Friday, January 14, 2011

Teacher Work Day

I get to work in my room this morning. I really needed a morning like this. Time to clean my desk, wash and disinfect the toys, plan the rest of the school year, make a few things...... All the stuff I do not have time to do these days.

Also going to organize the back room where all my resources are SCATTERED! I hate that and I cannot find anything- I never organized after the big move to the basement....... And of course, I will be meeting friends for lunch at Cafe Hamlin (best lunch spot in town, hon).

And while I am working I will be shoving the ear buds in my ears and ignoring the noise coming from day care in the next room, and hopefully any other teacher's who might try yo talk to me. And thinking about my upcoming trip, seeing my mom, sister and {****}.

{Cafe Hamlin is not a real restaurant, it my my friend's house}

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