Thursday, March 12, 2009


1. We have a whopping 17 kids registered for preK.
2. I just sold a bunch pf craft fair booths.
3. I need to grade papers.
4. Today is David's birthday- Happy 42, hon!  You're old.
5. The St. Patrick's Dinner at school is going to be fun.
6. Easter is just around the corner!
7. I want to go see a movie, still (I haven't gone to one yet)
8. If navy is the "new black", why can't I find shoes?
9. I need to take Ozzy to the vet.
10.  Homework is driving me crazy.
11. I think Helen has ADHD.
12. Zachary really needs a haircut.
13. I need to request Helen's teacher for next year......

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