Thursday, April 09, 2009


  1. Yeah- spring break starts today.
  2. Boo- next door neighbor also out and mom is still on maternity leave.
  3. Zachary cheats at card games- don't let him deal the deck.
  4. I know it is Thursday because the laundry pile told me so.
  5. "Not Ozzy" really needs a bath- she smells weird.
  6. I still need some blue shoes.  
  7. Is it spring yet?
  8. Easter bunny is slack at my house.
  9. Tired of the "HOME OFFICE" spilling over into the foyer and living room.
  10. I need a day to myself.
  11. The living room really needs some curtains.
  12. We need another vacuum cleaner.
  13. And a dumpster.

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