Sunday, August 31, 2008

Good Morning

David is away playing baseball and I don't sleep well when he is gone, never have. I guess having the double bed all to myself is too lonely (ha). Helen spent the night with a neighbor, so it is just me and the boy this morning. I love it that when I want to sleep in on the weekend my kids will come downstairs, turn on the TV and go make their own breakfast. They both know how to make a bowl of cereal or a sandwich. And, believe it or not, Helen cleans up after she makes one. Any way, I love it that my kids can do things like that for themselves. And it hasn't been out of neglect. It is because they are independent and want to do some things for themselves. (mom pats self on back for doing at least one thing right). My mom wouldn't let me do things for myself because she didn't want to be bothered to teach me how or to pick up any resulting mess. My philosophy has always been to teach them how to clean up the messes, too. I did this with the toddlers in day care. I actually had 15 month olds drinking from cups with no lids and wiping tables. They threw away trash, pick up toys and took their lunch plates to the dirty plate tub. It is harder in real life with your very own babies, but I still tried. Sometimes it has paid off. I still have a hard time getting Helen to pick up, but I think she is always going to test and see how much she can get away with. Zachary is more willing to help. Unless we are not home- he is less helpful at someone else's house. Any way ,this is my self esteem boost for the day. Now if I can just teach the kids how to make coffee.....
ABOUT the mug- I made this at the Pic n Paint pottery place. I try to take the kids a couple of times a year. This mug is painted a very pale pink. The green dots are Zachary's thumbprints; the purple ones are Helen's. Inside the cup, on the bottom is the word "smile". Now you know all about my favorite mug.

the story of the army man

Once Zachary had a set of Army men and a tank. One day, he left them in the bath tub. When I got in the shower, there was Army man having inappropriate relations with Barbie, right there in the soap dish. After that, Army man got freaky with every Polly Pocket, plastic animal and Barbie doll left in the bathtub. He was also a great holder of toothbrushes and razors. Then one day I had to fly to Atlanta because my father was dying. I was a little frazzled and had to fly out of Richmond on a one way flight, which resulted in me having my bag searched. I was quite surprised to hear the security lady laughing and holding Army man (who had lost a leg by this time) in the palm of her hand. "Did your little boy pack this for you?", she asked. "Yes", I said, adding "my 38 year old little boy" in my head. Since that trip, Army man has lost his other leg and his head. But he has been to Boston, Atlanta, Richmond, Las Vegas, and Germany. He has been sited inside toilet paper tubes, glasses cases, pillow cases, coffee mugs, the washing machine, hair dye boxes...... He went to Ocean City last week, smuggled into David's pants pocket. This morning I went to make coffee and was greeted by Army man. God, I love my husband, freak that he is........ And this was emailed to him today:

Movie Nite

Last night I watched What Happens in Vegas. I picked it because David is not home and this is NOT the type of film I get to watch when he is around. I, however, thought it was cute and, well, Ashton Kutcher is hot. Not much else to say- just sometimes a girl has to watch a movie that is sweet and silly with a hot guy in it. That's all.
Also, I need to go to bed. But, as typical for when Davey ain't home, I can't sleep. That double bed is too big (ha). Can't get comfortable without having to lay on my own arms with his back touching me. I guess I might have to move down to a twin if I am ever single again, lol.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rainforest Cafe

Ever since Helen started kindergarten, we have had "Helen Day" when I take her for a haircut and to the Rain Forest Cafe. She has lunch and gets a key chain for her back pack. This year instead of doing two separate kid days (no time to plan them because of the rapid reentry to the work force, lol) Zachary went with us. He enjoyed it, too and Helen liked showing him around. It wasn't as crowded as years past, I guess the economy plus the construction going on at the mall has slowed business. We still had fun and plan to do it again next year.

If you have never been to Rain Forest Cafe, it is neat. There is a storm every 30 minutes. It sounds like a thunder storm and the robotic animal go nuts. Zachary was scared the first time, but he still liked it. He'd cover his ears the next time it started. We sat near the elephants this time, which is nice because the 3 years prior we always had the same table next to the gorillas. Helen was very happy to be near the pachyderms! After we ate I bought them each a key chain and then we went to Godiva and we each got a chocolate. Helen got a cherry cordial, Zachary got a white chocolate star with raspberry and I got a key lime truffle. Then we went home. I almost didn't go, I was stressing over all I had to do. But I gave in and went any way. Glad I did.

The great locker project

I am still not totally finished, as I need to stain the lockers and then paint the hall. My walls look like they have been through 11 years, two kids, three cats, one dog and a nasty man. It is PAST time to paint, lol. To see the before photos, click here. Here are the after photos-
Zachary is very excited about his locker and puts his things away, at least most of the time. Helen is still getting used to it, but is doing pretty well. They each have a basket in the bottom portion of their locker. These hold personal items like mp3 players, Leapsters, sunglasses... the kinds of junk I am always having to pick up. It is nice to say "it's in your locker". To the left I have a smaller 2 cube unit- there is a basket for David and a basket for me. I had to get this because there was no where for us to put the mail or things from David's pockets... The file hanger is divided into sections for each person, plus bills and misc. I put things that I need, but not right away, like refills for prescriptions, school papers, girl scout junk. I've been doing that for about a year now and it works pretty well for me. I am not running around wondering where the paper is. I had to hang a smaller cork board. I liked the big one, but there was no room to hang it unless I hung it vertically and then I'd have no place for keys. I will probably hang the big one some where else soon. At the bottom of the stairs I still have a basket of shoes, mostly crocs and such, as school shoes are now in the lockers. The large polka dot bag contains Helen's sparring gear. I also have tote bags (these are a life saver) that we use daily for many things, my camera bag and purse.
I am really trying to work with the kids to put things where they belong- backpacks and shoes go to the lockers when we come in the door and lunchboxes to the kitchen. I usually have to remind Helen, but Zachary has so far remembered. Can you tell he's my child? Helen knows, she just wants to see if I will remind her. Her room is still a hot mess, though. One challenge at at time.....

Friday, August 29, 2008

To Do List

1. Craft fair applications- stuff envelopes and mail
2. Write minutes from Home and School meeting to the board
3. Put away laundry.
4. Write lesson plans for next week.
5. Make a checklist for craft fair chairman position for the board (we are making a go to guide for every event we do and I am the chair for that event)
6. Clean the bathroom and living room
7. Vacuum upstairs
8. Sweep and mop
I wish some one would break into my house and steal 75% of the toys and leave the good stuff. And vacuum up dog fur before they leave.

I got my damn period....again

I had an appointment for a long overdue pap smear and to discuss the options I have for a procedure called ablation. You see, I have a period every 24 days. It lasts at least a week. Just when I think it has stopped, it get at least another "gush". Yippy. I cannot wear light colored pants, I cannot go anywhere requiring a bathing suit, I am even terrified to sit on some one's sofa. I get up at night to change my overnight maxi pad. Twice. So, imagine my upset when I woke up to good ol' Aunt Flo this mornin'- on day 20, no less. That *otch, Flo, is a real pain. So I had to reschedule for Sept. 19. So I am sitting here now with my back ache and head ache, craving key lime pie and carbs. I really could go for some "comfort" food, but I don't want to cook.
AND it is also rainy and humid. But it isn't hot- just gross. I hate it when the weather is like this- the world just feels dirty. So I am in a craptacular mood. I wish I had a big pot of spaghetti to eat and a good movie to watch. But no, I have no idea what to feed my kids tonight because I don't want to cook and I haven't been to Blockbuster (frankly, if I have to take the kids to Blockbuster, someone might get left there). So, there we have it- a yucky Friday night.
I haven't posted all week because David was out of town and I had to take the kids to school, so there was no time in the AM and I was wiped out after work, so there ya have it. I am almost finished with the great locker project. I will still need to prep the walls and paint, but that will have to wait. I had planned to get it done one Friday while the kids are at school. I'd also like to stain the lockers, but that will also be on hold for a few weeks. I will finish over the weekend and get those pics posted.
Work is good so far. Everyone there is so nice. I am still getting used to juggling everything. I have a lot of committee stuff to do this weekend, plus I have to make a cake for my niece's birthday. She wants chocolate and I think I will put a peanut butter frosting on it. We are supposed to see them on Sunday.
UPDATE- Helen made PBJs for herself and her brother. I love independent children.

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School and a food rant

Well, I just sent my baby off to kindergarten. It wasn't the least bit awful- it was much harder sending Helen to preschool. Zachary has been counting down days for a week now. He was up at 6:15 and dresses to the shoes. He had put his belt and socks in his locker last night, lol. Helen did not share his enthusiasm, however. She did ask me to put her hair in ponytails and was ready to go before 7:30, but give it couple of days, lol. She did seem happy that Zachary was going with her. She loves him more than she admits. They both seem glad I will be there today. I need to leave in a minute, though.
Here is the rant I promised. Interesting article here. It seems that fast food isn't really of the devil, the sit down chains are. McDonald's, while still not my favorite place, has the best nutritional stats of any of the chains, fast or otherwise. Some of the other establishments burgers contain an entire day's worth of calories. I don't know about FAT, but I'm sure that, along with sodium, is sky high. It is time these eateries feel the heat and wrath that McDonald's did a few years ago......... COMPLAIN, DAMMIT. We Americans need to speak up or don't eat in theses places. You could actually be risking your very life........

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I missed my kids all day

I was in faculty meetings yesterday. Everyone there seems really nice, better than I remember from my first teaching job (that was a nightmare school). But David rushed the kids over to Grandma's first thing in the morning and then I went to school. I stayed until 3:30, then went to pick them up. That was immediately followed by rushing home and getting into a karate uniform for Zachary. I then did the typical "dad has a baseball game and mom needs to grocery shop" dinner- fast food. I hate doing that, but they need to be fed and it was that or hot dogs at home. I didn't think about needing "kid food" for Wednesday- since they don't eat what I eat most of the time, I don't prepare a big meal when David isn't home (unless it has been a few days).
After we got home, they played outside for 30 minutes and then it was time for bed. No one was read to, cuddled on the couch, bathed (I know, gross)....... I even yelled at Helen because she couldn't find Lulu. In my defense, Lulu had been in MY bedroom for 3 days. She was just working on staying up longer. I missed them. It just reinforced that I am doing the right thing. I have to go back to work, but I am so glad I get to be in the same building and they just come to my room when they are done for the day, rather then me have to wrap it up, go to another location to get them and then fight with them to leave day care (because they won't want to) and then the next 2 hours until bedtime is spent rushing and yelling (that's what I feel like I do as it is, lol).
Well, I need to fold a load of clothes and shower before David gets up. He has a knack for jumping in the shower ahead of me and throwing off my mojo. I will finally get to work on the library and make lesson plans today and tomorrow. I haven't written a lesson plan since 1999! Yikes!

Monday, August 18, 2008


just remembered an argument i had with the ex, circa 1989. it had something to do with one day no one would remember who duran duran was but knowing exactly who paula abdul is......hate it when i'm right.......
conversation in the car today:
mom- "how come nothing on the radio rocks any more?"
z- "dad's music rocks."
h-"that's cuz his music is old."
gotta say, i am over most of today's music. even the crap i listened to back in the day (adam ant, billy idol, thomas dolby, duran duran, etc) sound "fresher" than most of today's youth generated garbage (jonas bros., miley- although i kinda dig 7 things-, the hsm series). maybe i am just old, but i can live without half of today's junk, ie- top 20 and the lil' wayne, t-pain, etc. i never buy albums because there are only 2 songs worth having. i must have thrown out 75 cassette tapes recently- damaged, no way to play them etc. tapes were a colossally bad idea in the first place. i do still have some vinyl. maybe i will look into buying some of my faves that got tossed on cd........ i miss music, man.

down to the wire

Tomorrow is new teacher orientation. I am excited and scared to death at the same time. I have never worked and tried to juggle my very own spawn before. It makes me nervous. I know I am going to get no housework help, and when I do I will have to lower my standards considerably.
I am so darn stressed out. I need someone to tell me it will be fine, that I will do a great job because I always do. But compliments in my life have always been few and far between. If I have ever been called amazing, special, wonderful or any of those other fabulous adjectives, no one ever did it in my presence. What I want more than anything is to hear it from a certain man in this house. Instead, I get defied on every turn. It is like having a third child. I am overwhelmed by everything right now and it stinks. I cannot advance with my organizing project because the stupid locker wouldn't fit in my car and now I have to take David's SUV over to get it. But the back of his car is full of junk because he was too tired last night to get stuff out and that is the story of my life. Where to people put all their crap and why do I seem to have more than most people? I just want to scream right now. I just need everyone to go away for a day. I have had at least one kid up my butt since May and I cannot get anything done with them in tow. Run out for a minute- can't, got to go to karate (I love it that they get to go, HATE it that I have to sit there 4 DAYS A FREAKIN' WEEK).... Stop somewhere after that, can't got to make dinner. After dinner, got to get everyone bathed and in bed. After that, too tired...... Now I'll have 2 kids' homework and sports added into the mix, plus me working. Although, to be fair, I have gone and done things with my kids during the day on most days since they were born, so it isn't like I spent hours every day cleaning and being a house frau. Still. Honestly, I am never going to get anything done if I just sit here and write......

i am stuck in a time warp.....

must. stop. watching. you tube.
i have been watching old videos for two days (damn you adam ant). too many memories.......
here we go
david harris
ray lustenberger
regina free
scott garner
kirk parker
shane lawless
mike durbin
jay mckibben
the newton county rams soccer team
drinking down at the train trustle
blue maxx at the jaycee center
cruising the plaza
joey simms
sam smiley
anita perry
sandy criswell
wren dial
mike moncrief
glenn jakes
the rampage room
katrina english

i'm too old. to one special person- not many understand, including me, what happened. i had to let you go so you'd be happy. chances are if we had gotten together we'd both be raging alcoholics. plus your mother probably would have paid me to leave you alone. but 20 years later i still feel a jab in my heart when i remember you. will never forget sitting on the beach talking about what could never be.......i will always love you. cannot hear the cure's "pictures of you" or souixsie's "dazzle" without thinking of you.... i am going to go cry and mop my kitchen now.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

hey, jude......

i know you're out there somewhere
you may not have even been born yet
we don't know what you look like
or who
it is so very strange to already love someone
who is still so far away
and abstract
where ever you are, we share the same stars at night
God is smiling down on africa tonight

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Very interesting........

Adam Ant was too hot. I hadn't given him much thought over the past years, but David was downloading crap (great white and the doors- gag). So I commented he should get some cool 80's music. Then I started thinking........ Yep, Adam is still H-O-T to me...... I remember seeing them on American Bandstand when I was about 14. I had never in my life seen anything like it. He had this crazy assed makeup and tight leather pants. The band had two drum kits........ My lame assed sister in law made fun of it and THAT is all I needed to hear- I had a new favorite. I saw him 3 times in concert; every time at the end he'd get just about nekkid to "You're so Physical" (remade by NIN, but nearly as good). I think I just about had an orgasm just watching him....... I had a video of a concert, back when it was still Adam and the Ants. The ex ended up with it some how- figures- I think I would have FOUGHT to keep that. He generously left me all his 90210 tapes, though. How thoughtful.

Which brings me to another thought........ this guy is also hot. The stupid pictures wouldn't behave, again. But the other hottie in this post is Carey Elwes from The Princess Bride. Again, too freakin' cute. Where am I going with this post? I'm not sure. I am tired and having some kind of pirate fantasy. This was supposed to be an 80's post, go figure. Now it has turned into a "why do I find men dressed as pirates so hot" post. That said, is it not interesting that I married such a non-pirate (who I still find pretty hot)? I always had a thing for eye liner wearing musician types who stole my clothes and borrowed my lipstick. Long hair and tattoos were BONUS. I went to the RenFest every year just to see guys in kilts and pirate costumes. Weird. Maybe I need to get Davey a pirate suit......... I think I just need to go to bed. And dream of pirates.

To Do List

Today I am tackling the foyer area. It is a mess and everyone dumps everything as they walk in the door. I cannot deal with these "hot spots" if there is no where to put anything. I plan to have lockers for the kids, a cork board, wipe off board, key holder and a place for bills and such. I will also need to find a home for my cookbooks that I use regularly- they need to be handy, but our kitchen is just too small to store them there. So, here is my "before". These are the hall as we walk in, behind the door and going to the kitchen. Our house is very small. It is also not usually this messy- In fact, I am a little embarrassed tp post my mess. But I am pulling things out to give to Goodwill, etc. Which is why all the boxes and trash bags near the stairs. After I figure out what to do, I need to paint the walls, doors and trim, too. It has been about 10 years since the hall was painted! Helen is cleaning her room today while David and Zachary take out the small boat out. Z cleaned his room already, plus Helen got to go fishing with Dad a couple of weeks agao. Helen will get to go to AC Moore later, so she is not being punished, lol!

Friday, August 15, 2008

GNOME SWEET GNOME (and other forgotten photos)

When I returned from the Georgia trip I was greeted by this guy:
David had bought 2 gnomes and hid them in the zinnias. I was pleasantly surprised as he doesn't usually do things like that. Now the kids keep moving them and such.

Here is my wrecked car. David plans to get it into the shop when he goes out of town again. Notice the bent in part just under the licence plate.

I am still pretty irritated by the whole thing. I have literally been rear ended 5 times in 11 years and no one has ever gotten a ticket!

And Helen and Zachary riding a camel at the zoo.

To Do List

  1. Helen- ENT appointment (her doctor, btw, is HOT)

  2. Library book drop off (didn't make it yesterday)

  3. Grocery store- we have no food (again- why are we always out of bread and fruit?)

  4. Shred papers -I have about 6 months' worth of bills and other such nonsense piled up- why is there so much )&_)@&$(&( paper any way?

  5. Lose 20 pounds

  6. Call the vet about Ozzy (should have done that already)

  7. Make hair appointment (when I start to look like my mom, it is time for a trim)

  8. Pack up school supplies

Last night I made a cute pencil case.

It is made from a dozen empty juice pouches. A recycle craft....... I couldn't find anything big enough to hold everything and I saw pouches somewhere made with 6, so I thought I could make my own and make it bigger. So there we have it. Hope Helen likes it. She usually likes the things I make, though. I think she is secretly impressed........

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Running out of time

Well, my days are numbered. I have today, tomorrow, the weekend and Monday. Then I am to report to work. I still need to get fingerprinted, make Helen try on uniforms, mail soccer registration, sew patches on Girl Scout and karate uniforms..... I won't give the entire list, but let me say I have much to do, little time to do it and the two wild card factors hat will eat up time and energy (H & Z). I had to drag Dad along last night to buy school shoes because I cannot keep up with them both in a store when actual looking, thinking or trying on is involved. They were still pretty bad. After Zachary disappeared as I was paying, I had to ask "now you know why I needed you." I hope this phase passes sooner rather than later. Those moms with toddlers screaming in a stroller have nothing to complain about. In fact once when I was pushing a newborn and a toddler in the grocery store, this lady said "you're brave" to me. I replied, "not really- come look for me in 5 years." Boy, was I ever right about that one. By the time they are that old, they are both too big to contain, they have free will and an agenda.
Today we are going to Brusters to see how they make ice cream. Should be fun. After that I must return some library books and try to get fingerprinted (for work, not for actual booking). Then I need to go to Staples and Target. I bet I don't make it to Target without losing my temper. I cannot go in there without losing something (patience, temper, Zachary...). I guess I should be happy that I can probably steal a few minutes for myself next before I pick the kids up at Grandma's. Speaking of, I guess I should stop by there, too. Busy day.....
On a cute note- the kids call my mother "Ganmama" (long story involving my now 30 year old niece). Zachary asked me the other day if there was a Ganmama, where was Gandaddy. Too funny. My kids never met my dad, but he was definitely not a Gandaddy.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I emailed the karate instructor today. I explained some of the difficulties we've had at home with practicing, etc. And I asked him to talk to her about it, saying they can tell she hasn't been practicing, etc. It is so hard to ask someone to fail your kid, but I need to nip this in the bud. She needs a big kick in the pants about every 3-4 months it seems. The lazy, negative attitude begins to rub off on everything and we cannot live with her.

She was talked to during class today and then I made her go to the leadership class after. They talked about positive attributes. She is already acting nicer........ We'll see how the rest of the month goes. I am going to insist that she go to the leadership classes, at least until soccer starts. She actually asked to play this year. I think she hates it that Zachary gets attention for sports.

Ready for summer to be over

This summer has not been everything I had hoped for. I was seriously hoping to have more fun. Alas, the behavior has been so obnoxious that I haven't been able to enjoy myself. Case in point.....
Today was our quarterly visit to UMD hospital (if you are in need of peds specialists, this place is for you- the GI team is awesome). I took both kids thinking we'd go over to Lexington Market or maybe the Inner Harbor. Instead they were snapping each with rubber gloves, poking each other in the ear and nose with a pointy tipped scope, talking about poop.... You get the picture. We went home. I needed to stop by the uniform store (I thought that would be punishment, lol) so we went in to get stuff. We were greeted by a very helpful young man who most likely felt sorry for me. Helen had to try on gym shorts and was quite loudly announcing that she doesn't like to try on clothes because people have probably pooped on the clothes and wiped their butts with them.. Cute. They proceeded to hide inside clothes racks, etc. until I just gave up and paid for the few items I had in my basket (the young guy was following us around carrying my basket for me as I was dying inside). The reason I know that Helen knows her behavior is unacceptable is this- as we were walking to the check out, in walks C* and J* from her karate class and school with their mother. She did a 180 and was this nice quiet little lady. Maybe I need to hire J* to shop with us........

Monday, August 11, 2008

Super Easy Chili

I made chili Saturday and have been living on leftovers ever since. I should take a picture, but I am lazy (I think I have mentioned this before).
1 can fire roasted tomatoes
1 can light red kidney beans
1 can black beans
1 package Boca crumbles
1 onion, chopped
1 zucchini, chopped
garlic, pressed
chili powder, cumin, salt and pepper
Saute onions, zucchini and garlic. Add tomatoes and turn down heat. Add drained beans and Boca bits.Then I added about 1/3 package frozen mixed vegetables and then it was too dry and I added some water (beer would have been good, but I didn't have any to spare). Then I seasoned to taste. It is actually better the next day. I love to crunch up baked Tostitos on top. Yum.


I have to go shopping. A lot of people find shopping fun ans therapeutic. I, however, am phobic. I think I might need hypnosis or a twelve step program- that is how much I hate shopping. I wasn't always that way- but now I don't have time, money or patience. I can never find anything that looks good on me and everything is always too long, except t shirts. Those are always too short and about 3 feet too wide. So I have all this fabric flappin' in the breeze while my fat roll is hanging out of the bottom. Cute. Did I mention that I am 5 foot nuthin? So if the Amazon that my jeans with 10 inches of excess leg was designed for wears a tshirt with the jeans, I am guessing the shirt bottom would come to just under her boobs. How did clothing people decide that cropped off t shirts would look good on anyone over a size 4, let alone sell them in PLUS sizes? If I was a size 4, however, I could actually buy a t shirt that is long and cut close to the body. Not 5 feet wide and 3 inches long. Here's is a hint to the powers that make women's clothes- don't make them WIDER with LONGER arms and keep the length in 1990 fashion. One cannot even tuck a shirt like that in without looking deformed.

Further more, just because a lady is over a size 12 does not mean that she has lost her mind and suddenly desires to wear sofa fabrics. Big flowers look good on no one. I do not want to look like the Queen Mother. Or Hyacinth Bucket (see photo). Nope, I am not looking forward to shopping. Shoes are even worse. Ever since giving birth, my feet have not been the same. I can no longer wear cute little heels. Everything is too narrow; if I get wide, my heel rubs. I can;t win. Plus any heel makes my arch and toes ache and I don't remember how to walk in them and end up stomping everywhere. Don't even get me thinking about pantyhose. Aren't those out of fashion? I know haven't worn "nude" hose since high school (drill team- we all had to wear "suntan" sheer energy). Maybe I will just miraculously lose 40 punds in the next week. That would simplify my life somewhat. I know how I want to look, but this spread around my middle is keeping me from it. The good news is, I really have dropped a few pounds recently. The shorts I bought at the beginning of the summer are too big (partly because I didn't take "stretch" into account when I bought them), but the jeans that did fit are beginning to fall down. We'll see- I have given up on ever just being thin. I would literally have to give up most food to get there, and anyone who knows me knows that would never happen. I like to eat and I am married to a guy who likes to eat and that is that. But a few sizes smaller would be sweet.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Pasta Salad

I made pasta salad to take to a cookout today- there was none left. It was good if I do say so myself.

1 box Barilla mini bow ties, cooked in salty water
1 cucumber, seeded and chopped
a bunch of tomatoes (grape, yellow, honey, etc.- some from MIL's garden)
1 shallot, thinly sliced
1/2 bag of frozen peas, thawed
vinaigrette- 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar, 1/4 cup olive oil, 1 clove garlic (pressed), 1/2 tsp marjoram, 1/2 tsp oregano, 1/2 tap celery seed, 1 TB sugar, squirt of mustard, salt and pepper to taste. Pour dressing over pasta and veggies.

I make my own vinaigrette all the time- it varies every time, but the results are always yummy.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Random Questions of the Universe

Why do kids fight a nap and grownups desperately want one?
Why does my son have of one shoe from every pair he owns in the shoe basket while its mate is MIA?
Why doesn't laundry fold itself?
And why am I the only one in a family of four that knows where anything is located? That is my true job description- curator of miscellaneous crap...
If anyone has the answers to these questions, please fill me in..........

Friday, August 08, 2008

This is a shirt from Noisebot (I want it, hint hint). I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Office. It is one of the only shows I watch. Too bad I am never sure when it comes on, cuz I never get the TV clicker thingie.

We went to the zoo after all. I will post pictures later cuz I am tired and don't feel like looking for the cable for the camera, lol. We got to see Sampson, the baby elephant today. And the kids rode a camel this time. I didn't take a lunch today and spent way too much money. Next time I'll go get some bread (that was the only reason I didn't pack a picnic).

We are going fishing tomorrow. Yes I know, I say I am a vegetarian, but I do eat fish on occasion. So call me a hypocrite if you want, but to me, any factory farm animal not eaten is helping the cause. I will not be partaking in the beef jerky, Dorito and bologna sandwich feast, however. I will be taking fakin, lettuce and tomato instead, lol. I am wiped out and want to go to bed but was conned into movie night- the kids are watching Karate Kid (again). Gotta go make some Kool Aid to go with the burnt popcorn (yummy smell).

Thursday, August 07, 2008

A wrecked car and a new big boy seat

I got rear ended last week. Of course, I had to be in the new car. Some girl wasn't paying attention and rammed right into the back of the Santa Fe. No one was hurt but it did damage the bumper and the hatch door will most likely need to be replaced. And Zachary gets a new booster seat. The state has a new booster law that will require him to be in a seat until age 8 or 60 pounds. So at least one more year if he gains a lot of weight, or 3 years at the most. But he was outgrowing the seat, plus it is disgusting (what 5 year old's seat isn't?) and full of cooties and crumbs.
I picked up the new seat today on yet another Gawd-awful trip to Target (where else would I go, lol?). This is the one I got. It is the Evenflo Big Kid seat. They had one with built in lights but that only SOUNDS like a good idea if you don't actually have children, lol. Zachary likes it and we took it for a test drive around the neighborhood this afternoon. UPDATE- this seat is SOOOOOO easy to click cmpared to the old Graco. The arm rests lift up and I just reach around to click the belt. No more climbing into the car- yahoooooo

Happy stuff and sad stuff

The good news is this: after 9 years of being a non-revenue generating member of this household, I signed a teaching contract yesterday. I am a librarian. Wow. It is just part time for now, but will go to full time either this spring or next fall. My hours are great- Monday through Thursday, 10 to 3. It is at my kids' school, so I will not need after care or anything (that is $3900 per year for 2 kids). My days off are the same as theirs, with the exception of work days and end of school/start of school. The in laws are watching them for the beginning of school, but I will try to work something with friends to fill in other days. I am excited and nervous about it. The library is a mess and I don't know where to begin to fix it.
The sad part is this confession: I have not really enjoyed this summer. I was hoping that I would get to do stuff with them and just have fun now that they are older. But the high cost of gas and everything else has forced me to limit field trips to less than 40 miles away. That is not so much a problem as Baltimore has so much to offer, but my kids, one in particular, has been terrible. In fact, I cannot stand to take her anywhere. She whines and complains about everything. Nothing is enough for her. If I buy one thing, she wants two. Even the trip to the zoo was awful. I packed lunch and didn't have much cash. Just enough for each to get an icee and feed the giraffes. Do you think that was good enough? Heaven's no. She was mad that there was no carousel ride (another $5). I could have gotten money from the ATM. But there is a $2.50 fee imposed by the bank for using a different machine, plus the principal of the whole thing. The whole summer has been that way. I feel bad because I wonder why she is behaving like such a rotten ungrateful brat and then I feel like a cheapskate because I say no to so much, but even if I had a million dollars at my disposal, I would not choose to indulge my child's every whim.
The reason it ticks me off is because do you think my mother EVER in her life took me to swim in a river, or to the zoo, or even to a freaking park? No. I got ignored 90% of the time, sometimes even put outside for an entire day. Most of memories are of me being alone. Before I had kids I'd see mothers and children on outings and doing things together and wanted that. Now I have two kids and can't take them anywhere because of their behavior. They talk back, don't listen, wander away, refuse to stay with me...... I can't even get them to make cookies with me or do a craft. I am on the verge of giving up. I thought I was raising them better than that. I guess I was wrong and I feel like an idiot.