I got rear ended last week. Of course, I had to be in the new car. Some girl wasn't paying attention and rammed right into the back of the Santa Fe. No one was hurt but it did damage the bumper and the hatch door will most likely need to be replaced. And Zachary gets a new booster seat. The state has a new booster law that will require him to be in a seat until age 8 or 60 pounds. So at least one more year if he gains a lot of weight, or 3 years at the most. But he was outgrowing the seat, plus it is disgusting (what 5 year old's seat isn't?) and full of cooties and crumbs.
I picked up the new seat today on yet another Gawd-awful trip to Target (where else would I go, lol?). This is the one I got. It is the Evenflo Big Kid seat. They had one with built in lights but that only SOUNDS like a good idea if you don't actually have children, lol. Zachary likes it and we took it for a test drive around the neighborhood this afternoon. UPDATE- this seat is SOOOOOO easy to click cmpared to the old Graco. The arm rests lift up and I just reach around to click the belt. No more climbing into the car- yahoooooo

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