I think I am finished shopping. I say "think" because there is always something else. I did stockings tonight. I still want to get Ozzy a new collar and tag, but that can be an outing after Christmas if I don't get to it. Helen loves PetSmart. And now I need to finish the teacher gifts and the kids' Christmas cards. That shouldn't be too tough- but I just cannot ever seem to get anything done!
Any way, I am feeling very sorry for myself tonight and I wish I felt a little more appreciated. A hug and a "thanks" would go far right now.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Holiday fun

We just put up the tree. I still have 4 totes of stuff to deal with, but hey- it will get done, grasshopper. My fear now is that the dog is going to eat/knock over/demolish the tree. The cat has already decided that BEHIND the tree is a nifty place to hide. Too bad the dog KNOWS where he is. We were going to buy a real tree this year. Then we found out that a prelit, metal and plastic tree that folds up like an umbrella costs 1/3 the price of a real tree of the same size. Who knew? Way to go, 8 year old Asians- you make a great tree. So, Walmart won. But I didn't actually go to the store and buy it, I would have prefered another store, but that is just me.
On the shopping front....

What the hell?! Yep, now your 6 year old can sport a tat. What's next Lee Press On Piercings? I think I'll get a fake belly ring for my kid for Christmas. To go with her tongue piercing and thong underwear. Who comes up with this junk and better still, who the hell buys this CRAP for a CHILD? I am not prude, in fact I have a soft spot for long haired tattoed men, but that is another life....... My CHILD doesn not need this. What ever happened to riding your bike and playing with Hot Wheels? When I was young Barbie was NOT a prostitute....have you SEEN BLING BLING BARBIE? Well, here she is....

Damn people- have you lost your minds? Parents- you have the right not say NO to the junky toys and clothes in the store. Complain, say I am not buying that. One day, your kids will thank you. I promise.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
This is my dog

Ozzy is a 3 year old Siberian Husky. He was rescued by us in August of 2005. He was very under nourished and had separation issues and was afraid of loud noises. He still doesn't like a lot of noise, so we allow him to retreat to outside when the kids overwhelm him. He is such a good boy. He loves kids, chew toys that squeak (although they only last about 5 minutes), peanut butter and chicken livers. He hates cantaloupe, raw carrot and bananas. He also likes to run beside David's bike and pull people on the scooter. He chases balls but doesn't bring them back.
Merry Christmas
This is Helen's Christmas card. She used a varity of media- cut paper, rubber stamp and ink, glitter pen, and marker. As you can see she is in the spirit! We are also making small matchbook style cards which hold packets of Reindeer Food. I am not sure about teacher gifts yet, but I think we will make a few glass bead ornaments and some homemade goodies.
I am pretty much done with Santa shopping. They are not getting a lot, but they are getting what they have asked forHelen is getting Kit from American Girl, along with some clothes and an easel. Zachary is getting the Shake N Go Racetrack and the Off Road set.

I'm also done with my nieces, nephew and their mom, my mom and my sister. Everyone else is hubster's problem! Why am I still stressed? I think it is because we don't have a tree yet.

This is Helen's Christmas card. She used a varity of media- cut paper, rubber stamp and ink, glitter pen, and marker. As you can see she is in the spirit! We are also making small matchbook style cards which hold packets of Reindeer Food. I am not sure about teacher gifts yet, but I think we will make a few glass bead ornaments and some homemade goodies.
I am pretty much done with Santa shopping. They are not getting a lot, but they are getting what they have asked forHelen is getting Kit from American Girl, along with some clothes and an easel. Zachary is getting the Shake N Go Racetrack and the Off Road set.

I'm also done with my nieces, nephew and their mom, my mom and my sister. Everyone else is hubster's problem! Why am I still stressed? I think it is because we don't have a tree yet.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Ain't no other man
I am in love. I've always thought it cliche, but I am head over heels in love with a much younger man. The way he looks at me and thinks I am beautiful and talented and perfect. His biggest disappointments in life are when he makes me sad. I have shown him a whole new world and taught him almost everything he knows. So what if I am old enough to be his mother. Oh, yeah, whoops, I AM his mother! And one day he will no longer love me the way he does now and it will break my heart. One day there will be smelly socks and Playboys under his bed and a girl named Amber calling him after school, but for now I am thankfully the love of his life. I really think the mother/son thing has a lot to do with the fact that no other man has ever or ever will love me this much; no other woman will ever love him this much. It is that simple. And watch out, Amber, you'll have to try awfully hard to make me think you're good enough for him!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Ten years
I've been married ten years, as of the 16th of November. The in laws were sick, so we took our 2 kids to dinner with us. Actually, they were very well behaved. Not exactly a romantic evening, mind you, but still very pleasant. We still went out alone this weekend- I got 2 nights out!
We went to Fells Point and had Indian food (a great compromise for the vegetarian/omnivore couple). I had Aloo Gobhi (curried cauliflower and potato) and some awesome samosas. He had some poor mammal. We followed that up with a couple of beers at Bertha's (Eat Bertha's Mussels), where we met a guy in town from Atlanta for the Falcons game (they did lose, by the way).
So, that was my anniversary weekend- not too exciting, but then again being married that long has its pros and cons and "predictable" falls into both categories. I have been WITH someone since I was 18 (not the same someone, but still). I met my husband the day after my divorce was final. Funny, on the day I divorced my first husband, I picked him up and we drove to court. Then we ate a late breakfast at Shoney's and went to Best Buy to get a new VCR for me (he did take everything with a plug on it). That night we made a stir fry, ran into someone he met in the Navy and watched a movie on my new VCR. The next day I met my now husband. I never said my life was normal. Thankfully he was a patient man who tolerated it, but didn't understand WHY I continued to go hiking with my ex. He trusted me and let me have a friendship with someone who was important to me. My first husband and I were better friends than spouses. Once he couldn't tell me what to do we got along great. I think it was a relief for both of us.
My husband is currently downstairs playing a softball video game with both kids on our ancient PlayStation (I think we might be the only people in Maryland with the original PlayStation). I am sure he has a cat sitting on him and a dog on his feet. This is one reason I love this man.
We went to Fells Point and had Indian food (a great compromise for the vegetarian/omnivore couple). I had Aloo Gobhi (curried cauliflower and potato) and some awesome samosas. He had some poor mammal. We followed that up with a couple of beers at Bertha's (Eat Bertha's Mussels), where we met a guy in town from Atlanta for the Falcons game (they did lose, by the way).
So, that was my anniversary weekend- not too exciting, but then again being married that long has its pros and cons and "predictable" falls into both categories. I have been WITH someone since I was 18 (not the same someone, but still). I met my husband the day after my divorce was final. Funny, on the day I divorced my first husband, I picked him up and we drove to court. Then we ate a late breakfast at Shoney's and went to Best Buy to get a new VCR for me (he did take everything with a plug on it). That night we made a stir fry, ran into someone he met in the Navy and watched a movie on my new VCR. The next day I met my now husband. I never said my life was normal. Thankfully he was a patient man who tolerated it, but didn't understand WHY I continued to go hiking with my ex. He trusted me and let me have a friendship with someone who was important to me. My first husband and I were better friends than spouses. Once he couldn't tell me what to do we got along great. I think it was a relief for both of us.
My husband is currently downstairs playing a softball video game with both kids on our ancient PlayStation (I think we might be the only people in Maryland with the original PlayStation). I am sure he has a cat sitting on him and a dog on his feet. This is one reason I love this man.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Another day, another sinus infection, a dying cat
Yes, I am working on what is most likely my 5th infection of the year. I am so tired of sinus pain. I think this is the mold allergy. After the leaves fall, it rains. About 17 minutes later, my nose starts to drip. At least it is not 80 degrees out today, too.
My wonderful cat, Luci, is dying. She has a hyperactive thyroid and given that she is almost 17, there is little the vet can do for her. She is beginning to shut down, forgetting the litter box, sleeping in strange places. I wanted a cat very much when I got her. I was living in Summerville, SC at the time. I went to the pet store to get rabbit food and fell in love with this kitten. Ended up getting her free with a bag of cat food. I named her Luci because my then husband thought Luci was an awful name for a child (it is actually quite popular NOW, not in 1990 when Brittany was all the rage). Luci was quite the cat. She loved to sleep in the laundry basket and on my pillow. She chased wads of paper and would even bring them back. She also loved ribbon. The mailbox key was on a silky red ribbon and she really liked to hide the key. Also the box springs to our bed had a tiny hole in it and Luci would get inside and thump around (very freaky when one is sleeping). She was a fun kitten. Then my sailor man shipped out for the Persian Gulf and war. I was in a bind and had to move back to Georgia to finish my last class for my degree (see previous post regarding worst birthday- nothing sucks more than being alone, with your honey off in a war zone, and finding out you really didn't graduate from college AFTER being fired from a video store and failing the eye exam for the now expired driver's license... did I mention the very bad haircut?) SO, my father, who hated cats, said no way to the cat. My sister agreed to take her in. In transit to Georgia, a can of paint fell on the pet taxi and Luci was now a lovely shade of Vanilla Creme. She ran away from my sister's house, turning up under the porch after a few days. I took her back to Charleston with me after I finished school. A few years later, she ran away from home and came back missing her Genuine Faux Diamond collar and a chunk of her tail. She never told me what happened, but she has never set foot outside (except to move to GA, and then MD) again. She never liked kids, so once she realized the that THING we brought home in a basket was in fact ALIVE, she started living under the bed. She recently came out and started to socialize, let the kids pet her and torment the dog. And we have noticed that she is getting feeble and very skinny (although she has always maintained her girlish figure). We
know the end is coming, but we don't be the ones to end it for her. I am waiting for the right time to say goodbye. It will be hard, not to just say goodbye to a companion I have known my entire adult life, but to see the last remaining bit of my former life, my former self, disappear.
My wonderful cat, Luci, is dying. She has a hyperactive thyroid and given that she is almost 17, there is little the vet can do for her. She is beginning to shut down, forgetting the litter box, sleeping in strange places. I wanted a cat very much when I got her. I was living in Summerville, SC at the time. I went to the pet store to get rabbit food and fell in love with this kitten. Ended up getting her free with a bag of cat food. I named her Luci because my then husband thought Luci was an awful name for a child (it is actually quite popular NOW, not in 1990 when Brittany was all the rage). Luci was quite the cat. She loved to sleep in the laundry basket and on my pillow. She chased wads of paper and would even bring them back. She also loved ribbon. The mailbox key was on a silky red ribbon and she really liked to hide the key. Also the box springs to our bed had a tiny hole in it and Luci would get inside and thump around (very freaky when one is sleeping). She was a fun kitten. Then my sailor man shipped out for the Persian Gulf and war. I was in a bind and had to move back to Georgia to finish my last class for my degree (see previous post regarding worst birthday- nothing sucks more than being alone, with your honey off in a war zone, and finding out you really didn't graduate from college AFTER being fired from a video store and failing the eye exam for the now expired driver's license... did I mention the very bad haircut?) SO, my father, who hated cats, said no way to the cat. My sister agreed to take her in. In transit to Georgia, a can of paint fell on the pet taxi and Luci was now a lovely shade of Vanilla Creme. She ran away from my sister's house, turning up under the porch after a few days. I took her back to Charleston with me after I finished school. A few years later, she ran away from home and came back missing her Genuine Faux Diamond collar and a chunk of her tail. She never told me what happened, but she has never set foot outside (except to move to GA, and then MD) again. She never liked kids, so once she realized the that THING we brought home in a basket was in fact ALIVE, she started living under the bed. She recently came out and started to socialize, let the kids pet her and torment the dog. And we have noticed that she is getting feeble and very skinny (although she has always maintained her girlish figure). We

Friday, November 03, 2006
No, not the movie, but in general. Hubby just accepted a new job. This means a much bigger paycheck, but a loss of the company car. Which means I am back to driving the old wagon. I hate that car. With every fiber of my being. And it occurred to me that I have never, in the 24 years that I have been driving had no say in what I drive. None, zip, zilch. I am 39 years old and have never one time picked out my own car, even though I have picked up the tab. So far in my life I have driven:
1984-1985- Red Chevy Chevette (1984 model)- totaled in accident
1985-1986- punished for accident
1986-1988- ugly blue Cutlass (1982) previously owned by my dad's "friend"- sold when I got married
1988-1990- Ford Escort (1988)- long story
1990-1991- Toyota HiLux pickup (1974)- this was a gem- paid $500 cash for it- it was held together by tape and had a washcloth for a gas cap; sold it shortly after the single worst birthday EVER
1991-1993- Red Honda Prelude (1984)- didn't pick it out, but I LOVED this car, sold in another long story
1993-1994- Colt Vista station wagon (unsure of year); Yes, I traded my Honda for this (?)
1994-1996- Ford Probe (1991), bought at an incredibly high interest rate after the Vista pretty much died; I got to keep the payments after my divorce (lucky me) BUT it was totaled after a head on collision (second wreck) , after I remarried and bought....
THE 1979 MG Midget- this was a cool car. BUT you would think something called a Midget would accommodate a short (5 foot nothing) driver. Uh, no. I had to pull myself forward with the steering wheel to push the clutch in and couldn't see over the dash. This was bought with money received to repair the Probe after its first wreck.
1996- 2002- Volvo sedan- this was a good car; paid cash for it and drove it til it fell apart, but I had never laid eyes on it until hubby picked me up at the airport in it.
2002-2003- Ford Escort wagon (1989, I think) this was a free car- family friend sold it, the buyer abandoned it and we got it from impound for $100.
2003-2006- Ford Taurus wagon (1991)- folks I have almost divorced a second time over this lovely vehicle. I am about to have the privilege of driving it again as my new Buick will become hubby's work car until we get around to buying another car. Which could be never, knowing my husband's propensity for not fixing what is not broken. He has a real Band aid approach to life and doesn't seem to understand the stress sitting on the side of a road with 2 kids in a broken down car can produce.
OK, I am done venting. For now, any way. Wait until he buys another Taurus....... I may be in court yet. It's OK, he can have the kids, just give me the dog.
1984-1985- Red Chevy Chevette (1984 model)- totaled in accident
1985-1986- punished for accident
1986-1988- ugly blue Cutlass (1982) previously owned by my dad's "friend"- sold when I got married
1988-1990- Ford Escort (1988)- long story
1990-1991- Toyota HiLux pickup (1974)- this was a gem- paid $500 cash for it- it was held together by tape and had a washcloth for a gas cap; sold it shortly after the single worst birthday EVER
1991-1993- Red Honda Prelude (1984)- didn't pick it out, but I LOVED this car, sold in another long story
1993-1994- Colt Vista station wagon (unsure of year); Yes, I traded my Honda for this (?)
1994-1996- Ford Probe (1991), bought at an incredibly high interest rate after the Vista pretty much died; I got to keep the payments after my divorce (lucky me) BUT it was totaled after a head on collision (second wreck) , after I remarried and bought....
THE 1979 MG Midget- this was a cool car. BUT you would think something called a Midget would accommodate a short (5 foot nothing) driver. Uh, no. I had to pull myself forward with the steering wheel to push the clutch in and couldn't see over the dash. This was bought with money received to repair the Probe after its first wreck.
1996- 2002- Volvo sedan- this was a good car; paid cash for it and drove it til it fell apart, but I had never laid eyes on it until hubby picked me up at the airport in it.
2002-2003- Ford Escort wagon (1989, I think) this was a free car- family friend sold it, the buyer abandoned it and we got it from impound for $100.
2003-2006- Ford Taurus wagon (1991)- folks I have almost divorced a second time over this lovely vehicle. I am about to have the privilege of driving it again as my new Buick will become hubby's work car until we get around to buying another car. Which could be never, knowing my husband's propensity for not fixing what is not broken. He has a real Band aid approach to life and doesn't seem to understand the stress sitting on the side of a road with 2 kids in a broken down car can produce.
OK, I am done venting. For now, any way. Wait until he buys another Taurus....... I may be in court yet. It's OK, he can have the kids, just give me the dog.
Monday, October 30, 2006
More Recipes
OK, so Big Yellow Box didn't go so great, but the food was good. The Spinach dip was great.
1 lb package of silken firm tofu, drained and blotted
1 pkg frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed
1/4 Nayonaise
3 cloves garlic, crushed
Crazy Mixed up salt, to taste
Crumble tofu in food processor and puree til very smooth. Add remaining ingredients, making sure to not mush up the spinach too much. Season to taste. Serve with veggies, chips or crackers.
And, am I the only Republican vegetarian? Surely this cannot be true.
1 lb package of silken firm tofu, drained and blotted
1 pkg frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed
1/4 Nayonaise
3 cloves garlic, crushed
Crazy Mixed up salt, to taste
Crumble tofu in food processor and puree til very smooth. Add remaining ingredients, making sure to not mush up the spinach too much. Season to taste. Serve with veggies, chips or crackers.
And, am I the only Republican vegetarian? Surely this cannot be true.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Big Yellow Box and Vegan snacks
OK, so now my goal in life is to become the vegetarian Paula Deen. And I am hosting a Big Yellow Box party tomorrow. That said, check out the menu:
Chocolate truffles (my answer to Helen's "I miss fudge")
Mushroom canapes
Apple bundles
Crudites with creamy spinach dip
Sparking water
I am also filling our scary monster head candy dish with Dots, Smartees and Sour Patch kids. All vegan. Here is the truffle recipe.
AllerFriendly AND Vegan Chocolate Truffles
2/3 cup dark raisins
2/3 cup semi-sweet chocolate (Sunspire is good, but Giant store brand is also vegan, and cheaper)
2/3 cup nut butter (I use IM Healthy Soy nut butter or Cashew butter, depending)
Mix it all up in the food processor. Transfer to a bowl and chill at least an hour. Roll 1 inch balls and, if desired, roll the balls in jimmies or cocoa (I use jimmies to be FESTIVE). Store in an airtight container in the fridge. Makes roughly 2 dozen.
Chocolate truffles (my answer to Helen's "I miss fudge")
Mushroom canapes
Apple bundles
Crudites with creamy spinach dip
Sparking water
I am also filling our scary monster head candy dish with Dots, Smartees and Sour Patch kids. All vegan. Here is the truffle recipe.
AllerFriendly AND Vegan Chocolate Truffles
2/3 cup dark raisins
2/3 cup semi-sweet chocolate (Sunspire is good, but Giant store brand is also vegan, and cheaper)
2/3 cup nut butter (I use IM Healthy Soy nut butter or Cashew butter, depending)
Mix it all up in the food processor. Transfer to a bowl and chill at least an hour. Roll 1 inch balls and, if desired, roll the balls in jimmies or cocoa (I use jimmies to be FESTIVE). Store in an airtight container in the fridge. Makes roughly 2 dozen.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I feel Stupid
I got an email from ex hubby the other day. He has gone on to finish his degree in geology (with honors). He is currently on a research trip in Antartica and working on his masters. http://antarctic-osu.blogspot.com/
As you can see, this makes me feel very dumb spending my day folding laundry and driving kids around in my old car.
As you can see, this makes me feel very dumb spending my day folding laundry and driving kids around in my old car.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Number of months veg- 5
Number of time I have wanted meat- 1
Number of times giving in- 0
I miss cheese, had some tonight, feel sick
Am drunk, number of rum beverages- lots
Watched- Wedding Crashers, again. Too funny, Vince Vaughn too cute, Fuck Brad, gimme Vince.
Have decided that Relational Agression is root of all disfunction in my life and I need sex. Going to bed now.
Hakuna Matata, beetches.
Number of time I have wanted meat- 1
Number of times giving in- 0
I miss cheese, had some tonight, feel sick
Am drunk, number of rum beverages- lots
Watched- Wedding Crashers, again. Too funny, Vince Vaughn too cute, Fuck Brad, gimme Vince.
Have decided that Relational Agression is root of all disfunction in my life and I need sex. Going to bed now.
Hakuna Matata, beetches.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Allergies- phooey!
Well, we're back. 3 1/2 hours and about 25 sticks, 4 blasts of Albuterol (still trying to get her off THAT high) and I don't know any more than I did going in. In fact, I am more confused. As it stands- no dairy, tomatoes, sesame seeds or peanuts. Egg white may also be concern- we need a blood test first. So- now it is 6:30, there is no dinner plan to speak of, I am feeling like I have a sinus infection and I just want to go to bed. The kids are outside with dad eating popsicles for dinner and I am sitting inside feeling lousy and sorry for myself for pretty much no reason.
That said, the no dairy cupcakes are actually pretty tastey! I froze a bunch for the bean to take to school on those "birthday" occasions. I need one of those cupcake takers http://www.cupacake.com/shop.asp for her to use in her lunch box. I found the recipe on the Crisco website (yeah I know, hydrogensassafrassemboogin oil), but I found a better one on this site http://shmooedfood.blogspot.com/2006/01/fluffy-white-cupcakes.html. I will try it next time I need a cupcakes! This is the coolest lady- if you go there, make sure you check out her other site- The Vegan Lunchbox- awesome. I am obsessed with this kid's lunch! I wish I could be that committed to health. I like ease too much! And people look at you weird when you say "we don't eat that". And I have a very low tolerance to whining ,which my kids are very aware of and use to their advantage! Let us just say that the tomato allergy is a non issue as my child would rather eat glass than a tomato.
Guess I outta go see what everyone is getting into.
That said, the no dairy cupcakes are actually pretty tastey! I froze a bunch for the bean to take to school on those "birthday" occasions. I need one of those cupcake takers http://www.cupacake.com/shop.asp for her to use in her lunch box. I found the recipe on the Crisco website (yeah I know, hydrogensassafrassemboogin oil), but I found a better one on this site http://shmooedfood.blogspot.com/2006/01/fluffy-white-cupcakes.html. I will try it next time I need a cupcakes! This is the coolest lady- if you go there, make sure you check out her other site- The Vegan Lunchbox- awesome. I am obsessed with this kid's lunch! I wish I could be that committed to health. I like ease too much! And people look at you weird when you say "we don't eat that". And I have a very low tolerance to whining ,which my kids are very aware of and use to their advantage! Let us just say that the tomato allergy is a non issue as my child would rather eat glass than a tomato.
Guess I outta go see what everyone is getting into.
My first attempt
I need a creative outlet so here I am. I have no clue what I am doing, so be gentle.
We go back to the allergist today to see what the heck is going on! We are already dealing with dairy, peanuts, tomatoes and sesame seeds. Not to mention the seasonal junk! Yikes. I really wish I had known about all this 4 years ago. It would be easier to have never eaten cheese, milk chocolate, ice cream, peanut butter...... But most 6 year olds have sampled the yummy things in life, and she's no different.
Gotta go get Skippy ready for Grandma. Then I have to go to the bank to get tuition money, pick up testing records at the old allergist's office, pick Jelly Bean up from school...... No fun. 3 1/2 hours of allergy tests/ God help me.
We go back to the allergist today to see what the heck is going on! We are already dealing with dairy, peanuts, tomatoes and sesame seeds. Not to mention the seasonal junk! Yikes. I really wish I had known about all this 4 years ago. It would be easier to have never eaten cheese, milk chocolate, ice cream, peanut butter...... But most 6 year olds have sampled the yummy things in life, and she's no different.
Gotta go get Skippy ready for Grandma. Then I have to go to the bank to get tuition money, pick up testing records at the old allergist's office, pick Jelly Bean up from school...... No fun. 3 1/2 hours of allergy tests/ God help me.
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