I was in faculty meetings yesterday. Everyone there seems really nice, better than I remember from my first teaching job (that was a nightmare school). But David rushed the kids over to Grandma's first thing in the morning and then I went to school. I stayed until 3:30, then went to pick them up. That was immediately followed by rushing home and getting into a karate uniform for Zachary. I then did the typical "dad has a baseball game and mom needs to grocery shop" dinner- fast food. I hate doing that, but they need to be fed and it was that or hot dogs at home. I didn't think about needing "kid food" for Wednesday- since they don't eat what I eat most of the time, I don't prepare a big meal when David isn't home (unless it has been a few days).
After we got home, they played outside for 30 minutes and then it was time for bed. No one was read to, cuddled on the couch, bathed (I know, gross)....... I even yelled at Helen because she couldn't find Lulu. In my defense, Lulu had been in MY bedroom for 3 days. She was just working on staying up longer. I missed them. It just reinforced that I am doing the right thing. I have to go back to work, but I am so glad I get to be in the same building and they just come to my room when they are done for the day, rather then me have to wrap it up, go to another location to get them and then fight with them to leave day care (because they won't want to) and then the next 2 hours until bedtime is spent rushing and yelling (that's what I feel like I do as it is, lol).
Well, I need to fold a load of clothes and shower before David gets up. He has a knack for jumping in the shower ahead of me and throwing off my mojo. I will finally get to work on the library and make lesson plans today and tomorrow. I haven't written a lesson plan since 1999! Yikes!
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