Monday, July 01, 2013

Foyer (otherwise known as the dumping ground)

I hate our foyer.  This is where everyone enters the house.  And then drops everything.  It is typically a heap of shoes, sports equipment, books, mail, dog fur and anything David has used for work in the past 5 days.  If there is a flat surface, someone will pile stuff up. I have purchased "lockers"for the kids, which they use to shove anything they don't want to take the time to put away.  David has taken to piling stuff on top. the key hooks have turned into some kind of mail holder and it looks odd....

So i plan to clean, organize and revamp the foyer.  I do realize it will last about 6 minutes and a 15 minute living room and foyer tidy will have to be on my daily agenda, but so be it..... This is the first thing I see when I get home and it actually deflates me the minute I open the door.   In fact, there have been days I cannot open the door because there is a flip flop or other shoe wedged under the door path.... 

  • Clear out trash
  • Clean out drawers
  • Clean out lockers and tops of lockers
  • Take out bulletin board that never gets used
  • Replace short tower with tall tower
  • Stain lockers and tower darker color
  • Add baskets to tops of locker
  • "Decorate" table top in attractive manor*
  • Use new tower to hold keys, sunglasses, receipts, camera, ipod,  etc.
  • Paint pantry door with chalkboard paint
  • New rug
  • Paint stair area
  • Hang new pictures
I know it sounds like a lot, but this area is a mess. It needs to function to keep us in order and also look nice.  It won't all happen in one day, but i do have all summer to keep rotating rooms until I am done.  

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