Thursday, September 04, 2008


Dear teacher's of my daughter,
Please do not talk about hurricanes and natural disasters. Most children may regard weather with a passing nod. Not her. She makes evacuation plans, she religiously checks the weather channel. She has the weather report saved under favorites on the computer. She worries. She has had a headache for two days because of Hanna and Fay. Leave the weather report out of the day's curriculum, for the sake of sanity.......Duh.

Dear Post Office lady,
If the woman standing in front of you is mumbling, pointing and desperately trying to see your face when you are talking, she IS deaf, not merely trying to annoy you. If I noticed standing three people behind her, why didn't you? I cannot imagine how frustrated your customer must have been. Maybe someone needs to give her a pin that reads, "If I can't see your lips, I can't read them". Duh.

Dear dumb ass in the parking lot,
If someone in a Buick is parked between two MONSTER SUBURBANN SUV'S, that someone cannot see you when he/she is backing out of that parking space. You have the advantage of SIGHT, use it and be courteous. No one can see through metal. No one trying to drive a car in reverse can look 4 ways at the same time. Use your noggin. Would you rather be safe or "right". (Actually, once a driver has begun to back out of the space, they have the right of way, not you. Duh.

Thank you.

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