Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I workout......

Yesterday, I went to the gym.  I intended to warm up on the treadmill, then go lift weights.  As I was leaving the cardio room, Hottie Hot Pants was walking in......so naturally I traded my weight lifting for a prime bike seat in the front row.......with his treadmill directly behind me!  I watched him for the next 7 miles........

So, since I did extra cardio instead of lifting, I went BACK to the gym for circuit training in the evening, thank you very much!  Today I walked 2 miles while Zachary was at rugby practice.  I ate chili fries for lunch (booo), so dinner was two carrots and hummus.........

So, tomorrow will be a cardio day (at 6:45, so I can have a nice view,lol).  It is sad because I am old enough to be his mother and I am sure that even when I was 20, he never would have looked my way.  And he is not even blonde.  But it keeps me motivated.  I am down two more pounds- I weigh less than when I got pregnant with Zachary.

I have also declared Wednesdays "Vegan Days".  It is also yoga night...........

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