Sunday, August 31, 2008

Good Morning

David is away playing baseball and I don't sleep well when he is gone, never have. I guess having the double bed all to myself is too lonely (ha). Helen spent the night with a neighbor, so it is just me and the boy this morning. I love it that when I want to sleep in on the weekend my kids will come downstairs, turn on the TV and go make their own breakfast. They both know how to make a bowl of cereal or a sandwich. And, believe it or not, Helen cleans up after she makes one. Any way, I love it that my kids can do things like that for themselves. And it hasn't been out of neglect. It is because they are independent and want to do some things for themselves. (mom pats self on back for doing at least one thing right). My mom wouldn't let me do things for myself because she didn't want to be bothered to teach me how or to pick up any resulting mess. My philosophy has always been to teach them how to clean up the messes, too. I did this with the toddlers in day care. I actually had 15 month olds drinking from cups with no lids and wiping tables. They threw away trash, pick up toys and took their lunch plates to the dirty plate tub. It is harder in real life with your very own babies, but I still tried. Sometimes it has paid off. I still have a hard time getting Helen to pick up, but I think she is always going to test and see how much she can get away with. Zachary is more willing to help. Unless we are not home- he is less helpful at someone else's house. Any way ,this is my self esteem boost for the day. Now if I can just teach the kids how to make coffee.....
ABOUT the mug- I made this at the Pic n Paint pottery place. I try to take the kids a couple of times a year. This mug is painted a very pale pink. The green dots are Zachary's thumbprints; the purple ones are Helen's. Inside the cup, on the bottom is the word "smile". Now you know all about my favorite mug.

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