Friday, June 29, 2012

It is inevitable.....

that I would find out Hottie Hot pants doesn't look as good clothed.  He is still beautiful, but with street clothing covering the body, well......... not the same.  But I still got to stare for 13 minutes today.

I did 2.5 miles on the bike- would have done more but he was finished and my butt was starting to hurt!  So I went to the circuit room and did upper body.  Here is the break down:

Bike: 2.5 miles/13 minutes (avg rpms- 82)
shoulder press- 25 pounds
pec deck- 40 pounds
bicep- 25 pounds
tricep- 35 pounds
row- 35 pounds
140 crunches

Weighed myself- am I ever going to LOSE anything?????????????

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