1. This has been a very hard school year.
2. I have a very full class with bodies that constantly move, and several who need much attention and love.
3. I also have one very defiant student.
4. Add that all to my loud/defiant/attention seeking off-spring, I am managing behavior from sun-up to well after sun-down.
5. I am about to lose my mind.
6. Seriously, if there was a beach, sun and rum nearby, I would so be there......
7. I am tired. Every day is a battle and I am beginning to think I am losing that as well.
8. Oh, yeah, don't forget the very yappy dog. Tired of that, too.
9. I hope that things will brighten soon and this phase will pass.
10. I used to feel like this was my mission in life.
11. Now it just feels like a job.
12. That is not a good feeling at all.....
13. Please think of me in your prayers.......I need to find a solution......