Monday, December 31, 2007

Goodbye 2007

Just got back from Georgia. This was the first time I have been "home" for Christmas since 1995. I did miss seeing my sister- she went to South Dakota. But I did get to see the new babies- Rider and Allyssa. That was worth the drive. We made it home in record time yesterday- 12 hours. It rained most of the way. We had to stop at South of the Border going down and eat at Waffle House coming back. Zachary didn't eat the whole time we were there, but ate all of his waffle and half of my grilled cheese at Casa de Waffle. I kept saying that in the car and guess what- they actually had "Casa de Waffle" printed on the hot sauce label. I will write more soon. I miss blogging.

New Year's Resolutions for 2008
Eat more veggies
Drink more water
Do more things for myself

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Turning 40

Today something hit me as I was leaving Target (where else would I be?). I am going to be 40 soon. In a matter of weeks. How do I feel about that? Well, today, at peace.
You see, turning 30 was awful. I was living in an apartment 700 miles from "home", I had a piece of shit car, a job I hated and no kids. My sister in law had just had a baby and was I ever jealous. I kept thinking "is this ALL there is? Will I ever be happy or settled down?" I felt sad, overwhelmed and, well, just plain OLD.
I realized today that age is really a number. I still listen to "cool" music, I could have a tatoo if I really wanted one, I am comfortable with my style (most of the time) and who I am. My car is an improved piece of shit and I own my house. As a SAHM, I am not allowed to hate my job, but the truth is I am completely satisfied. Raising these monkeys is a full time career and I don't take it lightly. I just hope my kids remember me as the mom who read to them in bed, made chocolate strawberry soy milk and cupcakes from scratch. The one who wore cool shoes and jewlery and had some fun. The one who taught them respect for ALL God's creatures, whether they have 2, 4, 6 or 8 legs.
With 40 has come peace. I finally feel confident to have an opinion and wise enough to know when NOT to give it. The only people that I care what they think of me are both still shorter than me And that is actually a very good feeling. Am I ready to shout it from the mountain tops that I am 40, hear me roar? Oh, hell no, but maybe I won't keep saying I'm only 36.

Monday, August 27, 2007

More Junk

Yet another recall for China........ a bunch of tops and tin sand pails have been recalled. And these were sold in specialty shops, not "dollar" stores. Kudos to Walmart for announcing they were going to be more diligent about items sold in their stores. But how about this, instead of buying a bunch of "cheap" toys, why not elect to buy fewer, higher quality toys.
I am planning to make some things to go with Helen's baby doll. She also wants a cradle. I am thinking perhaps a vintage wooden one from Ebay or a locally made one. I am not sure about Zachary, but I am thinking of a few things, including real sports equipment, not Little Tykes. Maybe a pass to Port Discovery. In our overall guilt about not being with our children, as a nation we are buying them more stuff they don't even have time to enjoy. Instead of working over time to buy lead paint and plastic, why don't we refurbish some older toys. Make something. Buy tickets to a basketball game or passes to the local zoo. These do make good gifts and the memories will last longer than the novelty of a pile of toys. Less is indeed more.
We don't need "more" at a cheaper price. This is misleading, people. We are spending more than ever trying to save money. This doesn't just apply to toys. It applies to furniture, food, cars, electronics..... The list could go on and on. Don't fall for it.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

There are so many ideas in my ADHD riddled brain that sometimes I have trouble getting my point accross. This summed it up. Sometimes I feel like I have forgotten myself, but see that I do have a reason for being "low key" and bland. This explains the "why" of it.

The similar thought applies to church. Yes, I get it that God loves us and doesn't care if we have nice clothes. I also get it that we are visiting "His" house and as a guest, I owe it to Him to brush my teeth and wear a clean shirt. My daughter doesn't wear shorts and flip flops, my son wears a shirt with a collar on it. I am not trying to put on airs, but I also don't want to stand out because of a lack of respect to others. Being tacky makes others uncomfortable and that, my friends, is bad manners. I hear you "what about conformity? shouldn't you just be yourself?" Well, yes. But if "yourself" makes babies cry and forces people to avoid you, then you might need to reconsider who "you" are.

First day of School, Last day of Summer

What have I done all summer? See previous post. More of same. I am sorry to see it end, but relieved at the same time. I know there is not a mom out there that doesn't relate. I am tired of pretending that I am Julie McCoy, Cruise Director. What would I like to do today, you ask? First I would like a massage from Sven, followed by some rum concoction on the Ledo Deck. Then Captain Jack can have his way with me....... What am I really doing today? Washing and ironing ("would it be too much trouble to IRON some of my shirts?") clothes and getting ready for the first week of school. Nothing says I Love You like a closet full of uniforms! Oh, well, maybe I can watch Captain Jack while I iron.

Monday, June 11, 2007

What da Hell?

Sopranos finale- what the hell was that? I'm ticked off about the "fade" to black. I thought our cable went out and started screaming at the TV! About the last 10 minutes I said to David "nothing is getting wrapped up". Boy, was that the truth! Let down big time. Boo to HBO.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Long time, no post!

Well, never let it be said I am not an idiot. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to post once blogger switched everything! Holy frioles, Skippito!

Any way, summer has officially begun at Camp Mom. Helen gave up first grader status at 11 AM on June 7. She has been promoted to cool Second Grader. Hard to believe that my baby is growing up. She is reading "fluently" and has mastered math "independently" as her report card claims. She participates with "enthusiasm" (what? are we still talking about Miss Thang, here?) in music and gym. She also has earned her first stripe on the ole karate belt.

Here is what I have been up to: field trips, preschool, driving small children around, mopping up messes, washing load after load of clothes and refereeing backseat fights at 70 mph. Sound exciting? Yeah, right. Gotta take a shower and go to a baseball game- for my 40 year old "first child".

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy 2007

Happy New Year. This is it. Everyone makes resolutions on January 1, so here are mine. This is the year I take care of me. I have spent the past 7 years growing, nursing, nurturing and otherwise doing everything for 2 little people (and one big one). I know that I am at risk of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, due to family history. I really don't need much more of a wake up call. My father died last year and he was a mess due to his lifestyle. I have spent the past 10 months trying to change some things. I am eating way healthier than ever, but I am not pleased with the results. I still have a long way to go and I am not getting enough exercise. SO, this is it. I am getting rid of junk food in this house. Not that we had much to begin with, but I realize this family cannot have it around. I am already vegetarian with no dairy, but I need to cut out refined sugar (God help me there). BUT I did it once before and felt great, so why not do it again? Sugar is not my friend. I know this. Even Ozzy isn't getting enough exercise, so I need to make sure he gets walked every day. I am not sure how to squeeze it in, but I have to. Wish me luck.

I am cooking the traditional New Year's Day meal today. Black eyed peas are in the Crock Pot (my Christmas gift), and I have collards, corn bread and sweet potatoes to cook up. Maybe I'll bake some apples, too. Yum. And Happy Birthday to my wonderful niece, Heather! She is 29 today.