Monday, May 15, 2006

Allergies- phooey!

Well, we're back. 3 1/2 hours and about 25 sticks, 4 blasts of Albuterol (still trying to get her off THAT high) and I don't know any more than I did going in. In fact, I am more confused. As it stands- no dairy, tomatoes, sesame seeds or peanuts. Egg white may also be concern- we need a blood test first. So- now it is 6:30, there is no dinner plan to speak of, I am feeling like I have a sinus infection and I just want to go to bed. The kids are outside with dad eating popsicles for dinner and I am sitting inside feeling lousy and sorry for myself for pretty much no reason.

That said, the no dairy cupcakes are actually pretty tastey! I froze a bunch for the bean to take to school on those "birthday" occasions. I need one of those cupcake takers for her to use in her lunch box. I found the recipe on the Crisco website (yeah I know, hydrogensassafrassemboogin oil), but I found a better one on this site I will try it next time I need a cupcakes! This is the coolest lady- if you go there, make sure you check out her other site- The Vegan Lunchbox- awesome. I am obsessed with this kid's lunch! I wish I could be that committed to health. I like ease too much! And people look at you weird when you say "we don't eat that". And I have a very low tolerance to whining ,which my kids are very aware of and use to their advantage! Let us just say that the tomato allergy is a non issue as my child would rather eat glass than a tomato.

Guess I outta go see what everyone is getting into.

My first attempt

I need a creative outlet so here I am. I have no clue what I am doing, so be gentle.

We go back to the allergist today to see what the heck is going on! We are already dealing with dairy, peanuts, tomatoes and sesame seeds. Not to mention the seasonal junk! Yikes. I really wish I had known about all this 4 years ago. It would be easier to have never eaten cheese, milk chocolate, ice cream, peanut butter...... But most 6 year olds have sampled the yummy things in life, and she's no different.

Gotta go get Skippy ready for Grandma. Then I have to go to the bank to get tuition money, pick up testing records at the old allergist's office, pick Jelly Bean up from school...... No fun. 3 1/2 hours of allergy tests/ God help me.
