Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Foyer Update

What an overwhelming task! Truthfully, I gave up on sorting through the mail and paperwork- it was mostly David's anyway, so I delegated.  In two grocery bags. :)

So here we go...... I forgot to take the before picture before  I started pulling junk out, so it looks worse than it really was.


See, everything gets dumped as we walk in!  I was not kidding.

I painted the banister black. I don't think David
was impressed (that is why I waited until he left)

The five cube tower.  Kinda proud of myself on this one.  I wanted one with five cubbies, they only had ones with 4. Then I remembered that I had a 2 and a 3 already and was not using them- so I used Liquid Nails and some screws to make my own!
And here is the side view- I added some hooks for David's
coach clipboard and my purse.

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