Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rainforest Cafe

Ever since Helen started kindergarten, we have had "Helen Day" when I take her for a haircut and to the Rain Forest Cafe. She has lunch and gets a key chain for her back pack. This year instead of doing two separate kid days (no time to plan them because of the rapid reentry to the work force, lol) Zachary went with us. He enjoyed it, too and Helen liked showing him around. It wasn't as crowded as years past, I guess the economy plus the construction going on at the mall has slowed business. We still had fun and plan to do it again next year.

If you have never been to Rain Forest Cafe, it is neat. There is a storm every 30 minutes. It sounds like a thunder storm and the robotic animal go nuts. Zachary was scared the first time, but he still liked it. He'd cover his ears the next time it started. We sat near the elephants this time, which is nice because the 3 years prior we always had the same table next to the gorillas. Helen was very happy to be near the pachyderms! After we ate I bought them each a key chain and then we went to Godiva and we each got a chocolate. Helen got a cherry cordial, Zachary got a white chocolate star with raspberry and I got a key lime truffle. Then we went home. I almost didn't go, I was stressing over all I had to do. But I gave in and went any way. Glad I did.

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