Going to the store later..... I need to make multiple stops, so it may not all get done today. You want to see my list? Yeah, I knew you did.......
Soy yogurt- we usually get Silk
Daiya "cheese"- a new item that I am going to try, but not tell Helen it is non-dairy
Tings- Not that they are healthy, but they are darn good!
Earth Balance- hands down the best nondairy margarine out there!
Vince's Produce
Whatever looks good, especially tomatoes, corn and peaches!
Sandwich fixings
Salad greens
Lots of other things, too. One thing I have learned about my child- she is food focused. She must have starved to death in a previous life because she worries all the time there will be some sort of shortage or that she will not be fed. It is irrational and the source of much friction in my house, but I know she functions better if she knows what and when she is going to eat. I usually keep a wipe off board with menus for the week written out. I can change my mind, or rearrange meals as things come up, but just having it there seems to help a great deal. Not being able to grocery shop on a set day and not always having what we need is taking a toll and driving me nuts. I wish I could "fix" that about her, but she is who she is and I have to feed her (department of family services said so!).
I get it that somethings are just going to be difficult. Most parents don't have to write down a weekly schedule of everything, including meals, for their child. Most children assume they will be fed and that is the end of it. This is not most households and she is not most children. I just wish that I could get everyone else to understand. When she thinks she will not eat, she panics. It is unreasonable and unjustified, but it is her REAL feeling and I cannot change it. It is unfair to stress her out about it, but some people in her life DON'T get it and find it annoying that she is so bothered by that fear. She needs massive structure in her life, and that includes food.
On a more positive note, she has been dairy free for 36 hours. She keeps complaining that we are going to "ban" dairy, but has not yet noticed she has not consumed any, lol!
1 comment:
Hang in there! I am working on some ideas but don't quite "have" them yet. We are getting a Costco north of us soon, close to the TN line. They are building it now! I can't wait!! Great job on the blog, I'm enjoying it. Completely cutting dairy would be hard around here, I know. They don't drink any milk, but they do love their cheese!
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