Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Project

A friend posted this link on Facebook. I downloaded the ebook onto my Kindle and am on Day 1.

The gist of it all is this: 31 Days to a "Martha" house the "Mary" way. No, not Martha Stewart..... Martha like from the Bible. The story is that Martha was too busy attending her chores and such that she did not take the time to listen to Jesus. Her sister, Mary, sat at his feet soaking in every word. So, I am going to try to present these challenges here.

For today-
Mary project- Determine WHY you want a clean house. Once you can name the reasons, you can own it. Make a mission statement and put it where you can see it every day.

I want a comfortable haven where I can relax, enjoy and find peace. I want to be proud of my home.

Martha mission- Organize cleaning supplies.

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