Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jon & Kate

Dear Kate,

What happened to you? Last year you were normal. You complained and yelled at your husband, who took it in stride because you seemed like you needed him. You made individual cakes for your babies on their birthdays because you thought they deserved that. You renewed your vows with you children present.
The show was about you trying to save money at the supermarket, trying to be organic, trying to be with your kids and maybe have a minute to yourself. Somewhere in all that you have moved into a huge house, gone blonder and skinnier, manicured and spa-ed. I cannot imagine you now the way you were then- normal. Even the trip to the store to buy party supplies was about you, the "p-people" and your skinny jeans/ high heels combo. I miss you, Kate, and I bet Jon and your kids do too. Take some time to reflect without a camera in your face; think about the Kate who celebrated "Love Day", made play dough, sat in the drive way on a hot summer day and blew bubbles. That was the mom we loved (and defended when you got too bitchy). You don't laugh any more, you don't play- there is nothing to balance the demanding Kate. I am starting to feel sorry for your family....
A [former] Fan

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All I have to say is AMEN! I think the same thing. My 'favorite' moments were when she complained he was away when she always seems to be away promoting one thing or another; when she said his attitude changed towards the taping (HELLO he mentioned that several times last season that he wanted to be done); and when she says she does this all for her kids. I believe she believes that but for being someone who was anti-nanny (except to be mother's helper) to someone who has a full-time nanny she is definitely out for Kate.