I heard about this on the radio this morning and then read this. I am in shock. I've been having a hard enough time with my daughter's questions lately, and then to think this was still a problem. I can see how it was an issue back in Covington, GA circa 1985. There was no AIDS, nothing better to do than either fool around with boys or get drunk down at the train trustle (or both), but in 2008? My 8 year old asked me the other day if you could have baby before you get married. Well, since the neighbor never married her baby daddy (who is currently in jail for the 3rd time in 6 years) and is now shacking up with her newest fella, I had to say, "you can, but it isn't the way you're supposed to do it." I told her how you're supposed to fall in love, then get married and have family together and asked "don't you like having a Daddy?". Then she told me that other little girls in the 'hood said they were going to have babies before they get married. What a goal. I understand if you're 25 and shit happens. I don't get PLANNING your life that way when you're 8 YEARS OLD. Do their parents know? Do they care? Both families I am talking about were the result of unplanned teen pregnancies, one got married the other did not. Maybe I need to get some new playmates for my kid. Or move. On the boy end of things I have gotten criticism from another mother that my son is not circumcised. She preaches that circumcision helps prevent STD's and AIDS. I told her that I plan to teach him to be careful where he puts it instead of whacking off his foreskin. What is wrong with teaching morality and being choosy? I am not even talking abstinence for God, I am talking about waiting until you are ready and love some one enough to share yourself. Sex is a gift, not a joke.
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