There has been much said about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Many think it is made up, or for the weak of mind. Personally I think the maturity, age and experience of the "victim" is critical. There are individuals that suffer gross abuse and neglect, horrifying accidents or war and are psychologically unscathed. Others experience an event that may be considered by some as nothing. To that person, it WAS something. You can't really put in degrees and compare. It is all apples to oranges. "My rape was more brutal than yours........" "My abusive parents were worse than yours......." See how ridiculous that sounds. It is all relative in the victims mind and experience.
That said, I know a child who is close to the family that had "something" happen to her on Halloween night. We are not sure the details and I may never really know. Since the event, she has refused to go to school, she will not even go to the dentist in the town where it happened, she has had trouble sleeping, she has lashed out angrily at her mother....... So she is taken to a doctor who decides in one visit that she is bipolar and puts her in anti psychotic drugs. After one visit to him. Ummmmm, am I the only one who sees a problem with this?
There are God moments in our lives and between this development, my daughter's issues and then the idiot lady speaking at that preK conference...... I think I am being told something. Maybe I need to finish my degree and be able to do something to help these kids........
Susan ... you absolutely should go back and finish ... If I can go back at 44, so can you! And you could do so much good for all those kids. Have you thought about child psychology?
I majored in psychology, but changed my major my junior year because I realized that I would need to get one of those job thingies that I had been hearing so much about, lol! So, I had enough credits for a minor in psychology. I don't know what I can do with a bachelor's in psych though....... I guess I need to figure out what I can afford both financially and time wise and then go from there.......Thanks for the vote of confidence!
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