Monday, September 13, 2010

My Daughter

Many times I have wondered "why me, Lord? why did you choose me to be her mother?" Not because I didn't love her, but because she can be so difficult, challenging, mysterious........

I think I may have finally figured it out. Not saying I am the best mom ever, but maybe I am who she needs. I knew that deep down, she was not the person she was acting like. She was meant to be more. Someone just needed to unlock it. Someone who knew and understood. Someone who would not give up until there were answers. Someone who could invest years of doctors, therapists, pharmaceuticals, counselors, fights, tears. Someone who would spend their last dollars on testing, sit through meetings and teachers saying "there is nothing wrong- she is just lazy".......

There is light at the end of the tunnel. I am beginning to enjoy my child again- just hanging out with her and laughing. To see her truly enjoy something. To dream and plan for a future. Maybe I really am who she needed. Maybe she is who I needed. Thank you, Lord, for giving us each other.

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