Thursday, August 14, 2014

Food as a Cure

Ok, if you have read much of anything I write, you already know how I feel about food and its effect on the body.  I am far from perfect and sometimes the demons make me drink more than I should or eat ice cream.  I am horribly flawed.  But I am very aware of how my vices make me feel afterward.  I will have a hangover, whether alcohol, sugar or dairy product induced.

That said, I do try. I eat healthier than most people, even if I do not have the body to prove it.  So it angers me when I hear people complain about doing without the foods that make them feel like shit.  Lactose intolerant? Then don't have it in your house.  Avoid the pizza parlor and Cold Stone. Oh, it's your child?  Well, then, I'm sorry to tell you this, but if you are giving your child food that you KNOW is making them sick, it is abuse.  I'm not talking the occasional trip to the McDonald's or the candy feast at Halloween. Free range on vacation is the thing my kids look forward to the most.  I am talking the most basic every day here.  If you know your child is sensitive or allergic, don't buy it.  And yes, I know how hard it is.  I have stubborn children, one of which is absolutely in denial about nutrition.  You cannot force feed them veggies, but you do not need to keep an endless supply of soda and candy in your house, either.  Eventually they will get hungry.

And now that vacation is over, school is about to resume. It is time to get back into routines and schedules.  It is also time to detox my son.  He has been steadily sneaking in more and more junk. Funny thing is, the daughter is carrying too much weight. Her problem stems from quantity and low activity more than choices.  He is eating wrong.  And I have a gut feeling that he really needs to be grain free.  And I know for a fact he is lactose intolerant because doctor said so after one of his endoscopes.  

So my New (school) Year Resolution is to detox my kids, have regular meals at the table as much as possible and hit that gym.  I have 50 more pounds to go and I really want to get it off before next summer....I want my kids to be healthy and I want to be healthy for them.

13, dammit

Wow- I feel like I have lost much time! Here goes!!
1.  Much of my time in Georgia is unproductive.
2.  Also, I was doing pretty good with sticking to whole foods, until about Thursday.
3.  I can see very clearly HOW I ended up with food issues.
4.  Everything involving my mom is centered on food, body image and criticism.
5.  No wonder I ate ice cream ;)
6.  And any subject can lead back to my dad!
7.  It could be a game- 6 degrees of Lanier.......
8.  SO my kids refusing to go to bed, plus her refusing to stop talking makes for one. very. exhausted. me.
9.  I missed my precious. And by my precious, I mean my bed.
10. David is not NEARLY as wiggly as the kids,and I spent 10 nights sleeping with one or the other.....
11. Did I mention my mother DOMINATED my time?
12.  Well, she did....... hours and hours of it.
13.  I miss my family, but to be honest, I could not have handled my mom AND Helen.