1. My oldest turned 11 on Monday.
2. Yikes- I am two short years away from having a teenager.
3. And every time someone tells me "It will only get worse", I want to hit them in the teeth.
4. Helen keeps me on my toes, that is for sure.
5. When she is not annoying me or her brother, she is very funny.
6. She is thoughtful and loyal to her friends.
7. She shows a faith and depth of spirituality that amazes me for someone her age.
8. She loves dogs, horses and Twilight movies.
9. Her room is plastered in pictures of Taylor Lautner.
10. Her favorite color is "sparkles".
11. She is definitely MY child- during our recent shopping trip she found an Aeropostale dress for $4 and decided to save her Bath and Body Works gift card for "when they have the big sale in June".......
12. She also has my fondness for purses......
13. ......which are also filled with 8 hand sanitizers and 5 lip glosses.........