Thursday, April 30, 2009
thir, thir, thirteen!
- I am so glad I live in America.
- The library had a book fair this week and I am exhausted!
- David has been in Boston all week and I miss him.
- I had to testify in court on Tuesday. I kinda didn't elaborate on the truth- that ****'s house is filthy and the cleaning I did was above and beyond "cleaning up after a family meal".
- I did trip up her lawyer on more than one occasion and totally enjoyed it.
- The experience of watching the circus, I mean divorce, between these people has made me vow to NEVER get divorced (David- you'd have to do something awful!).
- Mischa ran off again this morning and is sitting at the pound until I can pick her up tomorrow. Of course she still doesn't have a tag- I ordered the wrong one.
- I just ordered a new one (like Ozzy's) from Boomerang Tags
- She will have a chip when she gets home tomorrow.
- I think Zac Ephron is hot and that makes me feel like a pervert.
- I want to go to bed. Now.
- Vacation- want one. Soon. Pass the rum, please.
- mmmmm- hunan tofu- dinner's here!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The Bathroom
Our bathroom is so tiny that I couldn't really get great shots, but I finally finished it during the summer and never got around to posting. The cabinet was white; I painted it espresso and added bronze hardware. The walls are a golden color, the shower curtain has elephants on it- the picture I took was VERY blurry, so you don;t get to see it. And if anyone has the same problem I do- kids toothbrushes don't fit into standard toothbrush holders and cups get gross slimy stuff in the bottom. I use a flower pot! Picked it up for a couple of bucks and there is a drain hole in the bottom- all I have to do is wash it out when I clean the bathroom. Since there is a hole, no slime! The wall cabinet hangs over the toilet and catches the over flow of items we all use every day. The sugar shaker is filled with baking soda- paper boxes and steamy bathrooms don't mix! Notice the Suave for Men- so Zachary doesn't "smell like a girl".
Friday, April 24, 2009
I'd love a Vacation....
I would love to go to a warm beach, drink lots of rum and sleep and play. I feel like I never get a real chance to just BE with my husband and children. I especially don't spend enough time with the husband....... It is starting to feel like all we do is run. When I am home, I feel like I have to clean, clean, clean.
This summer, my wish is this- to create regular routines for things like laundry and bathroom clean up, etc. Then get rid of all the CLUTTER. I think that if I could do those things and stick to it, everything else will fall in place. This is how I always did things before, but I have less and less time every week. I am always just moving junk from one place to another because there isn't room to put it all. We can't move. We can't add on. The only solution is to get rid of a lot of stuff. Now, how do I get it all past my kids?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
13 13 13 13 13 13
- I am so tired, it isn't even funny.
- Kids left the front door open Monday morning. Mishca ran out into the pouring rain. Without her tags. 45 minutes later she is found wandering down a busy road and taken to the pound- where they immediately recognize her.
- Ordered new name tag for Mishca.
- Picked her up on Tuesday.
- Getting microchipped next week.
- Ozzy is heartworm FREE! Yippy, happy dance!!
- I really am starting to hate the karate teacher. Really. I didn't know that getting a black belt made one all knowing and above reproach.
- Laundry is still a HUGE problem around here.
- Someone asked me "when do you rest?"- good question.
- Erin sent her resume to my school- how awesome would that be? I want to work with her again!
- Team pitch softball is boring when the girls cannot pitch or hit. Or catch.
- Key lime pie.
- Reality that we are tripping over the threshold of puberty is sinking in. I'm scared.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
my life...
has consisted of too many years of
A. worrying about what people think
B. selflessly taking care of people
C. spinning my wheels getting nowhere
i think it is time for some change
Monday, April 13, 2009
8:44 AM
guess who is at my house? Yep, you got it. Helen had a sleepover with neighbor at the grandmother's house. They wanted to go to the mall and I said- oh that's fine- we aren't doing much today. Big mistake- Helen didn't come home until 9 PM and was absolutely exhausted. So, of course, she was nasty all day Easter Sunday. I made her go to bed at 8 last night and she slept until 7. She is a little more pleasant, but now she is asking of the neighbor can go to the mall with us. Wouldn't be a problem, except we are meeting friends there and neighbor girl doesn't get along with Helen's friend at all. And I am trying to get Helen to go ahead and get her ears pierced. Pretty sure David won't like it, but he let my son get a Mohawk, and then shaved him bald the week before school started. So there......
I have a week planned-
Monday- meet Erin and kids for the mall and lunch; karate class at 3:45
Tuesday- drop Mishka off at groomers; Movie Monsters vs. Aliens; get Zachary's portrait done
Wednesday- Pic n Paint and library; karate at 3:45
Thursday- vet, Sherwood Gardens and picnic
Friday- 10-Story time is at my house; mini golf after lunch; sparring at 3:45
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
It has already started.....
the neighbor showed up at 8:45. I have not showered or dressed, Zachary is driving me crazy about dying eggs, I don't want to do it with the fucking brat from next door, Helen won't do them she says and now it is 9:30, dogs are whining and pacing and the kids are getting on my nerves and I still haven't had a shower...... I can't stand the girl, and I hate the way Helen acts when she is with her.......
To Do List
- Dye Easter eggs.
- Get rabbits from basement.
- Clean off front porch.
- Stuff eggs for egg hunt.
- Finish E. Bunny shopping (still need a couple of things).
- Call kennel to get Not Ozzy bathed.
- Make Helen try on Easter dress.
- Get a new dress for her if first one does not fit.
- Dress for myself?
Thursday, April 09, 2009
- Yeah- spring break starts today.
- Boo- next door neighbor also out and mom is still on maternity leave.
- Zachary cheats at card games- don't let him deal the deck.
- I know it is Thursday because the laundry pile told me so.
- "Not Ozzy" really needs a bath- she smells weird.
- I still need some blue shoes.
- Is it spring yet?
- Easter bunny is slack at my house.
- Tired of the "HOME OFFICE" spilling over into the foyer and living room.
- I need a day to myself.
- The living room really needs some curtains.
- We need another vacuum cleaner.
- And a dumpster.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Welcome Home.......
"Sheba" was adopted alright- by us. David followed up with the pound to discover that the people who expressed an interest in the dog never came back. She was scheduled to go to the rescue if there was room, or to be put down if not. So she is now on my floor asleep. Lord help us!
If Nuns Ruled the World......
we wouldn’t be in a mess.
If nuns were ruling the world, peace and justice would reign! I believe that if the ‘good sisters’ that I had in grade school, at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, were alive today, the economy would not be in the shape it is! Allow me to imagine what things would be like if Sister Euthalia were in charge. “Mr. Madoff, what are you doing?” “I’m creating a Ponzi scheme, Sister. I’m going to get people to put their money in an imaginary investment that will allow me to rip them off for billions of dollars for myself,” he said with a smile. “You wipe that smile off your face or I’ll wipe it off for you! Now sit down right now and give that money back today! Don’t you know stealing is wrong? And get to confession!” “But Sister, I’m not a Catholic!” “Don’t you back talk me, young man! The light’s on for you every Wednesday evening from 7 to 8:30. And it’s lights out for you if I don’t see you there! Do you understand?” “Yes, Sister.” “And for your task, write 5,000 times: ‘Thou shalt not steal!’ ” “Yes, Sister.” “Now, you bankers and mortgage brokers, what are you doing making all these loans that you know people can’t pay back?” “Everybody’s doing it, Sister. We wanted our share of the profits!” “Everybody’s doing it? Everybody’s doing it? If everybody was jumping off a cliff would you jump off, too? Now get to confession and do some things to atone for all the harm you’ve caused!” “Yes, Sister.” “And write for your task 1,000 times: ‘I will not deceive people for my personal gain!’ ” “Yes, Sister.” “Now, you, Johnny and Susie, what are you doing signing up for mortgages that you can’t afford?” “Nobody told us what was in the contract, Sister?” “Nobody told you? Didn’t you learn to read in the first grade? Didn’t you learn to add and subtract, multiply and divide, by the third grade? Do you think you’re just supposed to sit there like a bump on a log and do nothing?” “No, Sister.” “Well, you just sit down and write 500 times: “I will look before I leap. I will read before I sign. I will not blame others!” “Yes, Sister.” Sister Euthalia and God did it right. Occasionally I think she even gave God some advice! It’s always easier to prevent a mess than it is to clean up a mess. The good sisters would have prevented today’s disaster. There is no substitute for learning right from wrong, truth from falsehood, responsibility from irresponsibility. The good nuns who taught most of us are gone now. As someone said, “They lived anonymous lives, and they are buried in anonymous graves.” But the good they did still lives on. And they live on a realm beyond time where goodness is eternally rewarded. We learn from the Scriptures that God’s ways are not our ways. When we try life without God we don’t always end up in such great shape. Someone has wisely said: “You can’t break the Ten Commandments. You can only break yourself against them!” Much in our world is broken today. The Ten Commandments are doing just fine! The good sisters would have prevented today’s disaster. There is no substitute for learning right from wrong, truth from falsehood, responsibility from irresponsibility.
If nuns were ruling the world, peace and justice would reign! I believe that if the ‘good sisters’ that I had in grade school, at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, were alive today, the economy would not be in the shape it is! Allow me to imagine what things would be like if Sister Euthalia were in charge. “Mr. Madoff, what are you doing?” “I’m creating a Ponzi scheme, Sister. I’m going to get people to put their money in an imaginary investment that will allow me to rip them off for billions of dollars for myself,” he said with a smile. “You wipe that smile off your face or I’ll wipe it off for you! Now sit down right now and give that money back today! Don’t you know stealing is wrong? And get to confession!” “But Sister, I’m not a Catholic!” “Don’t you back talk me, young man! The light’s on for you every Wednesday evening from 7 to 8:30. And it’s lights out for you if I don’t see you there! Do you understand?” “Yes, Sister.” “And for your task, write 5,000 times: ‘Thou shalt not steal!’ ” “Yes, Sister.” “Now, you bankers and mortgage brokers, what are you doing making all these loans that you know people can’t pay back?” “Everybody’s doing it, Sister. We wanted our share of the profits!” “Everybody’s doing it? Everybody’s doing it? If everybody was jumping off a cliff would you jump off, too? Now get to confession and do some things to atone for all the harm you’ve caused!” “Yes, Sister.” “And write for your task 1,000 times: ‘I will not deceive people for my personal gain!’ ” “Yes, Sister.” “Now, you, Johnny and Susie, what are you doing signing up for mortgages that you can’t afford?” “Nobody told us what was in the contract, Sister?” “Nobody told you? Didn’t you learn to read in the first grade? Didn’t you learn to add and subtract, multiply and divide, by the third grade? Do you think you’re just supposed to sit there like a bump on a log and do nothing?” “No, Sister.” “Well, you just sit down and write 500 times: “I will look before I leap. I will read before I sign. I will not blame others!” “Yes, Sister.” Sister Euthalia and God did it right. Occasionally I think she even gave God some advice! It’s always easier to prevent a mess than it is to clean up a mess. The good sisters would have prevented today’s disaster. There is no substitute for learning right from wrong, truth from falsehood, responsibility from irresponsibility. The good nuns who taught most of us are gone now. As someone said, “They lived anonymous lives, and they are buried in anonymous graves.” But the good they did still lives on. And they live on a realm beyond time where goodness is eternally rewarded. We learn from the Scriptures that God’s ways are not our ways. When we try life without God we don’t always end up in such great shape. Someone has wisely said: “You can’t break the Ten Commandments. You can only break yourself against them!” Much in our world is broken today. The Ten Commandments are doing just fine! The good sisters would have prevented today’s disaster. There is no substitute for learning right from wrong, truth from falsehood, responsibility from irresponsibility.
from The Catholic Review by Father Joseph Breighner
Monday, April 06, 2009
why did Helen have to beg to go to the pound on Saturday?
why did there have to be a Husky there?
why can none of us stop thinking about her?
why do I want to bring her home so badly- when I know I don't have time, money, room, energy for an old Husky?
Sunday, April 05, 2009
What I Did Today
1. Clean kitchen.
2. Go into Zachary's room to put away clothes- realize gerbil cage is open, spend 2 hours trying to round up gerbils and return them to their home. Only found one....
3. Go to Target to buy Easter stuff- leave with nothing but Peeps and chocolate rabbits.
4. Go home to meet Zachary (he was with Grandma). Leave to pick up Helen from an Easter egg hunt. Throw bags in truck, smashing chocolate bunny.
5. Go to the mall the buy shoes for Helen and Zachary.
6. Stop at Johnnie Rockets for sodas and french fries.
7. Come home and help David catch the second gerbil.
8. Start a load of laundry only to realize that I was washing clean clothes, not dirty ones.
9. Clean kitchen. Again.
lunch programs
I am not an Obama fan. The First Lady just rubs me the wrong way- so sue me. But, being the Libra that I am, I must see good in everyone and will give credit where it is due. I feel the need to commend Michelle Obama for her decision to include a kitchen garden at the White House. Hopefully she has an idea about the crap we Americans eat. And I hope she realizes the power she has to help share that with fellow Americans. Healthy food is not for the elite. Ironically, when I was growing up such healthy foods were "poor people" food (my brothers words, not mine). We ate from a garden and rarely had processed foods. I don't even really remember having much cheese around until I was in middle school.
Which brings me to another point. I would love to see a high profile parent (are you listening Mrs. First Lady) make school lunches a priority. We are so insistent that kids will only eat nuggest and pizza that all we are willing to give them is the crap we know they will eat. We will have a generation of adults that do not know what a real piece of food looks like. Are we doing this because it is easier or cheaper? It is certainly NOT because it is healthier or the only things children will eat.
Other cultures do not share this mentality and their children eat fish, seaweed, beans, veggies, fresh fruit........ I have officially decided that I will no longer order of the kids' menu for my kids (as much as possible any way- if they cannot share, adult portions are too large and expensive for little guys). I have been fighting a battle all their lives to get my kids to appreciate real food. I am starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. If I could go back, I would have kept giving Helen what we were eating even though she threw it on the floor. She would have eventually eaten what she was given. I also wish I had never given them anything but water and milk to drink. Zachary will drink water, but Helen would rather dehydrate than drink it.
Maybe following their trip to Europe, Mrs. Obama will recognize the need for this country to stop buying into big agriculture and the determination that children need such processed foods in their every day lives. It needs to begin in the home, but school is setting a terrible example. I taught in a headstart type program in Georgia. Our food funding really had no room for all processed foods. We may have had the occasional nugget or pizza bagel, but we had more real chicken and dumplings, beans, home made meatloaf, fresh baked bread, fresh fruit...... And the kids ate it, especially the ones who told me "my grandma cooks like this". Food for thought, people. Feed your kids well.
Friday, April 03, 2009
- I forgot to do the thirteen thing this week.
- I actually went to the mall today.
- Helen needed clothes.
- $106 bought 3 pairs of shorts, four tops and a bathing suit for her.
- Then I took myself to lunch.
- My daughter hates her brother and it bothers me so much.
- David and I are going on a date Saturday night.
- The people my husband SHOULD be jealous of are not the same ones he is ACTUALLY jealous of.
- I hate my bedroom.
- Clutter is killing me.
- Some preK shennanigans are getting to me- I wish some people who have nothing to do with it would butt out.
- I wish I had a smokin' hot body and new clothes.
- I need to color my hair.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
It has been an awful week
David announced that he can't deal with anything anymore and he is moving out. Then I find out from one of his coworkers that he had someone with him the last time he went out of town. I started snooping around and found out that he has been seeing **** and took her to Dallas last month. This is all so weird and unexpected. I never thought this would happen. They are going to live together and he wants custody so the kids can all be together. If you are reading this and believed it for a minute, then April Fool's to you!
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