Monday, February 16, 2009

A Day Off

Today is President's Day, so there is no school.  Our new heat pump is in and it is (gasp) 73 degrees in here- it is never that warm.  I haven't even been downstairs to look at the new equipment.  I have played on facebook, played checkers with Zachary, made brownies and went to the grocery store.  And talked to my mother.  Which is, as always, the same conversation each time.  I should be used to it by now, but I am always annoyed any way.  Don't get me wrong- if it was something she couldn't help, like Alzheimer's, I'd be more patient.  She just doesn't listen and doesn't remember because we lesser people (translation- anyone other than her) aren't worth remembering or listening to.  So you can say the same thing and it doesn't matter because she isn't listening any way.

I think I am going to take a nap before karate.

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