Thursday, May 21, 2009


Mishca.  We have had her for several weeks now.  In that time she has displayed some aggression and I have not trusted her with the children.  She tries to dominate too often and will eat food right out of Zachary's hands (as he is trying to eat it, not feed it to her).  She has bitten Ozzy on the nose.  This morning she peed on my new carpet for the third time in a week (carpet is not even paid for, dang it).  That is not really grounds for getting rid of her- I was just going to make her sleep in the basement because she is doing it at night.  But this morning she kept getting under the table trying to take the kids' food.  I was trying to help Helen finish some homework and asked David if he would take her out.  He tried to get her from under the chair, she growled (not uncommon, which is why I have been afraid to correct any of her behaviors) and then BIT him.  On the hand.  She has nipped at everyone in the house so far, but this is the last straw- it was aggressive and something I cannot allow.  I have two little kids and I cannot have a dog I don't trust around them.  I would trust Ozzy with their very lives; Mischa I don't trust to not eat their faces off if she wanted their food.

I am saddened by this.  I feel that there are no bad dogs, just bad owners.  We have no idea where she came from and this is a risk one takes when rescuing an animal.  Maybe in a home without kids or another dog she'd do better.  She is just not a good match with my family.  I hope she has another chance at a home.....

Funny thing is we were walking her a few days  after we got her and ran into this really weird guy.  He was petting Ozzy and saying what a good dog he was, etc.  Then he commented about Mishca- he said "you haven't had her long".  Then he went on to say not to trust her, she has troubles.  She could turn on a dime and she would try to be the house alpha, etc.  It was really weird, but oh so true........

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