Thursday, September 30, 2010


1. I thought I was impervious to noise..... I was wrong!
2. Did you know that it is nearly impossible to narrow down where humming is coming from in a room with 20 four year olds?
3. I wish someone would pack MY lunch for a change.
4. I bought myself Keurig for my birthday.
5. SO I guess now David won't have to get me a present, lol.
6. Our 14th wedding anniversary is in about 6 weeks...
7. I'd love a trip....
8. perhaps here....
9. or here........
10. it would probably be more like here!
11. Oh, well.
12. And I bet I have to make my own birthday cake.
13. Again.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

hey you

yeah, you. Just so you know....

1. not everything is about you, or the democrats for that matter.
2. your tedious pursuits are making me tired.
3. I have SO many other things going on in my life right now that I do not have the energy to respond to your messages. You said you were going to leave me alone, now DO THAT!

That's all. If you read this I am sure you will turn it into something it is not. Sometimes it really IS just a cigar, pal.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Rainy days and Mondays......

What happens when it is both? Yuck, that's what! So rain on a school day means indoor recess. Indoor recess with 40 kids in a shared space means I'd better bring the Tylenol.........

Thursday, September 23, 2010


(russian 13)

1. I want a lobster roll.
2. Too bad I'd need to go to Maine to get one.
3. Speaking of Maine, my son needs a new coat (get it, cold?).
4. I hate coat shopping.
5. I also need a new hamster cage.
6. Helen's hamster in an escape artist and her cage is currently wrapped in painter's tape.
7. I broke another underwire today.
8. Always a pleasure to be pierced in the boob.
9. That was sarcasm- something SOOO many seem to not understand these days.
10. Am growing ever more exhausted by uber-intellectual types that think they are always right, or that I am less for not agreeing.
11. I have no need for more degrees, to make obscure references or to use archaic vocabulary that serve only to alienate.....
12. Never thought a simple life would suit me so well.
13. Or that I would take pride in just being "that lady who taught me how to hold scissors".

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

People who Rub me the WRONG way.....

This is in no way a complete listing...... and some are fictitious characters

1. Angelina Jolie- arrogant and smug
2. Rush Limbaugh- annoying voice and pomposity
3. Karen Allen- i just really find her grating and i don't like her chin
4. Cindy Brady- tattler
5. Ted Danson- creepy
6. Eddie Vetter- sissy whiny man
7. Kanye West- rude and ignorant
8. Spencer Pratt- douche bag
9. John Mayer- see eddie vetter and kanye west
10. Justin Bieber- sounds like a 7 year old girl and is quite full of himself
11. Al Gore- scary and hypocritical
12. Nellie Olson- mean girl

AND people who rub me the right way (Or I'd like to have rub me)
1. Taylor Lautner- hot
2. Holden Caulfield- angst ridden
3. Atticus Finch- the best dad EVER!
4. Justin Timberlake- talented and hot
5. Gwen Stefani- hot and a great mom
6. Gordon Ramsey- passionate and just generally a cool guy
7. Alton Brown- funny and smart and nerdy
8. Adam Savage- see Alton Brown
9. Taylor Swift- would love to adopt her!
10. P!nk- just plain interesting

*disclaimer- It is in no way my intent to alienate, disrespect, irritate, or degrade any one on either list. If you, dear reader, you are on my my lists and take offense to my post, feel free to contact me directly at which time I will make amends. To anyone else, this is just a blog of 42 year old white woman with nothing better to do with her time than to make lists- so get over it. If you are not rubbed the wrong way by the same people as I, then relish the fact that different strokes is NOT just a 70's sitcom. If you are annoyed by those I'd like to rub, then sorry for you. Deal with that, too.

Allergens in school

Since I was asked about the peanut policy at my children's school, I will share my stand......

As the parent of a child with allergies (yes, my daughter was allergic to peanuts, dairy, tomatoes, sesame seeds in addition to her horrendous seasonal allergies), I feel that "peanut free" zones give schools a false sense of security. What good does it do to have a policy unless you guarantee ALL parents will abide the rule. Additionally, peanuts are often hidden in ingredients, as are tree nuts. Unless you have a child with allergies, it doesn't sink in that the trail mix you packed has Reese's Pieces or almonds (or some other allergen) lurking within. How can a school say "no peanuts" then sell peanut butter crackers in the cafeteria line? Have they read their labels on all packages? How do they know the knife used to cut the ham sandwich in half wasn't contaminated in same way? Do I sound paranoid? Sorry, but if it was your kid and the chance of needing that Epi-pen (which is locked in a cabinet in the nurse's office in another part of the building) was real, you'd feel differently.

Further more, peanuts are not the only allergy that can result in anaphylaxis. Please visit if you would like to learn more. So, please understand that I am not against the peanut free classroom or the no nut table. I just feel it gives a false sense of security, is not practical, does not remove parent responsibility and does not address the situation in a logical manner. I think children should be educated about their classmates' allergies, and so should their teachers. And it has nothing to do with liberals (please refer to comments here.)

Thursday, September 16, 2010


(Japanese 13)
1. Zachary is scheduled for surgery in the morning.
2. He is having a chalazion removed from his eyelid.
3. As I am typing this I realize that I forgot to tell my mom.
4. I feel guilty that I don't talk to her much during the school year, especially the first couple of weeks.
5. But when a short conversation is no less than 45 minutes, what can one do?
6. I think this school year is going to kick my butt- I am exhausted!
7. The first weeks are always the toughest......
8. I have hardly been home, between sports, meetings, etc., I have hardly been home.
9. And my house looks like it, too!!
10. Attempts to train the dogs to clean and fold the laundry have proven futile.
11. As have attempts to train the husband.
12. I am craving spinach dip. Must make some......
13. Have been looking for my car keys since last Friday........ found them at Target on Wednesday. (long story, but they were at customer service- do not assume that just because you made it home, you had your keys, lol)

Monday, September 13, 2010

My Daughter

Many times I have wondered "why me, Lord? why did you choose me to be her mother?" Not because I didn't love her, but because she can be so difficult, challenging, mysterious........

I think I may have finally figured it out. Not saying I am the best mom ever, but maybe I am who she needs. I knew that deep down, she was not the person she was acting like. She was meant to be more. Someone just needed to unlock it. Someone who knew and understood. Someone who would not give up until there were answers. Someone who could invest years of doctors, therapists, pharmaceuticals, counselors, fights, tears. Someone who would spend their last dollars on testing, sit through meetings and teachers saying "there is nothing wrong- she is just lazy".......

There is light at the end of the tunnel. I am beginning to enjoy my child again- just hanging out with her and laughing. To see her truly enjoy something. To dream and plan for a future. Maybe I really am who she needed. Maybe she is who I needed. Thank you, Lord, for giving us each other.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Although I do not have a snazzy new bento box like SOMEONE I know, I still try to pack my kids a health(ier) lunch that they will enjoy. This does take planning, though. I doubt I will get into taking pictures and posting them (but you never know)...... I do enjoy looking a other folks' lunch. And my newest "bad news"- no peanuts in Helen's class (which is a sore subject I'd rather not get into here).

For the upcoming week, this is what I have planned:

Snack- Baby Bell round, whole grain pretzels, fresh cherries
Lunch- grilled cheese sandwich, corn, cantaloupe and strawberry kebobs, Sun Chips

Snack- Apple slices, Baby Bell round
Lunch- Thermos with leftover ziti, carrot and apple "fries", oranges

Snack- Greek Yogurt
Lunch- Corn Dog muffins, pineapple chunks, carrot and cucumber sticks, Baby Bell round

Snack- Granola bar
Lunch- Helen is going to buy (Zachary will not go to school because of his surgery)

Snack- Fresh fruit*
Lunch- Grilled chicken chunks, crackers, cucumbers, fruit*
*- whatever is left or I go pick up because we will be out of fruit by then, lol

Friday, September 10, 2010

Interesting .......

I just read this article on Very, very interesting. Quite frankly, I am all for it. The problem is this: no one wants to go out to dinner/drinks/movie and listen to someone else's screaming kid. Am I talking about the cranky fussing of a hungry toddler who has decided his french fries were taking too long? No, I am thinking of the ones that are clearly tired, overstimulated and just plain need to be home. You know the ones....... or even better- the toddler who is allowed to hang over the back of the booth, throw food or just roam the joint while Mama and Daddy are either in oblivious denial, or watching as "oh so cute lil' Boo-Boo" takes over Ruby Tuesdays. These parents and their child ruin the evenings of many others on a regular basis. The only ones having fun? Lil' Boo Bo, of course.

And if it is a place of BUSINESS, which clearly a restaurant is, then the owner should be able to decide that babies and children do not belong in the bar, screamers are not welcome and roamers should stay home. Period. If you are getting your panties in a bunch about it, you may be one of the parents of a screamer.......

As a preschool teacher, I find most children fun. Most of the time. However, I don't want your kid staring at me, screaming nonstop, running amok and generally annoying me while I am trying to enjoy myself. Do what I did when my kids went bonkers- go home. Ask for some go boxes and pay the check! The world will thank you. And guess what else? Once your children learn they cannot behave like that in public, they will stop.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Is it really Thursday?

1. Someone just pointed out that today is indeed, Thursday.
2. This week has flown/dragged.....
3. I am getting very frustrated with "the system".
4. Education is more messed up than most people will ever realize.
5. Part of the frustration is that if my child was not extremely intelligent with a disability, they would have probably bent over backward to accommodate......
6. But her needs are simple, really.
7. That does not make them less important.
8. A solid background can make her the next Cesar Milan, instead of "just" a dog groomer.......
9. "The System" is forgetting that ALL children deserve to be given the tools to reach their potential....
10. I have also figured out why I don't have that many friends...
11. In school, my friends were boys.
12. When you are 42, trying to hang out with "the guys" just pisses off their wives!
13. And I am not looking for an ass- whoopin'.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Bento Boxes, laundry and gerbil cages

I am constantly struggling with how to make my life easier. Some things work, others, not so much. Setting the coffee pot every night is a wonderful thing. Knowing what is for lunch and dinner is another. But, I was wondering how to make lunches even easier. Currently we have this lunchbox. I love it because nothing gets smooshed or soggy. The down side is that it and all the inner containers need to be washed. I could do it by hand, but I am lazy, remember. So I run it through the dishwasher. Unfortunately, this prevents me from packing lunch the night before. Enter, the bento box. I ordered this one for the boy. Still looking for the girl and myself. This will free up valuable containers and give me precious minutes in the am.

So far so good with my sock theory. However, Helen doesn't seem to have 5 pairs of socks to her name, so I will need to make a Target run for some socks! A friend has a basket system for her children and I may adopt it for myself. Each child has a basket and her kids shoes, socks, backpacks, etc are in the baskets. Of course, I think I need a basket of my own, too!

I also worked out a laundry schedule today, along with a cleaning schedule. I don't want to spend all day Saturday cleaning and catching up. So I assigned certain chores to each day. I have done this before and it works well, if I follow it. Now I just need to type it up and post it on the fridge. Maybe now the gerbils will have a clean cage every week!!

Thursday, September 02, 2010


1. First week back at school....
2. It felt long and we didn't even have students.
3. Actually, that may be WHY it felt so long.
4. I think the day would go much faster with some four year olds running around!
5. Plus getting up and out the door is kicking my behookie this week.
6. But props to me- I have remembered to set the coffee pot and dishwasher every night.
7. Love waking up to hot coffee and clean dishes!
8. I think I may now officially be a cat hater.
9. In fact, I will be that goofy lady with the dog in her pocket book.
10. She will have a rhinestone necklace and a pink hair bow, maybe even a sweater or two.....
11.Don't ask me why about the cats.... I will just say it has been a long week!
12. As I get older I realize more about human behavior....... and the less I"get" about some folks.
13. And the more I know it is ok to not like everyone!