Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Today was Professional Day....

We went to a monastery today for a retreat.  It was nice.  The theme was how to build a community.  The first scripture pertained to Jesus sending the disciples out in pairs.  They were to take nothing but a walking stick and sandals.  No clothes, no money, no food.  It made me think of the baggage we carry, both physical and emotional.  The burden weighs us down and we cannot do our job.  But the thing that really got me was the realization that fear of having nothing paralyzes us.  Would go on vacation with nothing but a stick and some shoes?  We need things too much to trust God.  Fear of leaving my baggage behind has stopped me from doing many things.  Granted, my baggage now is children, but before I had boyfriends, a husband, a pet, commitments, you name it holding me back.  Wow- talk about an ah ha moment..........

I wonder how different my life would be if I was not so attached to my baggage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me buy a book on survival first, then you and I will take a trip with nothing! I think parts of that would be wonderful! Yes, we have too much baggage!