Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ready for summer to be over

This summer has not been everything I had hoped for. I was seriously hoping to have more fun. Alas, the behavior has been so obnoxious that I haven't been able to enjoy myself. Case in point.....
Today was our quarterly visit to UMD hospital (if you are in need of peds specialists, this place is for you- the GI team is awesome). I took both kids thinking we'd go over to Lexington Market or maybe the Inner Harbor. Instead they were snapping each with rubber gloves, poking each other in the ear and nose with a pointy tipped scope, talking about poop.... You get the picture. We went home. I needed to stop by the uniform store (I thought that would be punishment, lol) so we went in to get stuff. We were greeted by a very helpful young man who most likely felt sorry for me. Helen had to try on gym shorts and was quite loudly announcing that she doesn't like to try on clothes because people have probably pooped on the clothes and wiped their butts with them.. Cute. They proceeded to hide inside clothes racks, etc. until I just gave up and paid for the few items I had in my basket (the young guy was following us around carrying my basket for me as I was dying inside). The reason I know that Helen knows her behavior is unacceptable is this- as we were walking to the check out, in walks C* and J* from her karate class and school with their mother. She did a 180 and was this nice quiet little lady. Maybe I need to hire J* to shop with us........

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