Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Advent Conspiracy

Watch this.  It will make you think.  Whether you are religious, or not, you can do more for the world than you realize.  

Which brings me to another thought.  Why is it that people think that liberal still equals "progressive" and "free"?  I am not extreme right wing, not even close, but I just wonder.  Why is it in a capitalist society, where "small business" used to be the back bone, we are forced to give our hard earned money to bail out failing BIG businesses, who quite obviously still don't know how to budget or manage money?  Why can;t failing companies just fail, like in the old days.  The market crashed in 1929.  It sucked, people were scared.  Our country suffered.  But we recovered and thrived.   Our government will have spent much money to save failing businesses, while the "little guys" continue to struggle.  

And, government cannot mandate morals, folks.  Do we all need laws to do the right thing?  Or do we need to just turn over everything to someone else, let them tell us what is right?  Even in the last 10 years, the changes in schools are scary.  Children are no longer individuals.  They are a "standard".  Being gifted is a bad thing.  Too busy trying to water down the curriculum so that no one gets left behind to challenge the smart ones.  Where is the balance?  We are trying to force little bodies to sit in desks and learn what the tests require, no matter what their learning style or abilities.  Too few children are appreciated for who they are.  Hell, too few of anyone is these days.  You must guard every word that is spoken or written because you might offend (censorship, or sensitivity, you tell me?).  Unless of course you are insulting Southerners, fat people or Christians, then they are fair game.  "Stupid fat redneck Biblethumper...."  see, that is OK.  

I am rambling and I need to get ready for work, but I had to rant a bit this morning.

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