I am not an Obama fan. The First Lady just rubs me the wrong way- so sue me. But, being the Libra that I am, I must see good in everyone and will give credit where it is due. I feel the need to commend Michelle Obama for her decision to include a kitchen garden at the White House. Hopefully she has an idea about the crap we Americans eat. And I hope she realizes the power she has to help share that with fellow Americans. Healthy food is not for the elite. Ironically, when I was growing up such healthy foods were "poor people" food (my brothers words, not mine). We ate from a garden and rarely had processed foods. I don't even really remember having much cheese around until I was in middle school.
Which brings me to another point. I would love to see a high profile parent (are you listening Mrs. First Lady) make school lunches a priority. We are so insistent that kids will only eat nuggest and pizza that all we are willing to give them is the crap we know they will eat. We will have a generation of adults that do not know what a real piece of food looks like. Are we doing this because it is easier or cheaper? It is certainly NOT because it is healthier or the only things children will eat.
Other cultures do not share this mentality and their children eat fish, seaweed, beans, veggies, fresh fruit........ I have officially decided that I will no longer order of the kids' menu for my kids (as much as possible any way- if they cannot share, adult portions are too large and expensive for little guys). I have been fighting a battle all their lives to get my kids to appreciate real food. I am starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. If I could go back, I would have kept giving Helen what we were eating even though she threw it on the floor. She would have eventually eaten what she was given. I also wish I had never given them anything but water and milk to drink. Zachary will drink water, but Helen would rather dehydrate than drink it.
Maybe following their trip to Europe, Mrs. Obama will recognize the need for this country to stop buying into big agriculture and the determination that children need such processed foods in their every day lives. It needs to begin in the home, but school is setting a terrible example. I taught in a headstart type program in Georgia. Our food funding really had no room for all processed foods. We may have had the occasional nugget or pizza bagel, but we had more real chicken and dumplings, beans, home made meatloaf, fresh baked bread, fresh fruit...... And the kids ate it, especially the ones who told me "my grandma cooks like this". Food for thought, people. Feed your kids well.
Why does she "rub you the wrong way?"
If she WERE to take this up, would you then give her props where props are due? Or would you take issue at the way she did it?
Some people just rub me the wrong way- she is one of them...... "I must see good in everyone and will give credit where it is due. I feel the need to commend Michelle Obama for her decision to include a kitchen garden at the White House"- see, I do give credit where credit is due. I was under the impression, however, that modifying school lunches was going to her "her thing"..... haven't seen much press on that lately....
Some people just rub me the wrong way- she is one of them...... "I must see good in everyone and will give credit where it is due. I feel the need to commend Michelle Obama for her decision to include a kitchen garden at the White House"- see, I do give credit where credit is due. I was under the impression, however, that modifying school lunches was going to her "her thing"..... haven't seen much press on that lately....
OK, that's a bit of a tautology. "She rubs me the wrong way because she rubs me the wrong way," but she has done something. She has attempted to make changes, as it is "her thing."
I would point out, though, (as you know) that the First Lady is neither paid, nor does she have any power beyond lending a "high profile" to issues that she feels strongly about. In the end, all she can do is offer suggestions:
A better angle would be to follow the money: Why are Coca-Cola machines in schools? Who gives children money for these machines? Who stands to lose money if lunches are improved (meaning, if less food from processors is allowed to make it to the plate)?
If you read ALL of my food posts you will see my stand on soda machines, school and parental responsibility, etc. Really, concentrating on a post i wrote 18 months ago to focus on our vast differences in politics is pointless. My blog is not about Michelle Obama. It is barely about politics. Please look at the other 203 posts as well. And last time I checked, I am entitled to an OPINION regarding the rubbing of myself, right way as well as wrong. If you would like a complete listing of all high profile individuals that rub me the wrong way, I can write a post. I will also be happy to supply a list of people I would enjoy having rub me.
Susan: The whole "I'm entitled to my opinion" is a straw dog. Of course you are! I never said you were not. My only point was that claiming the First Lady has done *nothing* on this front is false. Quite the opposite is true.
where did i say that in the original post? i believe i stated my hopes for the programs she wanted to implement.
Some stalkers are really weird!
"I would love to see a high profile parent (are you listening Mrs. First Lady) make school lunches a priority." (Implying that she has not, when she has).
"Hopefully she has an idea about the crap we Americans eat. And I hope she realizes the power she has to help share that with fellow Americans." (Assuming that she does not have an idea. Clearly she does).
Did you say the word "nothing?" No, you didn't. I felt that it was implied. That's my opinion, and I believe I'm entitled to it.
please note the date of original post is april 5, 2009. what had she done prior to that date? and if i have offended her in my little blog, (which this post was not about her, it was about our culture in general and only made a suggestion that she is in a position to HELP). then she can let me know and i will deliver my sincerest apology. however, i doubt that this is the worst thing written about her on the internet.
On April 5, 2009 she was probably unpacking. The Obamas moved into the White House on Jan 20th, so she had been First Lady just over two months.
exactly- i do not believe i had any EXPECTATION, just a hope that she would get involved, which she did. she choose childhood nutrition as a platform.......so what is the bone you are trying to pick here?
I apologize for offending you, Susan.
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