Friday, May 22, 2009

Just an Observation

Back when I went to college, I majored in education.  We were required to write lesson after lesson, incorporating many materials and resources.  Accommodations were to be made for varying ability (ie- we were always required to provide enrichment and remediation) for every lesson we wrote.  Multiple assessments were expected, not just "test" or "worksheet".  Did I go to an excellent institution?  Of course I did.  We were taught to teach using the text book as a resource, not the only tool for learning.  We learned that children learn in a variety of ways and you had to teach to all those modalities- visual, tactile and audio.

Fast forward to 2009, eighteen years after I received my degree.  I have attended many workshops over the years which indicate that children learn best by being involved in the process.  I whole heartedly believe that children learn through experiences, an documented research backs this up.  With this knowledge, can someone please, please tell me why, in our society where children are falling behind at every turn, are we teaching one way and one way only.  We set the bar lower and lower, but by not teaching in ways that are meaningful to children and by not challenging them, they are still not reaching the goal set for them.  Why?  I am finding it more and more true that teachers are teaching a test and a text book.  Schools buy a "program" and rather than using the "program" as a tool or a resource, teachers are checking their brains at the door and sticking to that teacher's guide like glue.  

Because of no child left behind, when one falls behind, everyone stops til that child catches up.  The only way your child receives individualized instruction is when the have an IEP (and that is assuming the teacher has taken that information to heart and truly understands how to teach a child with special needs).  And ALL children have some special need or another at some point.  Aren't they all deserving of a teacher that knows them and tries to teach the individual?  

I am really beginning to lean toward home schooling these days.  I doubt that I will do it, but boy, is it tempting.

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