Thursday, November 25, 2010

thankful thursday thirteen

13 things for which I am thankful

1. Helen- my first born who challenges me and teaches me something every day.
2. Zachary- my baby, who loves me more than anyone else.
3. My dogs- because they are always glad to see me, and they are cute and furry.
4. My job- glad to have one, and with such great people, too!
5. David- the one I come home to, who puts up with me and tries to keep me sane.
6. Renewed friendships- some people mean more than I ever realized.
7. Good friends- I am so blessed to have a few very wonderful friends that will do anything for me, and I will do the same for them.
8. A home- when so many have none.
9. My sister- who I miss every day.
10. My education- I was fortunate enough to get a good one.
11. My health- although it isn't perfect, I can walk on my own two feet, use all my senses and think for myself.
12. My faith- God is good and He makes sure I have what I need, and that I am where I belong.
13. Vices- I have some and do not plan to give them up (didn't think I'd be completely serious, did you?)

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