Thursday, September 23, 2010


(russian 13)

1. I want a lobster roll.
2. Too bad I'd need to go to Maine to get one.
3. Speaking of Maine, my son needs a new coat (get it, cold?).
4. I hate coat shopping.
5. I also need a new hamster cage.
6. Helen's hamster in an escape artist and her cage is currently wrapped in painter's tape.
7. I broke another underwire today.
8. Always a pleasure to be pierced in the boob.
9. That was sarcasm- something SOOO many seem to not understand these days.
10. Am growing ever more exhausted by uber-intellectual types that think they are always right, or that I am less for not agreeing.
11. I have no need for more degrees, to make obscure references or to use archaic vocabulary that serve only to alienate.....
12. Never thought a simple life would suit me so well.
13. Or that I would take pride in just being "that lady who taught me how to hold scissors".

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