Monday, August 18, 2008

i am stuck in a time warp.....

must. stop. watching. you tube.
i have been watching old videos for two days (damn you adam ant). too many memories.......
here we go
david harris
ray lustenberger
regina free
scott garner
kirk parker
shane lawless
mike durbin
jay mckibben
the newton county rams soccer team
drinking down at the train trustle
blue maxx at the jaycee center
cruising the plaza
joey simms
sam smiley
anita perry
sandy criswell
wren dial
mike moncrief
glenn jakes
the rampage room
katrina english

i'm too old. to one special person- not many understand, including me, what happened. i had to let you go so you'd be happy. chances are if we had gotten together we'd both be raging alcoholics. plus your mother probably would have paid me to leave you alone. but 20 years later i still feel a jab in my heart when i remember you. will never forget sitting on the beach talking about what could never be.......i will always love you. cannot hear the cure's "pictures of you" or souixsie's "dazzle" without thinking of you.... i am going to go cry and mop my kitchen now.

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