The count down has begun. Less than one week to go. Time to start making lists and packing for our trip. We will leave on Thursday, July 15th.
I usually take I-95 to I-20, stopping in Lumberton, NC for the night. We will eat dinner here. After dinner, we will swim in the hotel pool before going to bed. Our usual bedtime routine: watch tv until they are ready to fall asleep, turn off tv and lights. I will start out in bed with Helen because she will insist. Once they are asleep, I can turn the tv back on. Typically I will end up in bed with Zachary because Helen is on top of the covers and/ or kicking me in the spleen.
Morning brings showers, car loading (I always pack one small overnight bag for these trips, but all three of us have pillow issues- we can't sleep on someone else's) and waffles in the hotel (the kids can make their own- really cool for them). We will stop here along the way, stocking up on this for David.
I am praying for good weather, light traffic and few potty stops along the way. And, if you are in GA, I hope to see you!
Hope you guys have a blast. I think we are going to go on strike and not visit GA for a while. It's time people came to visit us for a change!
Have a fun time Sus. I miss GA a lot these days. I am curious how much Covington has changed since back then...
terri- if i left it up to GA to come here, i'd never seen anyone.
k- covington has changed a lot in some ways, not at all in others. the houses near the square are still beautiful, the square itself has different stores, but looks like "old town" still. the "boonies" are more populated, now, though.
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