Friday, September 05, 2008

Yeah, Friday

My first "day off" without kids. The school was closed last Friday, so I had kids on what was technically my day off. My plans today are:

1. mail craft fair applications
2. put away laundry
3. drop off stuff at Goodwill
4. pick up 2 dozen paint stirrers at Lowe's (these make great shelf markers in the library, btw)
5. prime the cabinet in the bathroom
6. clean the bathroom
7. take movies back to Blockbuster
8. drop off papers at pediatrician's office
9. take meds to school
10. go down to library and spend 30 minutes trying to figure out how to check out books
Do I have enough time? I doubt it. What do I really want to do? Spend about 4 hours stamping and making cards, then go to a movie before I pick up the kids.
what DID i get done today? 1,5,7,8,9. so i guess 1/2 is better than nothing. i could have gotten more done if i hadn't slept late and had to spend 30 minutes on the phone with amex. everything is ok, but let me just say be careful what you click on when you buy on line. apparently one does not have to enter billing info to get enrollled in some crappity scam that charges $12 every month. amex removed the charges and i called the "service" and canceled. i shall not purchase movie tickets on line again. period.

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