Thursday, March 31, 2011

13! for Thursday

1. Has been "single" all week.
2. I hate that so much........
3. I have a hard time believing that anyone would chose single mom. On purpose.
4. Let's just say things would have to be pretty awful around here.
5. I've been busier than normal around here, too.
6. And I am so behind on housework and everything else in life....
7. I do not know how other people do it all.
8. They must not sleep or something.
9. I love my sleep too much.
10. I guess I am making up for all the years I couldn't sleep.
11. Maybe I should give up the Internet- I would get more accomplished if I quit wasting time.
12. Or not.
13. *YAWN*

Monday, March 28, 2011

Memory Monday

me and caryn as "minions"- halloween 2010

Thursday, March 24, 2011

13 13 13 13 13 13

*sorry it is tardy- running out of steam*
1. I am SOOOOOO tired of stupid people.
2. Not just ****, but some of the parents are nonsensiable too.
3. Tired of drama.
4. And absolutely sick to death of how much POWER is given to children these days.
5. I see kids who run their parents ragged. They give in to them all the time, believe everything they say and bow to their every wish....
6. WHY???????
7. My own will try to see what they can get away with as much as possible, but they do hear NO!
8. I am not going to make them feel guilty, hurt their self esteem or damage them into their adulthood by saying NO!
9. My oldest is witnessing a situation where a child is manipulating her parents to the Nth degree and getting away with it.
10. If she doesn't like it at one house, she goes to the other. Then when everyone is sick of her, she ends up on someonelse's door step.
11. One night after not being allowed to call her brother names and make ridiculous demands on my time and energy, she announced "I want to live with Grandma".
12. I handed her the phone and said "call her, cuz I am pretty sure she is going to say no".
13. Unfortunately for her she is stuck with both of her parents in the same house in an age of "my parents are not together so I can get whatever I want from the situation"..............

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

turns out...

the subpoena IS for me. now i am pretty ticked off and offended. they are asking me to show documents pertaining to expenses i share with @@@@, trips i have taken with him, any overseas bank accounts, photographs of the children taken when he was not with them, etc. um- these things do not exist!!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dear ****

Thank you for the subpoena. I am looking forward to missing my class Easter party and egg hunt while I drive to Montgomery County to provide you with documents that do not exist. You know I work in a Catholic school and the week before Easter is Holy Week. I will miss attending Mass with my class and my own children. I appreciate that. The only think that makes it worthwhile is that I believe your lawyer subpoenaed the WRONG Susan...... So I will be laughing my ASS off when your lawyer walks in to depose a 44 year old sister in law, not a 67 year old mother!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Memory Monday

hjs @ may 2003
david loves this picture- and it truly captures her spirit at age 3!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dear ****

You are a complete disgrace to women. You CHOSE to have more children, knowing the significant age difference. You CHOSE to have twins. You CHOSE to try to raise them all on your own. Now you cannot handle it. You cannot even get your teenager to a horse show that you insisted she be a part of and signed her up for. You cannot get your ass to the school you INSISTED she attend to enroll her because the 5 years olds are TIRED!? Now that the car that was less than 2 years old when you kicked your husband out has a ruined engine because you neglected to maintain it is no longer running, you go running to the very man you didn't want to be married to and ask him to give you his car, or buy you a new one? Really?

Here is a notion for you...... you wanted to be out of this relationship. So, stand on your own two feet and take care of your kids and yourself for once!!!!!!!!!! Bitch.

It's Sunday.....

time to:
wash clothes
fold them
put them away
clean the living room and dining room
clean rodent cages
vacuum upstairs
clean bathrooms..........

why do I have to spend all day on Sunday cleaning now that I work full time? I hate it!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

13 13 13 13 13 13

*if thursdays keep being this crazy, i might have to pick a new day!*

1. My baby is 8 today.

2. Hard to believe it has been that many years.

3. I still say that a newborn and a toddler is easier than two school agers.

4. Another sign he is growing up- for his family dinner he picked lasagna and mango cheesecake. Not pizza, hot dogs or chicken nuggets.

5. He also asked for an ipod for a present.

6. Even though he is growing up way too fast, he still loves his Mama......

7. And he still sleeps with the cats.

8. He is a math whiz, an athlete and video game junkie.

9. He loves Nerf guns, penguins and peanut butter.

10. He will tape a note to 3 bananas. "save for banana bread"........

11. He leaves "i love you" notes all over the house (including with a sharpie on my perfume bottle).

12. He is a terrible speller........

13. The ladies already love him and I know he will replace me one day......

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


This week, besides being the week of my baby's birthday, is also the anniversary of the birth and death of my friend's baby. Her son would be the same grade as Zachary. I know it is hard for her, especially since she sees me celebrating Zachary's birth and she still grieves for her son. She does know that I, too, have lost babies.

I do believe that one day we will see them again in Heaven. She and I will be rocking all the babies and playing Ring Around the Rosie in Heaven..........and loving every minute of it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Memory Monday

me and daddy
not sure location/ about 1970

My father died 5 years ago, give or take a day. He was not the kind of dad every kid wishes they had, not by a long shot. It could have been worse- he never beat me or sold me for drugs or anything like that. He just decided one day he did not want us. Not any of us. He chose the local tramp instead. It makes me sad that his life ended the way it did- very lonely and dumped in a nursing home where he decided to stop eating or even getting out of bed. I think he knew we were there when he died. I hope he did. And I also hope he knew he was wrong. I will certainly never know. Peace, Daddy........

Thursday, March 10, 2011

13! for Thursday

1. The 13 is usually written on Wednesday and scheduled to post on Thursday morning........
2. My week has completely sucked and I just plain ol' didn't write it last night.
3. It IS still Thursday, you know.
4. That said, I will let you know what is bugging me.....
5. My oldest child has a major attitude problem the past few days and thinks she is going to make all her own decisions.
6. Apparently she did NOT get the memo that neither me OR her father give a damn about her opinion on most things.
7. My classroom situation is not delightful and if were not for some good friends that keep the day fun, I would have lost my sanity by now.
8. I am also not feeling loved by my parents this year......... but that is OK- it is pretty much mutual (although some of my parents totally rock)....
9. I am ready for nice weather and real recess- I miss the playground.
10. I am constantly tired lately and need more sleep. The dogs and hamster do not seem to agree with this, as I have been up at 1 AM every night this week because of one of them.
11. My feet hurt.
12. I am still coughing and probably will be until May.
13. And I thought I'd give up rum for Lent, but think I will not last until Friday...........

Monday, March 07, 2011

Memory Monday

hjs @ howl-o-ween bash/bark in the park at quiet waters park
october 2005

Sunday, March 06, 2011


I was thinking about you today and wanted to say one more time I am sorry. I know that once I truly hurt you. I made choices because I loved you and I knew I was not the best person for you. You moved on, and for that I am glad. You seem happy now, and for that I am also glad.

You loved me, I know that. And the best part is you truly loved the REAL me. You and all the people we hung around with saw the most genuine version of myself there ever was. I miss the person I was then. I think sometimes that I have found that part of myself again. It took a very long time.

So many little things remind me of you. I have many fond memories and I will always care for you deeply. I have always said that I am fortunate to have been loved by some very special men..... you are one. And I am glad. You know that I still love you very much.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

I wish.......

that being sexy was not a distant memory.......

Thursday, March 03, 2011

13! for Thursday

*this is late due to illness- but it is STILL Thursday*
thirteen things that made the 80's awesome

1. tight jeans
2. gold belts
3. add a beads
4. banner house purses with whales on them
5. nike bruins
6. duran duran
7. candies slides
8. black eyeliner that had to be melted with a lighter
9. aquanet hairspray
10. love's baby soft
11. kissing potion lipgloss (cola was the best)
12. trapper keepers
13. cover girl cocoa creme nail polish

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

i hate being sick

i hate to miss work. and i hate to be home and get nothing accomplished. it sucks. and i feel worse now than i did yesterday. patient first said it was viral- an upper respiratory infection. strep culture was negative. but still i feel nasty. helen was home today (strep) and she started perking up around noon- and was she ever CHATTY! so between her and the yappy dog who feels the need to alert me to a leaf in the parking lot, or a ball of fluff in the corner, or the fact that he heard the guy leaving a pizza delivery flyer on the door---- i got no sleep.

out again tomorrow. i hate missing work.