Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mary/Martha project

I have not abandoned this- I just could not post because my computer was acting funny.

Day 2-
Mary project- ask what makes everyone feel loved at home. Helen said she likes it when her room is cleaned, her clothes are put away and I cook. Zachary said he likes the animals we have and clean sheets. So I guess that means I should focus more attention on making dinner and keeping up with their bedrooms. I didn't ask David because he would no doubt just look at me like I am stupid if I asked him that question.
Martha project- clean the refrigerator. Check.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

thirteen!!!!! (smells like thursday)

1. Actually, smells like Lemon Pledge.
2. Woke up at 4:30 because I am SO excited.
3. I pick up my sister at noon today!!!!
4. My bedroom is still a wreck.
5. There is laundry everywhere- I hope she doesn't mind the mess, lol.
6. I still need to get Zachary's pants hemmed.
7. Dropping them off at the dry cleaner/tailor today.
8. He also needs socks. LOTS of socks!!!!!!!
9. It has been a productive and rejuvenating Easter break.
10. I kinda dread going back next week.
11. But there are only 5 more weeks left in preK.
12. I guess I can suck it up for that long.
13. Then by July I will be ready to go back!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Project

A friend posted this link on Facebook. I downloaded the ebook onto my Kindle and am on Day 1.

The gist of it all is this: 31 Days to a "Martha" house the "Mary" way. No, not Martha Stewart..... Martha like from the Bible. The story is that Martha was too busy attending her chores and such that she did not take the time to listen to Jesus. Her sister, Mary, sat at his feet soaking in every word. So, I am going to try to present these challenges here.

For today-
Mary project- Determine WHY you want a clean house. Once you can name the reasons, you can own it. Make a mission statement and put it where you can see it every day.

I want a comfortable haven where I can relax, enjoy and find peace. I want to be proud of my home.

Martha mission- Organize cleaning supplies.


Keep the prayers going up for my daughter's friend! His spinal fluid is showing no leukemia, the cells near his lungs are gone and his white count is down to under 5,000. He is doing remarkably well and they hope he will be able to go home sooner rather than later. We are praying he well enough to come to Helen's birthday party (early June), but time will tell.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


OK, so I am a bit ashamed at how bad my house has gotten over the past year. It has been a rough one in many ways. But with spring comes rebirth and renewal. And the trash bags, lol.

Have made much progress in Helen's room, now onto my room- which has not been properly cleaned in an embarrassingly long time. And as for the post from Sunday- purging and taking control has made me feel a bit better. So, I say "FU" to the people who have driven me crazy the past few months. I can do fine without their help (or in spite of it, lol) and will not allow them to get to me any more. Only I can make me happy.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Memory Monday

the purple gorilla at south of the border...... 2010
(traditional stop on the way to ga)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

is done.....

i am tired.
tired of fighting to get every little thing to go my way. or even not my way but not to hell in a hand basket.
tired of being emotionally bankrupt.
tired of trying to be fulfilled with scraps.
i am utterly depleted. i feel hollow. so. tired. of. trying..........
i want out, but have no where to go. i am trying to figure out how in the world it is that i feel suffocated and ignored at the same time.........


this moment is interrupted for some bitching. I have allergies. The spring ones are bad. I have had sinus surgery to remove scar tissue, polyps and cysts caused by years of infections. I cannot take regular antibiotics when I have an infection. Regular antihistamines do not work for some reason. So I still get the watery eyes and boogery nose. Helen is not much better and will be wheezing in a couple of weeks. That said- WHY ARE MY WINDOWS OPEN?

Why after 16 years does my husband not care enough to use the air conditioner and fancy filter? He would rather see me miserable than spend money on the air? Seriously? It is not hot- so the ac would only run enough to keep the humidity at bay, so WHAT THE HELL? Every spring I wish I was single.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

13 13 13 13 13 13 13

1. First day of Easter break.
2. Slept in til 7.
3. Now I need to figure out what to do with my day.
4. I have a lot to accomplish this break.
5. Not sure where to start.
6. I need to get myself some shoes; Zachary needs shoes, too.
7. His First Communion pants need hemming.
8. My house is dirty and clutter filled.
9. I know that tomorrow am I have to get blood work done and then take a load of junk to Goodwill.
10. And I would like to see some friends over the break.
11. And it will be over too soon.
12. Breaks usually are.
13. I vow I will NOT do any school work for the next 10 days!!!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


news today. One of my daughter's friends has leukemia. One of her good buddies. She has been friends with him since kindergarten. He is her lobby buddy- the one who waits for her at the front door, walks with her to band, sits and talks in the morning waiting for their other friends to arrive. The reason she has wanted to go to school on time. My heart is sick. I love this kid and am so worried. I pray for his family, especially his Mama, who is also my friend. I pray for all the fifth graders who also love him and will take the news so hard. Lord, look over this family and fill them with your Love, Peace and Grace.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Memory Monday

i am ready for the pool
zrs @ andover, june 2010

Thursday, April 07, 2011

13! for Thursday

1. It is THAT time of year, again.
2. Spring brings allergies, lacrosse, softball, Easter, the craft fair.....
3. And grumpy folks ready for spring break.
4. This week has been crazier than normal.
5. David had spinal fusion this morning.
6. He has been in intermittent pain for a while now, and he finally scheduled surgery.
7. I hope this brings relief.
8. And I hope it gets him off the couch.
9. I am tired of doing it all myself and maybe if he feels better, he will do more.
10. And yell less.
11. So, there- I finally realize why I feel as if I have the burden of the world on MY shoulders that past few weeks......
12. Feeling like I have no help and no outlet is a drag.......
13. I miss feeling inspired rather than overwhelmed.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Memory Monday

helen has always lined her toys up like this: she groups them and arranges them