Tuesday, September 21, 2010

People who Rub me the WRONG way.....

This is in no way a complete listing...... and some are fictitious characters

1. Angelina Jolie- arrogant and smug
2. Rush Limbaugh- annoying voice and pomposity
3. Karen Allen- i just really find her grating and i don't like her chin
4. Cindy Brady- tattler
5. Ted Danson- creepy
6. Eddie Vetter- sissy whiny man
7. Kanye West- rude and ignorant
8. Spencer Pratt- douche bag
9. John Mayer- see eddie vetter and kanye west
10. Justin Bieber- sounds like a 7 year old girl and is quite full of himself
11. Al Gore- scary and hypocritical
12. Nellie Olson- mean girl

AND people who rub me the right way (Or I'd like to have rub me)
1. Taylor Lautner- hot
2. Holden Caulfield- angst ridden
3. Atticus Finch- the best dad EVER!
4. Justin Timberlake- talented and hot
5. Gwen Stefani- hot and a great mom
6. Gordon Ramsey- passionate and just generally a cool guy
7. Alton Brown- funny and smart and nerdy
8. Adam Savage- see Alton Brown
9. Taylor Swift- would love to adopt her!
10. P!nk- just plain interesting

*disclaimer- It is in no way my intent to alienate, disrespect, irritate, or degrade any one on either list. If you, dear reader, you are on my my lists and take offense to my post, feel free to contact me directly at which time I will make amends. To anyone else, this is just a blog of 42 year old white woman with nothing better to do with her time than to make lists- so get over it. If you are not rubbed the wrong way by the same people as I, then relish the fact that different strokes is NOT just a 70's sitcom. If you are annoyed by those I'd like to rub, then sorry for you. Deal with that, too.

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