Thursday, September 16, 2010


(Japanese 13)
1. Zachary is scheduled for surgery in the morning.
2. He is having a chalazion removed from his eyelid.
3. As I am typing this I realize that I forgot to tell my mom.
4. I feel guilty that I don't talk to her much during the school year, especially the first couple of weeks.
5. But when a short conversation is no less than 45 minutes, what can one do?
6. I think this school year is going to kick my butt- I am exhausted!
7. The first weeks are always the toughest......
8. I have hardly been home, between sports, meetings, etc., I have hardly been home.
9. And my house looks like it, too!!
10. Attempts to train the dogs to clean and fold the laundry have proven futile.
11. As have attempts to train the husband.
12. I am craving spinach dip. Must make some......
13. Have been looking for my car keys since last Friday........ found them at Target on Wednesday. (long story, but they were at customer service- do not assume that just because you made it home, you had your keys, lol)

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