I am constantly struggling with how to make my life easier. Some things work, others, not so much. Setting the coffee pot every night is a wonderful thing. Knowing what is for lunch and dinner is another. But, I was wondering how to make lunches even easier. Currently we have this lunchbox. I love it because nothing gets smooshed or soggy. The down side is that it and all the inner containers need to be washed. I could do it by hand, but I am lazy, remember. So I run it through the dishwasher. Unfortunately, this prevents me from packing lunch the night before. Enter, the bento box. I ordered this one for the boy. Still looking for the girl and myself. This will free up valuable containers and give me precious minutes in the am.
So far so good with my sock theory. However, Helen doesn't seem to have 5 pairs of socks to her name, so I will need to make a Target run for some socks! A friend has a basket system for her children and I may adopt it for myself. Each child has a basket and her kids shoes, socks, backpacks, etc are in the baskets. Of course, I think I need a basket of my own, too!
I also worked out a laundry schedule today, along with a cleaning schedule. I don't want to spend all day Saturday cleaning and catching up. So I assigned certain chores to each day. I have done this before and it works well, if I follow it. Now I just need to type it up and post it on the fridge. Maybe now the gerbils will have a clean cage every week!!
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