750 miles + two kids = one nutso mom
6. They are most excited about: sleeping in a hotel, eating at Cracker Barrel and the Continental breakfast.....
7. I am hoping to NOT have the problems I had last year (drive down- Zachary had to pee every 35 minutes, hit pouring rain in Augusta, GA; drive up- sat at a dead stop on a highway in 100 degree weather for almost 2 hours)
8. Note to self, if you leave the hotel to go to McDonalds, make sure you remember WHICH hotel you checked into- yeah, that happened to us, lol)
9. Eating oatmeal with soy milk and fresh peaches- yummy!
10. Looking forward to a kid free morning (thanks David).
11. RAN down the stairs this morning without making grimace faces and holding the rail and wall!!!!!! First time in over a year!
12. Swam 300 meters last night- not bad for an old fat chick.
13. Am determined to not not let this all get the best of me- I do not want to be the old lady riding a scooter around the store!!!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Blueberry Loaf

2 eggs
2/3 cup brown sugar
1 cup soy milk
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
3 TBL canola oil
1 tsp lemon extract
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp salt
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup fresh blueberries

Preheat oven to 350; grease and flour a loaf pan.
Pour apple cider vinegar into soy milk and stir. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Mix together eggs with sugar. Add soy milk mixture, lemon extract and oil. Combine dry ingredients in a small bowl, sifting if needed. Toss in the blueberries (per the advice of my friend, Kendra, this will keep the blueberries from sinking) in the dry mixture. Mix in dry ingredients until just blended.
Pour batter into the prepared pan and bake for 50 to 60 minutes. Allow to cool in pan before removing to a cooling rack.

*when baking with soy milk, the apple cider vinegar causes a reaction which makes it behave more like cow milk. It makes your baked goods "poofier".
** you can add nuts if you wish, but my kids won't eat nuts in bread, so I leave them out.

Grocery Shopping

Going to the store later..... I need to make multiple stops, so it may not all get done today. You want to see my list? Yeah, I knew you did.......

Soy yogurt- we usually get Silk
Daiya "cheese"- a new item that I am going to try, but not tell Helen it is non-dairy
Tings- Not that they are healthy, but they are darn good!
Earth Balance- hands down the best nondairy margarine out there!

Vince's Produce
Whatever looks good, especially tomatoes, corn and peaches!

Sandwich fixings
Salad greens

Lots of other things, too. One thing I have learned about my child- she is food focused. She must have starved to death in a previous life because she worries all the time there will be some sort of shortage or that she will not be fed. It is irrational and the source of much friction in my house, but I know she functions better if she knows what and when she is going to eat. I usually keep a wipe off board with menus for the week written out. I can change my mind, or rearrange meals as things come up, but just having it there seems to help a great deal. Not being able to grocery shop on a set day and not always having what we need is taking a toll and driving me nuts. I wish I could "fix" that about her, but she is who she is and I have to feed her (department of family services said so!).

I get it that somethings are just going to be difficult. Most parents don't have to write down a weekly schedule of everything, including meals, for their child. Most children assume they will be fed and that is the end of it. This is not most households and she is not most children. I just wish that I could get everyone else to understand. When she thinks she will not eat, she panics. It is unreasonable and unjustified, but it is her REAL feeling and I cannot change it. It is unfair to stress her out about it, but some people in her life DON'T get it and find it annoying that she is so bothered by that fear. She needs massive structure in her life, and that includes food.

On a more positive note, she has been dairy free for 36 hours. She keeps complaining that we are going to "ban" dairy, but has not yet noticed she has not consumed any, lol!

Monday, June 28, 2010


Definition= an acheesement is when you do your very best. Zachary and David kept calling achievements on X Box "acheesements", and the rest is history! This plate was painted at Pic n Paint. We used it tonight for the first time to celebrate Helen's swimming ribbons. I hope the Spitzers have many more acheesements to come!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Good-bye Dairy Products

As some of you may know, Helen had a dairy allergy. We thought she outgrew it because she no longer had eczema and stomach issues. I think we made a wrong assumption. Since allowing dairy back into her life, she has ballooned in weight, become even more moody and irritable (if that was even possible) and all she wants is carbs and dairy. And meat. She turns her nose up at anything that looks like it grew in the dirt and craves ice cream and yogurt. So, I think it is a done deal..... dairy is going. This time will be harder because #1- she doesn't believe us that there is a problem, and #2- she is 10, not 5. She is on her own more, makes her own food and does not always make good choices when away from home. But, I need to get a handle on this and we are about to become a dairy free house. Before, I gave up dairy as well. And, frankly, felt great! Zachary is also lactose intolerant, so it won't kill him either. David, who says milk is for baby cows, has a harder time realizing that milk is where you least expect it. He doesn't drink milk or eat yogurt, but loves cheese. Oh, well. The only way this is going to work is by total elimination and going it dairy free and not having it in the house. She cannot eat what we do not have. This is going to be painful!

I am starting today, purging the pantry that needs to be cleaned out any way. The good thing about this is that I have not been "big" shopping in two weeks, so the pantry is getting bare. And I will need to shop alone so I can read labels and focus my energy to something besides telling Zachary to get off the cart and repeating the word "NO". My goal is to be "detoxed" before school starts back. I am considering gluten free, too, but that will be another chapter. I do not think I can do it all at once. Cheese, I will miss you terribly..........

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thirteen for Thursday

1. I want a Nook.
2. I am also considering going back to Pampered Chef as a consultant.
3. Helen needs to go to camp next year.
4. I am realizing that my kids are possibly the laziest ones EVER born.
5. I could stay at the pool all day.
6. My kids could not.
7. I hate putting away the laundry.
8. When does school start back? I still have a lot to do before it does, and it seems like time is flying!
9. Going to GA in 3 weeks.
10. Dreading the drive, though.
11. Wish I could find a portable DVD player to borrow- one is not enough!
12. Hope I get to see from friends when I go down.
13. One day I will own a computer that is not sticky......

Monday, June 21, 2010

Another No Oven/Stove supper....

Chicken Spaghetti

2 cups cooked chicken, chopped
1/2 onion, chopped
2 TBL butter
2 TBL flour
3 cups milk
1 box whole grain spaghetti noodles, cooked al dente
grated cheese (mozzarella or Parmesan or both)

In a skillet, melt the butter. Mix in the flour, stir until light brown (a roux!). Add the onions and saute until translucent. Whisk in the milk, stir until thickened. Season with salt and pepper.

Put this in the Crock Pot for 3 hours on low. Add the noodles and stir. Cook for another hour. Sprinkle the cheeses on top and let it sit a few minutes to melt. Serve with steamed (in the microwave) broccoli or a green salad.

*I had chicken left over- I used our big roaster to cook two chickens at once.
** It is a million degrees outside and we do not want to heat up the kitchen anymore than necessary. For this reason, I have decided that I will not use my oven this summer (although I will have to break down and make pound cake soon). I have been utilizing the Crock Pot, electric skillet, griddle and grill.
UPDATE: this turned out really good. I made the sauce and cooked the noodles in the morning. About 2 pm, I put the sauce in the Crock Pot. At 4:30 I added the noodles and cranked it up to high because the kids needed to eat early. Helen said it is a keeper and Zachary ate all of his after he picked out the onions.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

Father's Day is a tough one. My father died 4 years ago, but has been out of my life since 1997. This was his choice, not mine. I gave him every opportunity to know my kids, sent cards and pictures, etc. I even tried to visit a couple of times. But he had a new life and a family that he preferred to his own children. His loss.

It was not always that way- we were once close. I guess he thought his kids didn't need him once we were adults. But I still feel that pang of envy whenever friends talk about their Dads and how great they are. Their children worship Grandpa, there are parties and trips and sleep overs. My kids will never know my father- he never wanted to meet them. It is sad when a parent's wants and desires do not include the children he brought into the world........

For one thing I am grateful- my kids have a better father than I could have dreamed of and it makes me love him even more. Thank you, David, for being in my life.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cleaning, cleaning

I SHOULD be cleaning my house. Really, I should! But am I the only one who ever does? Yes!!! How do you get the kids involved? Does anyone have any suggestions? One child would help if the other one did. He stopped because she doesn't help. I even tried rewarding him, which only led to fights and arguing (between the siblings). The lazier of the two honestly does not know where to begin or what to do without me following her and holding her hand.... not the fastest way to clean! What do you other parents do to get some cheap kid labor?

Crock Pot Enchilada Casserole

12 corn tortillas12 corn tortillas
1 pound lean ground beef
15 oz can diced tomatoes
6 oz can tomato paste
Taco seasoning
Grated low fat cheese (I used nacho blend)

Brown ground beef, drain grease. In a medium bowl, combine tomatoes, tomato paste and taco seasoning. In the crock pot layer four tortillas in the bottom; top with 1/3 ground beef, 1/3 tomato mixture and a handful of cheese. Repeat until you have three layers. Cook in Crock Pot on low for 6 hours.

*Judging from the fact that my pickiest eater had seconds and my niece gobbled it up, I am thinking this is a keeper. If I was not feeding picky ones, I'd add some beans to the mix. You could probably sneak in some veggies, too!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Georgia on my mind

I SHOULD be in Georgia right now. My high school reunion is this weekend. There is a family picnic tonight and a dinner tomorrow. I wish I was there. I had to make a decision and I had more reasons to NOT go than reasons to go. I hope that when I do go down in July I can meet up with some of the friends I missed seeing at the reunion.

Instead, I will go to the pool for swim practice, take the kids to family night later (also at the pool). Tomorrow my niece will spend the night and Sunday we will visit Grandpa. Exciting times!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Have you SEEN Toddlers & Tiaras on TLC? Helen is a recent addict of the show, and I must say, it creeps me out. I am not sure what is worse- the fact that these little kids are spray tanned, made up and wigged beyond recognition, or the fact that my kids think they would want to do this (yes, even Zachary!). Some of these girls have FAKE TEETH to cover up the natural snaggle-toothed, gap filled glory that is the beauty of a 6 year old!!!!

Any way, not gonna happen in this house, for many reasons. How much money is spent on these pageants? Besides the entry fees, one must buy some pretty fancy costumes. If one wants to win, there needs to be spray tans, talent coaches and a personal hair and make up crew. Are they insane? Do they know there are children literally STARVING in this country? That children are stalked because of online photos? Can you say "JonBennet"? But it like a train wreck- I cannot look away!

Yippee, Thursday!!!!

1. I have not done this in about a year!
2. Not any easier coming up with junk.
3. I really like the new color in the kitchen- Helen picked it out. It is called "Grass cloth", but looks more "Granny Smith".
4. Teaching all day goes faster than being home all day- the past 3 days have been L-O-N-G, baby!
5. Helen is counting down the days until Eclipse is released.
6. I painted one fingernail with "Mood Magic" nail polish and forgot to take it off- now I have one blue/green pinky nail (color changes when I wash my hands).
7. Am thinking about old friends and new; trying to be more social.
8. I find it funny how trying to fit in and make friends is not any easier when you are 42 than it is when you are 12.
9. Laundry should fold itself.
10. I wish I had some French Fries right now.
11. Living in Georgia seems like a lifetime ago! I barely remember San Diego.... but going to Coronado Island every few days was sweet!
12. I also remember being followed by Gypsies and having my picture taken by Asian tourists in front of Horton Plaza. That was weird.
13. So was the guy who stole my underwear out of the dryer at the apartment I lived in.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer PLAN

I always have grand ideas about managing the kids time/behavior/learning over the summer. Some of them pan out, others do not. This summer, I do have a new plan. My goal is to make them: earn their own spending money, not have fist fights, read more, play x-box less, retain the math skills they have. So, I have a PLAN.

Each child will receive a set allowance every week. Each child will either get paid extra to do chores, read, perform acts of kindness and generosity. Consequently, they will have to pay me to stay up late, play x-box, talk back, hit one another, have me do their chores..... Sound good? I think so. My kids like their money. I don't go overboard with allowances, but the upside of them having their own is that they learn that it doesn't take long to spend it all if they are not careful, they can save for bigger things and, best of all, they are not hounding me for snowball and candy money all the time. They are finding that $1.50 everyday for a snow ball (plus 25 cents for marshmallow) gets expensive if you do it every day. We will see how it works out. The biggest thing for me will be to make sure I get money out of the bank every week to actually PAY them!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

More updates

For those who follow and were wondering, Helen had a full neuropsychiatric evaluation in March 2010. She is above average in intelligence (duh), but her executive function skills are below that. So, what that means is she is very smart, but cannot organize her thoughts, actions, feelings, objects, etc. in a manner one would expect someone so smart to be able to do. That part of her has not matured at the same rate. Therefore, she gets frustrated, angry (you name it)...... The primary problem (ADHD) results in a secondary problem (anxiety) and we have melt down. All things I already knew, but could not explain.

David and I had an IEP-A meeting last week and left with a 504 plan. Please don't ask me what the difference is. Google it and then tell me because I am still unsure myself! She will receive more time on tests, she will be able to take them in a quiet place (this is for standardized tests, not regular ones). She will have a binder system for her school work and will check in and out with the teacher. We will put together her schedule so she can see at a glance what comes next and plan her day accordingly. She will also have a watch that beeps five minutes before transitions. I feel better about things and am hopeful for her. Now that I have this chapter behind us, I will try to talk less about her issues and focus on something else.

I'm back!!!!!

I have really missed blogging, but needed to take a break to deal with my new job, my children and some other personal things. SO------ now I will try to get back on and share again. Not that anyone was reading, lol!

Included in the summer plans:
Trip to GA
Swim team
Free movies
Some crafts
Some day trips
The zoo
"home school"
Reading & a book club
Some play dates

I just wish the lap top was working, as I am more comfortable with it these days! I will attempt to get back on tomorrow! Peace!!