It is my turn to do freezer club this month. A group of my friends- we take turns preparing things for the freezer- like casseroles, etc. Unfortunately, my first partner flaked. My second partner had a death in the family. So, I have had to do it alone. It really hasn't been so bad- I've sort of enjoyed it. I haven't been cooking a lot lately and it was nice to get back into my kitchen. Maybe now summer is here, I can spend more time in dinner.
On the menu: garlic lime chicken, sausage and veggie "foil packs", bbq chicken, chili. vegetable soup and garlic studded pork. Some are for the crock pot, others for the grill.
In other news, Zachary has another endoscopy scheduled tomorrow. Not sure what time- they don't call until the night before. He also had to do a "home clean out". He is quite full of poop- so he is on a liquid diet and loaded up on Myralax. It seems to be working- he has pooped about 9 times since yesterday morning (ewwww). The reason for the scope? He was off meds for about 3 weeks and I thought things were going well. But during our last appointment, Zachary told them he throws up in his mouth and food gets stuck in his throat when he eats, etc...... So they are going to take a look. He is also back on meds. The chalazion on his eye is getting smaller.

And finally- Helen. I will follow up with her doctor later this week. I feel bad about dropping the ball on her, but I have had a crazy couple of weeks (besides the fact that I deep down want the problems to go away). We have also had swimsuit issues this year. Nothing fits or looks cute. She had the swim shorts that she loved, but they were too tight. I ordered more from Land's End when they went on sale. She keeps fishing them out of the hamper before I can wash them, so I ordered more..... along with the tops that go with them.....
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