Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I finally finished painting the bathroom cabinet (it only took 4 months, lol). Now I need to clean the bathroom so I can post a picture- it's really not that bad, I just want to get a "stylist" shot to avoid the "why did I post of picture with a box of tampons on the counter?" afterthought.
Soccer has started, and to my surprise, it has not been stressful. Gone are the days where I am struggling to put shin guards and tight socks on a wriggly, screaming 5 year old who doesn't want to play, but won't quit, either. Gone is the 4 year old who decides he wants to be on the playground rather than goalkeeping. Helen actually stays on the field kicking the ball around during half-time break, rather than coming over to complain. She has definitely improved skill-wise since 1st grade (we took last year off). She is definitely defense rather than the big goal getter, but that is fine, too. Her dad was a lacrosse goalie and I always did better at defense positions, no matter what sport. I told her last night that if she keeps making saves like that (she has about 5 saves), I don't care if she never makes a goal.
I just feel like I am always telling her to do something and I feel like a nag. If I could just give her a list and tell her to get it done, I would. But she is still unable to manage her time (I guess most 8 year olds are that way). Zachary says his homework is boring. I have to admit, he has been doing the dinky worksheet material since he was 2 1/2 and wanted to do Helen's homework. I bought him a workbook then. The resource teacher is giving me a first grade book so he can get some extra at home. He was the first child in class to count to 100. They get to write their name on a poster when they count to 100 (this is to prepare for 110th day, which is a big deal in K and 1st grade).
So that is the update at my house. I will post pictures of my bathroom tomorrow......

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

HOw lucky you are to have her enjoy something!! I am still struggling to find something that Allison (9), actually enjoys doing. :) I love reading your blog, btw. Chris